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“May your children die, you dogs”: As Gaza burns, Israelis bay for blood in

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While Hamas is raining rockets at Israeli civilians Arab students gather and scream slogans in support of Hamas:

If something like this happened in Muslim country they all would be brutally lynched. But In Israel everything that happened that some people cursed them.

Conclusion - Israel society is evil :rolleyes:
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Tel Aviv police are searching for two suspects in connection with the bus bombing that has hospitalized more than 15 people.

With over 140 people killed and more than 1,000 injured in the conflict so far, nurses at the al-Shifa hospital in Gaza say that women and children make up the majority of casualties.

The IDF acknowledged the death of an Israeli soldier as a result of a rocket attack on Eshkol, an Israeli TV channel was quoted by Naharnet. The soldier was identified as 18-year old Yosef Fartuk. This brings the Israeli death toll from the assault on Gaza to 4.

A short while ago, 5 IDF soldiers were wounded by a rocket fired from Gaza into Israel, according to an IDF spokesman.

Israel-Hamas 'Open War': LIVE UPDATES — RT

AFP Gaza office hit by Israeli strike, 3 Palestinian reporters killed in other attacks

IAF is a s**t they are now hitting the media through out gaza

Apparently, Hasan Nasrullah doesnt know about the 1948, 1967 and 1973 defeats!

The Arabs know the fine line between terrorism and support.


his words dont have anything to do with history

if everything can be send to Syria and Libya why not then to Palestine
While Hamas is raining rockets at Israeli civilians Arab students gather and scream slogans in support of Hamas:

If something like this happened in Muslim country they all would be brutally lynched. But In Israel everything that happened that some people cursed them.

Conclusion - Israel society is evil :rolleyes:

These people can relocate to Syria and scream slogans against Assad all they want.
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Iran confirms military aid to Hamas, sending long-range missile technology

Iran has supplied military assistance to Hamas in Gaza, including technology needed to build long-range Fajr-5 rockets used to target Tel Aviv, a military leader from the Islamic republic said.
"Gaza is under siege, so we cannot help them. The Fajr-5 missiles have not been shipped from Iran. Its technology has been transferred and (the missiles are) being produced quickly," the head of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari was quoted as saying by the semiofficial ISNA news agency on Wednesday.
Israel has long accused Iran of supplying Hamas with its Fajr 5 missile, which has been used to target Tel Aviv and Jerusalem since the Israeli Defense Force's (IDF) ongoing military operation in Gaza was launched one week ago.
Iranian lawmaker Ali Larijani said on Wednesday his country was “proud” to defend the people of Palestine and Hamas according to remarks published on the Islamic Republic’s parliamentary website.
Larijani stressed the assistance had been both “financial and military." On Tuesday, Larijani lauded the Palestinian missile capability, saying it had given them a “strategic [source] of power.”
Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadhan Abdallah Shalah also told Al-Jazeera TV on Tuesday: “the weapons that are fighting the Israeli aggression and arrogance in Palestine come mainly from Iran, as the entire world knows. This is no secret. These are either Iranian weapons or weapons financed by Iran.”
On Thursday two Fajr rockets struck on the outskirts of Tel Aviv, marking the first time the metropolitan area had been targeted with missiles since the Gulf War. Two more Fajr-5 missiles launched towards the city were intercepted by Israel's Iron Dome air defense system on Saturday, while another pair of rockets exploded on the outskirts of Jerusalem.
Two more errant rockets targeting Jerusalem landed in the West Bank on Tuesday. No casualties have been reported from any of the strikes.
The Iranian produced Fajr-5 missile has an approximate range of 75 kilometers, which far exceeds the more mobile Palestinian-made Qassam rockets which came into use following the outbreak of the Second Intifada in 2001.
The introduction of long-range missiles into Hamas’ arsenal came as a surprise to the Israeli military, who had initially viewed Tel Aviv and Jerusalem as out of play in the run up to Operation Pillar of Defense.
The IDF was forced to revise infographics enumerating the Hamas rocket threat following the introduction of the Fajr rockets into the conflict. Israel’s Iron Dome system has mostly neutralized this Hamas’ newly acquired threat, however, with the periodic air raid sirens having more of a psychological impact than a material one.
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei was highly critical of other Muslim states for not standing behind Gaza during the week-long Israeli military operation that has seen at least 140 Palestinians killed following a thousand-plus IDF airstrikes.
"Some of them sufficed with words, and some others did not condemn [Israel]," the official Islamic Republic News Agency cites Khamenei as saying.

Iran confirms military aid to Hamas, sending long-range missile technology — RT
lets thanks IRAN for giving at least something to fight back the Israel Aggression
the war did not start by Hamas
but by Israel they murdered a Hamas leader who was talking for long term truce and peace agreement

Evry day before the attack EVRY DAY hamas sent rockets to Israel and you are saying Hamas did nothing?
Get your facts right,dont hate because Hamas is muslim and the others are jews.
You call this a war ? israel has army, navy, air force and backing of usa with weapons of mass destruction. What do palestinians have ? a few rockets to defend themselves.. this isnt war this is GENOCIDE . You people always look at the shiny side of the coin.

Its not the palestinians just Hamas,they dont represent the palestinians(just themselfs)

Meantime Ziad Hamid fanboys in completely parallel universe.

Can you write it in English letters.


50 JF-17 Thunder aircraft fly to Syrian border for helping Pally brothers (not knowing that Israeli F16 are superior and Gaza borders Egypt not Syria. Ironically Pak army has no pain for Syrian brothers but using their territory to defend Pally brothers)

Ghauri and Shaheen missles readies in Karachi and Gawader to target Israel.

American and European pressure rejected, Pakistani forces take Pally brothers in their security quarantine.

Arab countries and Islamic world becomes excited, prays for Pakistan.

This is height of fanboyism!


Iron Dome & SAM intercepts Pakistani missiles over Haifa and Tel Aviv, Israel retaliates with Popeye series supersonic cruise missiles. Blackout in Karachi and Gawader as precision strikes take out major infrastructure, Karachi oil depot on fire. Seaports disabled and on fire.

Pakistani JF17 fall out of sky like wounded birds after being intercepted with Israel F16.

America and Europe imposes strict sanctions on Pakistan.

Arab and Islamic world denounces American and European move, reiterate diplomatic support for Pakistan, dispatch food and medical aid.
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