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Matt Dillon Puts Rare Celebrity Spotlight on Rohingya

For all the indians who have never gone to Myanmar and claim shit - This isnt from a Muslim...You just need to be human:

Matt Dillon Puts Rare Celebrity Spotlight on Rohingya

I have opened 3 threads on Rohingya and ALL 3 have been ONLY trolled by indians....within few mins of opening the thread! So yes if you feel offended it is obvious you fall in the same category!

Here we go again! This is not the first time you have baited Indians and asked them to troll!

You first drag Indians forcefully into a thread which nothing to do with Indians, and then have problem when Indians respond to your senseless and idiotic comments - in a thread which is a serious tragedy!

Why go to America when they can settle in the Biggest Democracy in the world??

So? Just because India is a democracy, it should welcome all the refugees in the world?? Weird logic!


As unfortunate as the situation in Burma sounds, it is neither the first such incident anywhere in the world nor the worst.

fact, our own Pandits in Kashmir went through far worse conditions before being hounded out all together like bloody street dogs from their own homes!
Even today they live as "Internally Displaced" in their own homeland! Our resources are already stretched thin providing our own people the basic human needs.

India is neither related anyway to the crisis nor has any capacity to take in anymore refugees, so please keep India out of the thread!

Unless, of course, your intention is to troll India and invite responses on a very serious humanitarian crisis!
yawn !!!! Humanity of Indians remained same when armed rohingyas went on a killing spree on unarmed peaceful burmese in order to force them out of their ancestral land, and when burmese natives took revenge on these alien rohingyas. It is you who suddenly woke up to the sufferings of your fellow brothers and stared crying hoarse

Dont take too much overdose of morphine. There are always other sides of story
Arakan Bumiputra: Massacre of 1942 (by Ba Tha (Buthidaung))
I think this is one place where both India and Pakistan CAN cooperate. Both nations, being the two main powers in South Asia, not only have a moral obligation, but the capacity to force Myanmar to change it's policy.
you have baited Indians and asked them to troll!
So if I tell you go jump in the well you will? :woot: Kindly do so :enjoy:

Telling indians to wake up and smell the truth is not baiting your negative thinking is what baits you!

You first drag Indians forcefully into a thread which nothing to do with Indians, and then have problem when Indians respond to your senseless and idiotic comments - in a thread which is a serious tragedy!
I didnt invite them nor tag them....by showing them it only takes to be a human to sympathize in noway is inviting them to troll ...By this theory you should be an admin @WebMaster by now since you got an open invitation to defence.pk

As unfortunate as the situation in Burma sounds, it is neither the first such incident anywhere in the world nor the worst.
No one is showcasing it as a 1st nor anything ....Sympathizing is probably not your cup of tea when the word MUSLIM is attached to the people, I understand :tsk:

Humanity dies there..

In fact, our own Pandits in Kashmir went through far worse conditions before being hounded out all together like bloody street dogs from their own homes! Even today they live as "Internally Displaced" in their own homeland! Our resources are already stretched thin providing our own people the basic human needs.

India is neither related anyway to the crisis nor has any capacity to take in anymore refugees, so please keep India out of the thread!
I see...no where is Pakistan being soo small hearted even though we are the ones who played host the highest number of refugee in the world....for a few number of years now and we all know we are way poorer and smaller a country than India!

Expecting a little more or the same from india is natural :enjoy:

Unless, of course, your intention is to troll India and invite responses on a very serious humanitarian crisis!
The very fact that they troll on their own account has nothing to do with me....I addressed them to a thread (after 2 of my previous Rohingya threads had been turned into a troll fest by none other than SOME indians on PDF claiming everything from denying a SERIOUS HUMANITARIAN CRISIS to saying THEY ASKED FOR IT...and back then I NEVER invited indians and i never do mention them except 2 on sci and tech threads not on serious issues!

Auntyy jii, an alternative opinion is not considered as trolling.. for someone whose eyes are blinded with religion you are not expected to look at the sufferings of non-muslims, in this case burmese budhists.
Alternative opinion which even a 12 yr old can claim as a troll....is not an opinion....

I think the latter part of your poor response was answered :

Dont take too much overdose of morphine. There are always other sides of story
Arakan Bumiputra: Massacre of 1942 (by Ba Tha (Buthidaung))

why do you take these celebs seriously , its all a nice PR exercise for them
The very fact they are bringing media attention to it matters! Why are you not even behaving as a human on a public forum instead should be questionable! Why dont you do a similar "nice" exercise?
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