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Mass incarceration, concentration camps & torture camps operated by America

To Mil-Avia:

If you like to dig dirt I'm prety sure you'll receive tons of dirt. List any countries you want to get dirt you'll find it.
Gambit, you really are a sanctimonious ****. Our brutal dens of torture in the USA are tormenting people, and reforms are a must. Look at these brutal conditions...





Bangladesh Prison: Note the humane, progressive and educational conditions.

lol nice post
Here's one of our prison vans.


On the other hand, it looks like Bangladesh in its entirety is one giant prison... nice! The Indians are locking you in!


Surrounded by 3783 km of barbed wire fencing, is Bangladesh to be the world’s largest prison?

PROBE - JUNE 17 - JUNE 23, 2011
In Assam, if you are wearing a lungi or a beard, people say you’re from Bangladesh
– TIME, February 05, 2009

The famous, or infamous, Berlin Wall used to be 140km. The wall which Israel has built around Gaza is 760km. The wall along the US-Mexico border is 1123km. But the length of the Indian barbed wire fencing along its border with Bangladesh is more than all these walls combined.


Not really a fan of threads like these. American prisoners probably have a higher standard of living than people in our respective nations in South Asia. Instead of lecturing the Americans, we may better spend our time criticizing the leaders that have failed our nations and peoples so thoroughly.
I'm hoping a moderator will close this thread, but in the mean time, how can I not react with someone trying to compare Bangladesh prisons and justice with our own?

Mods Please close this train wreck down, thank you.
I'm hoping a moderator will close this thread, but in the mean time, how can I not react with someone trying to compare Bangladesh prisons and justice with our own?

Mods Please close this train wreck down, thank you.

I wouldn't hold my breath .......... it's best to just ignore the guy. Most people with half a brain can see what he posts is biased B.S.
I'm hoping a moderator will close this thread, but in the mean time, how can I not react with someone trying to compare Bangladesh prisons and justice with our own?

Mods Please close this train wreck down, thank you.
I wouldn't hold my breath .......... it's best to just ignore the guy. Most people with half a brain can see what he posts is biased B.S.
Yeah...Threads like this one are valuable to those who need escape from their sorry realities. People like him KNOW full well that Americans do not need to post anything about his country to convince so many of his countrymen that they should leave if they can, the sorry state of Bangladesh is enough to make any comparison redundant, whereas no matter how much dirt he can dig up about US and post them here, those who came from that part of the world and are living in the US can only silently shake their heads at him and feel sorry for him. Let them all be to enjoy this only escape they have.
Yeah...Threads like this one are valuable to those who need escape from their sorry realities. People like him KNOW full well that Americans do not need to post anything about his country to convince so many of his countrymen that they should leave if they can, the sorry state of Bangladesh is enough to make any comparison redundant, whereas no matter how much dirt he can dig up about US and post them here, those who came from that part of the world and are living in the US can only silently shake their heads at him and feel sorry for him. Let them all be to enjoy this only escape they have.

Again and again people like you have no shame in hiding behind the 'sorry state' of the poor countries. The people of those 'poor' countries do not brag about being the champions of human rights as you and your allies do and then go on secretly operating torture cells all around the globe and that makes all the difference.
Some Facts You Should Know About Texas Prisons
By Ana Lucia Gelabert, 4th Ventose (February 24), 2008

Or, Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) in its seven (7) or more branches: TDCJ-CID (Correctional Institutions Division), TDCJ-SJ (State Jails), TDCJ-PD (Parole Division), plus “therapeutic facilities,” “transient facilities,” private prisons by Wackenhut and C.C.A. (fully paid by TDCJ), sundry “pre-parole/pre-revocation” facilities, “industrial units” – you counting them? – then 14,000 state felons kept for months in county jails at TDCJ expense for lack of beds in the Greater TDCJ. Each a separate state prison system. Holding some 230,000 inmates – the exact number a heavily guarded secret. World’s highest incarceration rate of 1000 per 100,000 population – ten times England’s, 14 times Cuba’s – plus another 700,000 Texans on parole supervision. Half of this mass of humanity “people of color.” For each adult in prison, count at least one underage child being raised on the streets without parental supervision: “the next TDCJ generation.”

If you, dear reader, thing that Abu Ghraib or Gitmo – or tens of secret Gitmos in “friendly” eastern European and third world nations – are but “exceptional mistakes by a few bad apples,” then you been brainwashed by the soothing snake oil of fascist propaganda. In the late 1990’s some TDCJ whistle b lower leaked the “Brazorial County Training Video,” that soon made coast to coast telenews sensation: prisoners chained on floor, screaming in excruciating pain, while attack dogs held by laughing prisoncrats bit them over and again. This horror film was a training video to teach newly hired prison guards! Texas governor then was George Walker Bush : current de facto misruler of the U.S.A.


Why is it that when somebody points to your police state you start behaving like a criminal lawyer? You live in a world of lies and deceit and then go on pretending that the world is blind.

Yet all patriotic Bangladeshis love nothing better than a green card?

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