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Massive 8.8-magnitude quake strikes Japan


aftershock of magnitude 5.1 hit Miyagi prefecture,fresh tsunami warning issued for whole of japan. Official casuality toll at 73 dead, 244 missing.
The US islands of Hawaii and nations across the Pacific ocean are bracing themselves after a tsunami warning was extended across the region. Skip related content
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Video: Hawaii On Alert After Tsunami Hits Japan
The US West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Centre said that any tsunami generated by the earthquake off the coast of Japan would hit Hawaii at around 2.45am (12.45pm GMT) and the US West Coast at 7.45am (3.45pm GMT).

Sky News US correspondent Robert Nisbet in the Hawaii resort of Wakiki said that some people were being told to move inland and others urged to move to the upper floor of buildings in case a tsunami hits.

"We understand that on Oahu there are 30,000 people in unsafe areas who are being told to move half a mile inland," he said.

"But what are talking about here in Wakiki is a vertical evacuation. There are a lot of skyscrapers here, a lot of hotels that sit along the Pacific coast. They are asking people who are below the third floor to move above the third floor and listen to the radio and TV for instructions.

"We have just been down to the shops ourselves to pick up some water and supplies and there are a lot of people down there."

Civil defence sirens were sounded statewide shortly before 10pm local time to alert residents. The tsunami warning said that all islands in the Hawaiian chain were in the path of potential damage.

Heavy traffic and long lines at petrol stations were reported on Oahu as residents tried to begin their journeys inland.

As residents prepared for the possible tsunami, a 4.5 magnitude quake hit Hawaii's Big Island, about 30 miles southeast of Hilo.

Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand and the entire Pacific coast of Central and South America were also on alert. Tsunami waves were due to make landfall at the following times (UK time):

:: 9am - Northern Mariana Islands - no large waves hit

:: 9.17am - Guam - initially appears unaffected

:: 10.02am - Philippines

:: 11:32am - Papua New Guinea

:: 11.35am - Indonesia

:: 1.10pm - Hawaii

:: 2.16pm - Vanuatu

:: 2.53 - Samoa

:: 3.35pm - Australia

:: 4.12pm - US west coast

:: 5.23pm - New Zealand

:: 11.00pm - Easter Island

Oceanographer Dr Simon Boxhall said: "The fact that a 10m wave has hit Japan implies that there is the scope for a wave to go right across the Pacific.

"The wave moves very quickly - it moves in the deep ocean at about the speed of a jumbo jet. The advantage is that we get plenty of warning as you head further away from the epicentre," he said.

"When we had a similar earthquake off the Chilean coast last year they tracked that tsunami for about 12 hours in total. It caused a lot damage around Chile but had largely fizzled out before Hawaii.

"But in this case you never know. It is happening in relatively deep water, it's propagating out across an open Pacific and so there is potential for damage to be caused all around the Pacific coast."

The Red Cross has warned that the tsunami waves could wash right over some Pacific islands as the wave is curently higher than some of them.

"Our biggest concern is the Asia and Pacific region, where developing countries are far more vulnerable to this type of unfolding disaster. The tsunami is a major threat," spokesman Paul Conneally said.

Ocean waves up to two metres above normal sea level were detected by deep-ocean gauges near Wake island, Midway and Guam in the North Pacific, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

Residents of the US territory of Guam were urged to move at least 15m above sea level and 30m inland.

Disaster management expert Geoff Williams: "The key thing in these areas that could be affected is that the companies like petrochemical companies, electric companies, will be assessing if they should shut down.

"Equally, old folks' homes, hospitals, schools they can start to make sure these are closed and they can start evacuating areas."

Taiwan's central weather bureau said minor tsunamis had reached the island's coastline without causing any damage and it later lifted its tsunami alert.

Russian authorities on the far eastern Sakhalin Island and nearby territories have evacuated some 11,000 residents from coastal areas in anticipation that tsunami waves could hit several villages.

Residents on the eastern coast of the Philippines were also ordered to leave their homes.
Govt. offers assistance to quake-hit Japan; says Indians safe

India on Friday conveyed its sympathies to Japan and its people affected by the severe earthquake and tsunami and offered assistance that may be required by that country.

“We are saddened by the loss of life and extensive damage to property and infrastructure,” Ministry of External Affairs said in New Delhi, adding letters of sympathy with offers of assistance were written by Prime Minister and External Affairs Minister to their Japanese counterparts.

Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao has spoken to Japanese Ambassador Akitaka Saiki to convey heartfelt sympathies and condolences as well as offer any assistance that may be required, the MEA said in a release.

The ministry also said that there were no reports of any casualties amongst the approximately 25,000—strong Indian community in Japan which is concentrated in the Kanto and Kansai regions.

“Our Embassy in Tokyo and Consulate in Osaka are in touch with community members and verifying the situation on the ground. A control room has been established in the Embassy of India, Tokyo which can be contacted on phone numbers 00813 32622391 to 97,” it said.

The MEA is monitoring the situation closely and would take all necessary steps required as per exigencies.

The Hindu : News / National : Govt. offers assistance to quake-hit Japan; says Indians safe
Man this is sad may god help them all to recover we should provide any help if possible
and last night i was watching about supper moon that it can do something like this as it will come very close to earth and will cause problem in sea
I heard around 60 were reported to be dead...may the dead RIP....hope there is minimum loss of lives
Indonesia hit by small tsunami

Thousands of people have fled their homes in north-eastern Indonesia after being warned that a large tsunami triggered by a Japanese earthquake could pound their shores.

But a meteorological official says only a 10—centimetre wave hit the North Maluku islands and caused no known damage or injuries. Fauzi, who uses only one name, says other areas could still be harder hit, and a second, larger tsunami might be on the way.

Alerts were issued along a long stretch of Indonesia’s coastline, triggering widespread panic after today’s massive 8.9—magnitude quake in Japan.

Indonesia was hardest hit by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami that claimed more than 230,000 lives.

The Hindu : News / International : Indonesia hit by small tsunami
Between 200-300 bodies have been discovered on sea shores, this is horrible...
Manmohan Singh offers asisstance to Japan

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday offered India’s readiness to help Japan hit by a devastating earthquake and tsunami, saying “our resources are at your disposal”.

“India stands in full solidarity with the government and people of Japan at this hour,” he said in a letter to his Japanese counterpart Naoto Kan.

Dr. Singh said “we are ready to help Japan in any way required and our resources are at your disposal”.

The Prime Minister said he was shocked to learn about the devastating quake that has hit the coast of Japan causing huge damage to life and property.

He expressed his heartfelt condolences to the people who have suffered or lost their near and dear ones in the disaster.

The Hindu : News / National : India offers assistance to Japan
this is truly apocalyptic, they're saying it's the biggest quake in over 140 years. watching live footage on tv people of Japan sure some tough time ahead, death toll is already over 300 and likely to exceed. Our prayers are with the people of Japan.
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