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Matt Dillon Puts Rare Celebrity Spotlight on Rohingya

No thanks. We have enough.
But who doesn't want to experience the joys of Democracy in the Largest Democracy in the World, India?? I'm sure, India, being the Democratic nation that it is, will allow Rohingyas in.
But who doesn't want to experience the joys of Democracy in the Largest Democracy in the World, India?? I'm sure, India, being the Democratic nation that it is, will allow Rohingyas in.
India is a sham democracy bro.... It is run by the upper castes and baniya+Brahmin nexus.... Not a good place to be.
But who doesn't want to experience the joys of Democracy in the Largest Democracy in the World, India?? I'm sure, India, being the Democratic nation that it is, will allow Rohingyas in.
Why would India take additional refugees in, India is a very poor, over populated country, we have no room. What India can indeed do is negotiate with Myanmar to peacefully re-settle these displaced people.
Why would India take additional refugees in, India is a very poor, over populated country, we have no room. What India can indeed do is negotiate with Myanmar to peacefully re-settle these displaced people.
But resettle them where?
He is an influential celebrity.... he can lobby for them ... that is legal.

My thoughts exactly when young Yazidi girls were raped.
reported for derailing

This is a very sad situation, Myanmar needs to peacefully re-settle these Minorities...
are you turning a blind eye to butt hurts derailing and trolling shamelessly this sad situation?

Every thread on Rohingya I have opened has caused so form of major death of humanity in indians on pdf....why is that so?

it only takes one to be human to see their plight...what does it take for indians to behave in such a manner? Apparently the word MUSLIM stuck before Rohingya causes some form of automatic death of humanity in indians, right that they drag ISIS into this thread?

What India can indeed do is negotiate with Myanmar to peacefully re-settle these displaced people.
and also shut some weirdos online from trolling and derailing EVERY thread on Rohingya!
reported for derailing

are you turning a blind eye to butt hurts derailing and trolling shamelessly this sad situation?

Every thread on Rohingya I have opened has caused so form of major death of humanity in indians on pdf....why is that so?

it only takes one to be human to see their plight...what does it take for indians to behave in such a manner? Apparently the word MUSLIM stuck before Rohingya causes some form of automatic death of humanity in indians, right that they drag ISIS into this thread?

and also shut some weirdos online from trolling and derailing EVERY thread on Rohingya!
This is not an Indian issue to begin with. We as Indians sympathize with the suffering of displaced people all around...
I am saddened by plight rohingya's refugees as much as any other refugees. I sincerely hope that burmese government will take the right measures for rehabilitation, and hopefully India as a neighbor will do it's part to ensure play a positive role in assisting the burmese government to take the right countermeasure to rehabilitate the rohingya minorities.

One of the things India or even the SAARC can do is set up a aid fund to help Burmese government to ensure protection and rehabilitation for minorities.

As far as you trying to potray this as a muslim bias among Indian posters on the forum, Please do explain how my post has anything to do with any bias.
As far as you trying to potray this as a muslim bias among Indian posters on the forum, Please do explain how my post has anything to do with any bias.
You are a TT and you see your mates trolling but dont reward them with the well deserved -ve they are asking for!

THAT was the only reason I quoted you....Apart from that you sound like the ONLY sane minded one not just this thread! For that :tup:

Kindly explain these behaviour on the plight of a people:

He should get them visas to America. :usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag:
What makes an indian make scores out of rape victims?

My thoughts exactly when young Yazidi girls were raped.

People suffering and the 1st thing that pops into ones mind is to post this- Even going to America didnt cure such mentality:
For that to happen, These minorities first should learn what peace is.

And the most common psychological projection....Being on a .pk forum, on a thread where indians are the ONLY nationality trolling Rohingya issue this piece showcases lack of intellect:
Do u have a fetish for Indians or what ?? If not what is this obsession with Indians..?? coming to the rohingya cause, they are paying back for the atrocities they committed against rakhine budhists after the independence of myanmar.. If there is anyone who could save them, it is the ummah. Muslim countries should absorb them and give them citizenship.... Indians have nothing to do with either rohingyas or myanmar.

Poor soul lives in outerspace and failed to realize INDIA IS A NEIGHBOUR OF A GENOCIDE WAITING TO HAPPEN!

As for fetish....you are the one on a Pakistani forum on a tread about MUSLIM ROHINGYA (which you efficiently said doesnt concern you), and you are the one who quoted me!

Every Rohingya thread isnt complete without a brainless indian exposing his lack of humanity!
You are a TT and you see your mates trolling but dont reward them with the well deserved -ve they are asking for!

THAT was the only reason I quoted you....Apart from that you sound like the ONLY sane minded one not just this thread! For that :tup:

Kindly explain these behaviour on the plight of a people:

What makes an indian make scores out of rape victims?

People suffering and the 1st thing that pops into ones mind is to post this- Even going to America didnt cure such mentality:

And the most common psychological projection....Being on a .pk forum, on a thread where indians are the ONLY nationality trolling Rohingya issue this piece showcases lack of intellect:

Poor soul lives in outerspace and failed to realize INDIA IS A NEIGHBOUR OF A GENOCIDE WAITING TO HAPPEN!

As for fetish....you are the one on a Pakistani forum on a tread about MUSLIM ROHINGYA (which you efficiently said doesnt concern you), and you are the one who quoted me!

Every Rohingya thread isnt complete without a brainless indian exposing his lack of humanity!

Dear Madam,

You should see how many members here from all nationalities take offense to my ratings including our TT's and Senior members here which are purely based on pdf regulations and offensive language....
Now if I take your suggestion and start negatively rating off-topic posts and trolling, there would be ten threads a day just to get me out of the forum.

For the off topic posts and trolling, May I suggest to use the report button, That's what I do most of the times.

As far as rating I almost feel I should stop rating, there are barely 1% of members who would change behavior to avoid ratings.

thats that.
Do u have a fetish for Indians or what ?? If not what is this obsession with Indians..?? coming to the rohingya cause, they are paying back for the atrocities they committed against rakhine budhists after the independence of myanmar.. If there is anyone who could save them, it is the ummah. Muslim countries should absorb them and give them citizenship.... Indians have nothing to do with either rohingyas or myanmar.

shhh...you are not supposed to talk about that...even if you do, it would be label as infidels propaganda.

This is peaceful minority that evil kafirs are up against:

He should take them with him to America , the land of opputunity , if not atleast get them to pakistan , the land of pure if he cares so much.

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