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Maulana Fazl defends Afghan Taliban’s flags in Azadi March

Fun fact , overwhelming amount of suicide bombings and terrorist attacks in Pakistan are carried out by deobandis and their affiliated sects.
Have you seen Shia Hazaras( even after suffering so much) or Barelvis(after they lost 14 of their people in protests) detonating themselves in Pakistan ?

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I don't include them. You are right about them. My opinion was about the Ulema that doesn't affiliate them with any group as such.
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Afghanistan peace is an extension of peace in Pakistan as history lessons convey so eloquently.

Wasn't this very government holding peace negotiations with Afghan taliban in post US Afghanistan?

What does have to to do talibans in a supposed opposition party long march against Pakistan’ Gov and that too in Pakistan ? You can invite also indians, Israelis and whatever !!!!
It could be someone else in the guise of real Afghan talibs..

ISIL; ISIS-K; Al-Qaeda Network; TTP; Afghan Taliban = black banner phenomenon (Salafi). These are offshoots of similar mindset but with distinct political objectives.

Just because Afghan Taliban are not attacking Pakistan, does not make them good guys by default. And is there a guarantee that members of Afghan Taliban have not served other organizations at some point in time? Expect double-agents in these groups because paychecks are also important.

I do not recall even a single instance of Afghan Taliban taking action against TTP in Afghanistan. I utterly disagree with the notion to cheer for Afghan Taliban and bash others - this is stupidity in plain sight. None of these groups are trustworthy, but some members here are too naive to understand the obvious.

Pakistan Army must fence the Durand Line at a rapid pace. Leave no part unchecked.

ISIL; ISIS-K; Al-Qaeda Network; TTP; Afghan Taliban = black banner phenomenon (Salafi). These are offshoots of similar mindset but with distinct political objectives.

Just because Afghan Taliban are not attacking Pakistan, does not make them good guys by default. And is there a guarantee that members of Afghan Taliban have not served other organizations at some point in time? Expect double-agents in these groups because paychecks are also important.

I do not recall even a single instance of Afghan Taliban taking action against TTP in Afghanistan. I utterly disagree with the notion to cheer for Afghan Taliban and bash others - this is stupidity in plain sight. None of these groups are trustworthy, but some members here are too naive to understand the obvious.

Pakistan Army must fence the Durand Line at a rapid pace. Leave no part unchecked.

Brilliant post. It is a real tragedy that most Pakistanis are oblivious to this fact. Remember , we are only concerned with the well being of Pakistan. We must be incredibly selfish when it comes to national interest of Pakistan.

Salafis by and large have been problematic to Pakistan. What is the guarantee that once US leaves Afghanistan, the very same groups that are not attacking us right now will not attack us then ? What if Afghan Taliban becomes embolden after the defeat of US and attack KPK because after all , all afghans are unanimous on the fact that they do not accept durand line as international border ?
ISIL; ISIS-K; Al-Qaeda Network; TTP; Afghan Taliban = black banner phenomenon (Salafi). These are offshoots of similar mindset but with distinct political objectives.

This part of your analysis is quite wrong.
of course he would, he most likely want pakistan to get blacklisted
This part of your analysis is quite wrong.
Glass is half empty or half full - what difference does it make? It is all the same.

Afghan Taliban and Al-Qaeda Network having close relations is an open secret. How ISIS-K emerged is also an open secret. All are byproducts of Salafi mindset but allegiances vary as well as respective endgoals.
One of the reason that he has to bring Flags so that world can see and then blame in Indian tone that Taliban does exist contrary to what Pakistan says.


India didn't fund these jihadi deoband madrasas for decades to fight american war in Afghanistan. Neither world will care if all of them are massacred. Using taliban threat will backfire for JUIF. I said it before, government best bet right now is to declare them terrorists and take action if protests turn violent.

If action is taken against "political" workers then reaction will be different. First let them burn few shops, cars and close down highways.
Bhai, don't follow any group.. Last year, Molvi gali was speaking against the state in the same manner as Fazlu is speaking today..

These sects and schools of thought will take us to Jahannum I am sure..

Read books of everyone critically.. Allah has given you intelligence, you can easily decide who is right, and you are free to follow him..

There could be cases where you might agree with Imam Malik's justification in one matter, and Imam Abu Hanifa's explanation in another....

So keep your mind open.. You may find good Aalims in Barelvis, and good ones in Deobandis.. and maybe good ones in Shaf'is or Hanblis.. don't make it obligatory on you to follow only one entirely..
Agreed 100%
The ones who are quiet are equally responsible for this situation..

Remember how all of us were exposing saffron clad mobs in India.. and how we were exposing Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir.. This mal'oon molbi chose Kashmir day as his protest.. We can't say that he didn't know about the date.. He was FFS chairman of Kashmir committee for years.. and he chose the exact date when we were planning to deliver another diplomatic blow to India.. This molbi has brought us at the same level as of RSS and world doesn't ignore much....

In these times, why good ulema are keeping quiet? There could be two reasons, either they have no interest in Kashmiri struggle, or they are part of this madness.

@PakSword can you and @Retired Troll explain to me why Indian Generals are celebrating Fazlu March?
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