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Mass Poverty and Delhi’s Embrace of Corporate Neoliberalism Fuels Social Uprising | Global Research

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The thread is meaningless. It's like a beggar telling a middle class guy, you may be having financial difficulties.

99% of Indians would sell their mothers to live like the poorest Pakistanis.

Acting like you don't know.... Is stupid.

Kashmir is Pakistans territory.
A troll thread...... Yes maoist issue is a serious issue..... But then trying to portray india to a failed state because of that???????

Pakistan is a failed state since 1947 and now their incompetence to handle TTP further proves it right

Kashmir is India.
I'll check the Wiki link but I only knew that this song was sung by Kaliash Kher and its on Kashmir. :girl_wacko:

PS: I only watch Punjabi Movies or rarely a Hindi movie

It is a malayalam military movie about NSG commandos stationed in kashmir .

Earlier, I used to get banned every other week. Since, I've stopped discussing Kashmir, I have not even received any warning...Not been banned since 4 Months.... :haha: Apparently, I should keep mum on it. :D It's a troll thread, so here I'm. :secret:

Me too have not been banned for sometime now .... Don't know why ?? :lol:
99% of Indians would sell their mothers to live like the poorest Pakistanis.

Acting like you don't know.... Is stupid.

Kashmir is Pakistans territory.

In which parallel dimension? We can buy your mothers and can make them do mujra to "Tamanche Pe Disco". If you could really try to snatch Kashmir your PM and Security Advisor would'nt quote environmental hazards!
It is a malayalam military movie about NSG commandos stationed in kashmir .

Me too have not been banned for sometime now .... Don't know why ?? :lol:

I know why I don't get ban. :D
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In this dimension... Every Indian wants to live like a Pakistani.... You can't buy anything. 70% of India earns below $1.25 a day, kiddo. Who you gonna buy? Your gonna sell.

Kashmir is Pakistans territory.

In Pakistan you can't even go to tribal areas :lol:

every hour there is a bomb blast and a ranger getting beheaded :lol:

Kashmir is India.
99% of Indians would sell their mothers to live like the poorest Pakistanis.

Acting like you don't know.... Is stupid.

Kashmir is Pakistans territory.

Arrey, abey Lallooey; woh gaana seekh ley Kailash Kher sey, accha hai aur sur mein bh hai, miyan........:-)

No Indian would like to live in a land to get "Droned" or "Boom-Boomed" or "Kalashnikoved" or "Beheaded", and all by some neighboring "Beardo".
Delusionistan is not a good State to live in, nobody wants Citizenship of such a El-Paradiso!
wow... what is this? 'make me feel good' thread again!:woot:
Then share the secret .... :angel:

Do you think it is because you don't discus kashmir ??

Not really! I used to pick up fights with Pakistani members, webmaster suggested that I shouldn't. The result is there. :D

I've read even 5 to 6 year old threads on Kashmir issue and most of them end with Ranting :blah: :blah:, so I decided to call it a Q U I T.....However, at times, I cannot resist from making one odd comment:girl_wacko:
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