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May 21: Drone Dharna Karachi. Pakistanis have a message for USA!

Such a massive protest takes trials and planning. PTI has a whole team working out the logistics of such protests, how to arrange people, how to ensure violence does not break out. Simply providing for food, water, porta-toilets for hundreds of thousands is a daunting task.

If you go through their messages on their websites, you can see these Drone Dharnas are incremental build ups to something bigger. There might be a time when PTI is able to keep people in the Dharna on rotation and stop this supplies logistically. You can't expect a single set of people to camp out indefinitely...

This happens in western countries, heck I've seen it happen right outside the White house. I am hopeful that this will eventually lead to a prolonged indefinite Dharna. Also as far as I understand Nato supplies do not stop over the weekend.
Something we can do on Defence.pk to help ?

Writ to major news papers around the world to cover the event and make sure if they distort the events like they did the last time "Pakistan rallied against attacks on militants", make sure you correct that and dispute it vigorously in the comments section.
If you can't ask ur Army, air force and ISI to stop drone attacks or don't be a part of drone attacks then what morale right you have to ask US to listen to you???

If ISI-Pak army don't listen to its people how can you expect americans to listen to you???????

You need to be strong and take the matter with ISI and Pak army.

Thts the point. Our brothers and sisters dont understand this. They think our "ISI/ARMY" is PAK SAAF, the best in the world, the cleanist and purist. IT IS THEY who have allowed drone attacks and unless they stop them/force to stop them, nothing can be done...

The dharna is a step in the right direction. We are forcing our govt/isi etc to Listen to us and stop this illegal killings.
Writ to major news papers around the world to cover the event and make sure if they distort the events like they did the last time "Pakistan rallied against attacks on militants", make sure you correct that and dispute it vigorously in the comments section.

How about you initiate the process of writ submission and the rest of us run a campaign to make sure it gets vigorous "attention" ?
How about you initiate the process of writ submission and the rest of us run a campaign to make sure it gets vigorous "attention" ?

Im in.... lets discuss the strategy alittle bit here and then work accordingly....
How about you initiate the process of writ submission and the rest of us run a campaign to make sure it gets vigorous "attention" ?

I'm a regular writer for all the major newspapers here in the UAE. Adopt a focussed approach to your local newspapers.

Step 1: Get them to notice the Dharna
Step 2: Get them to report it correctly (without fail some of them will try to report is as a pro-Terrorism movement)
Step 3: Voice support for asking America to stop the aid to Pakistan as it is considered as bribe money, make it clear that civilians are being killed and gutted in huge numbers. All the reports about low civilian casualties are suspect since there is no post-incident intelligence on ground.
mqm and government will not make it successful event

govt doesnt want this
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