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Massive blaze destroys migrant camp in northern France

Very sad. Hopefully, not too many people were harmed.
Looks like sabotage to me. I'm shocked that the person/group who started this didn't think he would kill many so many people.

It is the migrants who themselves set ablaze the camp of Grande-Synthe. There were violent inter-migrants/asylum seekers riots and fights in which many were injured or stabbed. Between Afghans and Kurds as far as I know.
It is the migrants who themselves set ablaze the camp of Grande-Synthe. There were violent inter-migrants/asylum seekers riots and fights in which many were injured or stabbed. Between Afghans and Kurds as far as I know.
Why do you even allow such camps?
Why do you even allow such camps?

It is (was) a camp regrouping the migrants hopeful of joining the UK,like in the 'jungle' of Calais,but where the conditions of life offered were far better and more 'humane'. It was mostly funded by Médecins sans frontières.
So angry that these ingrateful leeches (mostly grown men) saccage everything and burning the shelters they are being provided.

I still can't understand how anyone can have any sympathy with them.
It is the migrants who themselves set ablaze the camp of Grande-Synthe. There were violent inter-migrants/asylum seekers riots and fights in which many were injured or stabbed. Between Afghans and Kurds as far as I know.

Good Lord, and these people are meant to be "victims". Your tolerance is greater than ours. Kick all these scum out. The frail, women and very young children should be the only ones allowed to apply.
This is a race against time against Europe´s suicidal tendencies and the Eurabia plot. And it won´t be easy for Europe to succeed this time.
Good Lord, and these people are meant to be "victims". Your tolerance is greater than ours. Kick all these scum out. The frail, women and very young children should be the only ones allowed to apply.

I do feel sad for the children,the elders and the women and think in general that the vulnerable and defenceless ones should be helped and protected as much as possible.

Surely not those single men with their violent and pathetic behavior who then complain why almost nobody has any sympathy for them.
Most in the migrant camp are men. Just going by the pictures I have seen. Could be wrong of course.
It is (was) a camp regrouping the migrants hopeful of joining the UK,like in the 'jungle' of Calais,but where the conditions of life offered were far better and more 'humane'. It was mostly funded by Médecins sans frontières.
So angry that these ingrateful leeches (mostly grown men) saccage everything and burning the shelters they are being provided.

I still can't understand how anyone can have any sympathy with them.
Well,people who use their brains know that these are just economic refugees,no sympathy for them.
I do feel sad for the children,the elders and the women and think in general that the vulnerable and defenceless ones should be helped and protected as much as possible.

Surely not those single men with their violent and pathetic behavior who then complain why almost nobody has any sympathy for them.

Yes, the small problem is that there isn't many women, young children or elderly amongst them! These young men should have been sent back. They are a nuisance plain and simple, with nothing to offer. I can't understand why the France, the EU etc couldn't have a rule that a young man can only be let if he was accompanied by dependents. You would sift through many people there and then.

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