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Mass incarceration, concentration camps & torture camps operated by America

I'd rather be naked on a box, than have my head sawed off, live, on the internet.

No one denies Abu Graib. On the contrary, the story broke from within the USA and was rapidly spread. The more expected response from any closed nation would have been to clamp a heavy lid on it and deny it ever happened. Instead, our open society made it known, investigated, and punished accordingly.

What I absolutely object to is the insinuation that The U.S. justice system is somehow darker, more evil, more brutal than anything else out there. That's simply false. And tossing out terms like "concentration camps" is incendiary, and misleading.

It is easy to read the mind of the OP.
Here I am on Pakistan Defense. I want to be one of the guys. I want to appear cool, hip, one of the gang. How do I do that? Easy - I can make another Bash America thread. This is a safe thing to do. Everyone will support me. I'll feel puffed up and important. I personally don't really care about the material itself... it's more important that it simply cause everyone to say 'oh those evil bastards.'

Right along the lines of dedicated threads on Indian toilet habits, Chinese forgery and property rights, Muslim terror; topics designed to inflame, not to inform.
Is Abu Ghraib in the US? Is the terrorist prison in Guantanamo in the US?

Title of this thread is :
"Mass incarceration, concentration camps & torture camps operated by America"

and is not :
"Mass incarceration, concentration camps & torture camps operated inside America"

are more correctly 'internment' than 'concentration'.
Ethnic groups people of U.S.A. would not agree with you. Japanese-Americans were locked up in ILLEGAL camps.
2 mentally ill victims of County Corruption made homeless
(Five photos of corruption & squalor from Cuyahoga County) :





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This is just another hate thread against america, the reason is simple ... now the guys who are complaining wan't human rights for scums in gitmo.. were they sleeping when taliban was brutalizing an entire nation, where were these noblemen when AQ were beheading innocent journalists? It is the greatness of secular democratic modern nations to even provide rights to the scums in gitmo. If they were dealt with their own rules .. all of em would be hanging on the barrel of a rusty russian tank.

This is just another hate thread against america, the reason is simple ... now the guys who are complaining wan't human rights for scums in gitmo.. were they sleeping when taliban was brutalizing an entire nation, where were these noblemen when AQ were beheading innocent journalists? It is the greatness of secular democratic modern nations to even provide rights to the scums in gitmo. If they were dealt with their own rules .. all of em would be hanging on the barrel of a rusty russian tank.
Bangladesh has a literacy rate of 50%. Basically, the average Bangladeshi is too ignorant to know how ignorant and what a backward hellhole his/her country really is. The ones who are smart enough to use a computer and the Internet need to at least mentally escape his sorry condition so he has to resort to this kind of activity. This guy simply does not realize how fertile UN sources really is if the American members here behave as he does.
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