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May 21: Drone Dharna Karachi. Pakistanis have a message for USA!

Imran khan keeps criticising the current puppet govt. of PPP...he doesn't have the guts to say anything against Pakistan Army and the ISI....afterall he wants to live in Pakistan
Imran khan keeps criticising the current puppet govt. of PPP...he doesn't have the guts to say anything against Pakistan Army and the ISI....afterall he wants to live in Pakistan

you are lacking information.
Why any other opposition patry is not supportin it ...even any trade union or other social bodies...
Why he is still alone at bigger stage...
Imran khan is an isi stooge bring back mushuraf if he complies with Islamic law fine otherwise find someone else kayani pasha sarcasm all need to goi support mushuraf because he was a better general current one is very incompetent I don't support mushraf Ideas and views but let's see if he can change his heart but one thing that's v important the current lot need to go
Imran khan is an isi stooge bring back mushuraf if he complies with Islamic law fine otherwise find someone else kayani pasha sarcasm all need to goi support mushuraf because he was a better general current one is very incompetent I don't support mushraf Ideas and views but let's see if he can change his heart but one thing that's v important the current lot need to go

Brother Musharraf had his time in office and failed miserably, it's time we should give someone new a chance to lead, Imran Khan at the moment looks like the best candidate and let's hope he doesn't change his views if he ever is elected into office.
Certain people will never allow him to get into the Super Highway... Assembly maybe, but not the highway.... I think we all know why!
Politics is always Local...Imran khan is playing the politcs on a national scale and thats why he looses...And thats why he will always loose..
Karachi, make Pakistan proud

The Dharna will take place at KPT bridge near Tower. People will start to assemble at the veune by 4:00 pm on Saturday - 21st May.

Chairman Imran Khan's Exlusive Message for Karachi Dharna > Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf > Insaf Videos

Karachi Dharna: How online members could contribute..? :: Articles :: Support Imran Khan

Dear Valued PTI Members
Our first Dharna in Peshawar was a huge success especially because so many of our members both in Pakistan and abroad actively took part in various ways and made it a huge success. Moreover our social media team went all out in keeping us all fully updated with the latest news, videos, pictures, tweets etc.

Media is the fourth pillar of state, and plays a critical role in determining the national agenda, and setting the priorities of the nation. While we are very appreciative of the significant role played by media in Peshawar Dhara, we would like to see a more active and vibrant role of media in Karachi Dharna. Peshawar Dharna was a learning experience for us, and we are much more prepared and organized in supporting media in Karachi Dharna. We are setting up a fully functional media center, with extensive facilities for the media. Our hope is that media will help make this Dharna an even bigger success than Peshawar.

Our local teams will focus on Pakistani media but as Chairman Khan mentioned we also need to get our view point across to the western media ensuring that they show our clear message and do not give negative coverage.

So we are writing to ask and seek help from all of you.
Here is what we need:

1. In the comments section please give us the contacts of International Media Correspondents who are covering Pakistan.

2. Direct contacts of major news channels that we need to cover such as BBC, CNN, Al Jazera, MSNBC, FOX, SKY News, PRESS TV, CHINA NEWS, RUSSIA TV, EURO NEWS etc

3. Direct contacts of major international news papers such as NY Times, Washington Post, Telegraph, Guardian, The Independent, The Times etc

4. All of you can also send in updates to all international news/media sources. Send the official news/ press-releases from PTI website to intl. media.

5. Spread Dharna News updates to Intl. Media on facebook and twitter. This can be done by posting the news links on Facebook Pages of News Media and Tagging them on twitter.

6. While we want our online members, especially overseas members to focus on international media we would also welcome your help in regards to targeting Pakistani media. One thing that you can do is post PTI news updates, pictures on the Pages of Pakistani anchors, news programs, news channels.

7. Please share all your opinions, suggestions that you think can help us in getting maximum media coverage.

Note: If you are contacting News Channels/Correspondents please be very careful in your communication. If you are giving any news only provide them the official news/press-releases which are posted on the website. Even if you want to critisize someone or disagree please use very decent language.
Starting from Saturday 1600 and ending Sunday night??? As it is KPT operations will be closed due to weekend, how will the attendees be able to stop NATO truck from moving out since there will be NO Logistic operations going on?? I want to attend but this is a technical point in need of address.

I heard Imran Khan say that this will be a two day dharna. So technically it will end on Sunday having zero practical impact on the NATO supply logistics. OR AM I MISSING SOMETHING HERE?
Well if he manages to pull it off, it will be great.
People should protest against ISI and Pakistani Army because it is ISI who supplies inputs for drone attacks and its PA-PAF who don't distroy drones. Thus they are responsible for drone attacks.

Otherwise all this dharna is just a political gimmick and just eye wash a game to fool people.
If you can't ask ur Army, air force and ISI to stop drone attacks or don't be a part of drone attacks then what morale right you have to ask US to listen to you???

If ISI-Pak army don't listen to its people how can you expect americans to listen to you???????

You need to be strong and take the matter with ISI and Pak army.
If you can't ask ur Army, air force and ISI to stop drone attacks or don't be a part of drone attacks then what morale right you have to ask US to listen to you???

If ISI-Pak army don't listen to its people how can you expect americans to listen to you???????

You need to be strong and take the matter with ISI and Pak army.

The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Starting from Saturday 1600 and ending Sunday night??? As it is KPT operations will be closed due to weekend, how will the attendees be able to stop NATO truck from moving out since there will be NO Logistic operations going on?? I want to attend but this is a technical point in need of address.

I heard Imran Khan say that this will be a two day dharna. So technically it will end on Sunday having zero practical impact on the NATO supply logistics. OR AM I MISSING SOMETHING HERE?
petty issues how its 2 days etc...

you want him to collide with the state forces? he doesnot have an army to stop it, actually. all PTI can do is spread awareness among the sleeping nation... that maybe jaag jay...
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