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Matt Dillon Puts Rare Celebrity Spotlight on Rohingya

Poor soul lives in outerspace and failed to realize INDIA IS A NEIGHBOUR OF A GENOCIDE WAITING TO HAPPEN!

we are not the only neighbor to myanmmar, pak's all weather friend is more close to myanmmar and has a large influence in myanmmar's military circle.. you should rather ask chinese to save your fellow muslim brethern.. and pakistan being the thekedar of islam and muslims all over the world should take the responsibility of rohingyas and give them citizenship after all they wanted to be part of pak in 1947.

As for fetish....you are the one on a Pakistani forum on a tread about MUSLIM ROHINGYA (which you efficiently said doesnt concern you), and you are the one who quoted me!

"For all the indians who have never gone to Myanmar and claim shit - This isnt from a Muslim...You just need to be human:"...

that was an uncalled reference for Indians.. you talk shit about us and you expect us not to reply back ?

Every Rohingya thread isnt complete without a brainless indian exposing his lack of humanity!

why does muslims talk about humanity only when fellow muslims are victims ?? where does your humanity go when perpetrators of crime are muslims and the victims are non-muslims ?? hardly any muslim feels the pain of yazidis or kashmiri pandits.. India didn't interfere while tamilians were being massacred in SL, tamilians are more close to us than rohingyas can ever be.. apart from feeling sad for them, we are in no position to help them..
we are not the only neighbor to myanmmar, pak's all weather friend is more close to myanmmar and has a large influence in myanmmar's military circle.. you should rather ask chinese to save your fellow muslim brethern.. and pakistan being the thekedar of islam and muslims all over the world should take the responsibility of rohingyas and give them citizenship after all they wanted to be part of pak in 1947.
I am not asking anyone ....and I dont see any Chinese being bigots :enjoy:

Mind you if you bothered reading OP... Matt Dillon isnt a Muslim ...If you lacked the ability to think further than your narrow mindset at least OP should have showed you that you dont need to be a Muslim you just need to be HUMAN!

"For all the indians who have never gone to Myanmar and claim shit - This isnt from a Muslim...You just need to be human:"...

that was an uncalled reference for Indians.. you talk shit about us and you expect us not to reply back ?
I have opened 3 threads on Rohingya and ALL 3 have been ONLY trolled by indians....within few mins of opening the thread! So yes if you feel offended it is obvious you fall in the same category!

why does muslims talk about humanity only when fellow muslims are victims ?? where does your humanity go when perpetrators of crime are muslims and the victims are non-muslims ?? hardly any muslim feels the pain of yazidis or kashmiri pandits.. India didn't interfere while tamilians were being massacred in SL, tamilians are more close to us than rohingyas can ever be.. apart from feeling sad for them, we are in no position to help them..
We dont rejoice when others are getting tortured nor when others are going through a genocide.....

Feeling sad is 1 thing....trolling every thread opened for them is another!

@kakashi here is an example of a post full of sorrow - topped with denial :tup:

muslims are good at putting up fake pics to get cheap attention and take their victimhood a step further

Fake Images: Burma images

Exposing the truth behind fake pictures of Rohingya tragedy | Pakistan News | World News | Pakistani Talk Shows

Yea blogs are your only source compare that to MATT DILLON's personal experience!

Another brilliant example of limited to sorrow:
Too many lungis in the image. My computer has shutdown in protest.

Oh it gets better:

Only those who allow themselves to mass rape/genocide at hands of Muslims are Human. Anyone standing up for his right to life is a non Human.
shhh...you are not supposed to talk about that...even if you do, it would be label as infidels propaganda.

This is peaceful minority that evil kafirs are up against:


bhai, watch from 8:30 to know the hypocrisy of these rohingyas..
Last I checked it was indian men raping indian women, welcome to reality you delusional genious

Only those who allow themselves to mass rape/genocide at hands of Muslims are Human. Anyone standing up for his right to life is a non Human.
But who doesn't want to experience the joys of Democracy in the Largest Democracy in the World, India?? I'm sure, India, being the Democratic nation that it is, will allow Rohingyas in.
Why not the land of pure ? After all your Islamic republic was formed for Muslims of subcontinent. Besides Rohingyas won't like to live along side with Kaffir Hindus. Even during the partition Rohingyas of Arakan region wanted to join Pakistan.So here is an opportunity for Pakistan to show the world your largeheartedness by accepting them as refuges instead of asking India to accept them.
But who doesn't want to experience the joys of Democracy in the Largest Democracy in the World, India?? I'm sure, India, being the Democratic nation that it is, will allow Rohingyas in.
We do have a couple of thousand living in India.
Then we saw the kind of people they were and shut off the pipeline - full blown violence lovers.

Same happened in Thailand - they rioted in Thailand as well.

Imagine! - refugees rioting!

Now, they are free to go to any pure land they wish to - whether its the Islam ka qila Pakistan or Islam ka thekedar Saudi Arabia. None shall enter our lands.

We do promise to give support in evacuation though - gladly have our ships transport all of them to Pakistan or Arabia!
We do have a couple of thousand living in India.
Then we saw the kind of people they were and shut off the pipeline - full blown violence lovers.

Same happened in Thailand - they rioted in Thailand as well.

Imagine! - refugees rioting!

Now, they are free to go to any pure land they wish to - whether its the Islam ka qila Pakistan or Islam ka thekedar Saudi Arabia. None shall enter our lands.

We do promise to give support in evacuation though - gladly have our ships transport all of them to Pakistan or Arabia!
But they don't want to live in oppressive countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. They want to experience Democracy in the largest Democracy in the World, India.

Why not the land of pure ? After all your Islamic republic was formed for Muslims of subcontinent. Besides Rohingyas won't like to live along side with Kaffir Hindus. Even during the partition Rohingyas of Arakan region wanted to join Pakistan.So here is an opportunity for Pakistan to show the world your largeheartedness by accepting them as refuges instead of asking India to accept them.
I think they prefer fruits of Democracy under india.
But they don't want to live in oppressive countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. They want to experience Democracy in the largest Democracy in the World, India.

I think they prefer fruits of Democracy under india.
And what better democracy than Europe my friend. Let them breathe the fresh air there instead of pollution and filth here.

All said and done, we had our experience with them, it wasn't pleasant, our doors are closed to them. Ultimately the countries making a noise have to make a choice - like Pakistan - whether they just want the sound bytes or do they want to help these people.

We would be more than happy to ship 'em to our favourite neighbour!
I am not asking anyone ....and I dont see any Chinese being bigots :enjoy:

That's obvious.. :lol:

Mind you if you bothered reading OP... Matt Dillon isnt a Muslim ...If you lacked the ability to think further than your narrow mindset at least OP should have showed you that you dont need to be a Muslim you just need to be HUMAN!

yawn !!!! Humanity of Indians remained same when armed rohingyas went on a killing spree on unarmed peaceful burmese in order to force them out of their ancestral land, and when burmese natives took revenge on these alien rohingyas. It is you who suddenly woke up to the sufferings of your fellow brothers and stared crying hoarse

I have opened 3 threads on Rohingya and ALL 3 have been ONLY trolled by indians....within few mins of opening the thread!

Auntyy jii, an alternative opinion is not considered as trolling.. for someone whose eyes are blinded with religion you are not expected to look at the sufferings of non-muslims, in this case burmese budhists.
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