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Mass protest convention in Kolkata against Bangladesh Government

:laugh: you mean TL protest is against rape damn i thought it was against Sri Lanka

:laugh: you mean TL protest is against rape damn i thought it was against Sri Lanka

So you support these and against the protest by Tamils or you are against both?
That depends upon your reasoning skills, by the way I think you ignored same majority is minority in neighbouring state and they are being forced to migrate whereas minority of one state is thriving and heading out processions against state policy of their's.

thriving ?? yeh thriving in poverty

So you support these and against the protest by Tamils or you are against both?

1. If they are protesting against trial of Jamaat leaders in BD then i am against it as its internal matter of BD.

2. If they are protesting against blasphemous content against Islam and blasphemous bloggers i support them. simple logic.
brothers brothers, everywhere.

brothers brothers, everywhere.

You should migrate to India, here Jamatis can organize rally without getting beaten up by police. But don't get too enthusiastic and jump the fence.

They are exactly same species, the thing that is checking them is fear of backlash from majority hindu community.

I'm more worried about your species than jamatis, since unlike you they can be easily be reigned on.
I'm more worried about your species than jamatis, since unlike you they can be easily be reigned on.

Easily reigned on ????
You seem to be oblivious what Jamatis have done to minorities in BD.
Easily reigned on ????
You seem to be oblivious what Jamatis have done to minorities in BD.

I'm very much aware of that. However they were backed by Pakistani military machine back then and BNP now. They don't have much support stand alone and usually chicken out when push comes to shove.
Probably the reason why Mamta hates Sheikh Hasina..........

She scuttled Teesta deal out of spite for communists............While Hashina was honored by a doctorate in a communist state.

Mamta is a closet Commie....
I'm very much aware of that. However they were backed by Pakistani military machine back then and BNP now. They don't have much support stand alone and usually chicken out when push comes to shove.
But one knows BNP is there as a main opposition party and they are not much different than jamaties.
They are exactly same species, the thing that is checking them is fear of backlash from majority hindu community.

What kind of logic is this? :lol:

Here's a thing that many of us are unaware of:

The likes of Jamaat in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh follow something called "Modudtism" (not sure if I spelled it right).

The basic doctrine here is to attract as many followers as possible, and in some ways brainwash them. While this aspect is not in the core of Islam, it is unique in the sub-continent.

By putting a lid on creativity, free thought, and evolution of ideas, entire societies risk being stagnated. And this is what is happening to the likes of Jamaat, which only made them more vulnerable.

There are two sides of this "Modudtism" coin. One is that of armed conflict like the militants we see today, the other being political like Jamaat-Islami. Is it sustainable? No.

The role of Jamaat-Islami, Bangladesh during the 71' war is a very complicated matter, and hence should be handled delicately.

Unfortunately, some idiots in power, along with their supporters in Bangladesh made it even more complicated.

Their handling of the matter is both reckless and dangerous, and this is leading to unpredictable sociopolitical consequences that are fast becoming a reality.

And if New Delhi is not being careful about its retarded puppy in Dhaka, then that reality may reach toward you guys as well.

But one knows BNP is there as a main opposition party and they are not much different than jamaties.

There are Hindus in BNP as well. Though not as broadly represented as in AL.
@Loki jamat e Islam e hind officially don't follow maududi anymore.
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Time for GOI to innovate new ways concentration camps for these fundamentalists which can handle at least 1,000,000 mullas at a time.

witness the next modi in making
with people like you in it, not surprising that India is such a hellhole :lol:

If by your measures India is hell hole then what would be BD ??One can't stop but wonders from where someone will polevault in hellhole.
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