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Maryam wants PTI's Jail Bharo movement to start with Bushra Bibi


Sep 26, 2018
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  • PML-N leader comes down hard on former PM over no uplift projects in KP.
  • “Your frontperson Farah Gogi has fled to Dubai”, Maryam tells Khan.
  • Says only PML-N can steer country out of political, economic crises.
Accusing the former first lady of receiving bribes during the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf's (PTI) government, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Senior Vice-President and Chief Organiser Maryam Nawaz on Thursday suggested that detentions should start with Bushra Bibi, the wife of PTI Chairman Imran Khan.

The PML-N stalwart was referring to the PTI chief's Jail Bharo (court arrest) movement announced last week.

Addressing a party's workers' convention in Abbottabad, Maryam, while firing a fresh broadside at Khan, said: "Your frontperson Farah Gogi has fled to Dubai. Your wife received diamond rings and bribes. Hence, the arrests of PTI workers should start with her.”

She added that "the PTI chief signed official files after taking bribes, then why should the workers be arrested?"

“You [Khan] filled your pockets, hence, why should the people fill the jails?” she asked.

Khan made KP people 'fool'​

Lashing out at the deposed prime minister, Maryam Nawaz said Imran Khan made the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) “fool” in the name of dams.

She insisted that the KP needed PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif, who has been in self-imposed exile in London since 2019 owing to health reasons, but not funds as the province had plenty of resources.

According to the scion of the Sharif family’s political dynasty, the PTI did not launch any new development projects in the province. She also held Khan responsible for the recent Peshawar blast, which claimed the lives of scores of people.

Taking a jab at Khan, Maryam said: “The person who claims of filling jails had been filling his pockets during the past 10 years. The amount meant for your development has been spent on Zaman Park [residence of Imran Khan in Lahore].”

Refereeing to PTI Vice-Chairman Shah Mahmood Qureshi’s yesterday statement wherein he admitted that Nawaz had been removed unconstitutionally, she said that they “all will say that they did injustice to the PML-N supremo”.

In an apparent reference to Imran Khan, she raised a question: “A mentally ill person was imposed on the nation. What was their fault?”

The PML-N leader went on to say that the PTI chief’s “crimes” but not wounds — which he sustained during a failed assassination bid in Wazirabad on November 3, 2022 — stop him from appearing before the court. Khan and his followers can clearly see their fate written on the wall, she added.

‘Only Nawaz Sharif can put country on path of progress’​

Only Nawaz Sharif, she said, could put the country on the path of progress.

“Only the PML-N can steer the country out of the difficulties,” Maryam said, adding, “I want the PML-N to clean sweep the next elections in the province.”

‘Why do you think you’re so important that everyone wants to kill you?’ Maryam asks Imran

<p>PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz Sharif addresses a party workers convention in Abbottabad on February 9. — Photo courtesy: Twitter</p>

PML-N Senior Vice President Maryam Nawaz on Thursday came down hard on former prime minister Imran Khan for not doing anything for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa during his party’s time in power in the province and questioned why he thought he was so “important” that others wanted him dead.
Addressing a workers’ convention in Abottabad, the PML-N chief organiser took several jibes at the PTI chairman and said: “Why do you think you are so important that everyone is planning to kill you?
“First, he said an American conspiracy ousted his government but apologised to them. Then he blamed Asif Ali Zardari for planning to kill him and yesterday he blamed the agencies.”

Maryam’s remarks come a day after a video surfaced on social media wherein the PTI chief — who is currently recovering from an attempt on his life — purportedly claimed that the military leadership had gone as far as trying to harm a popular political leader.
Last month, Imran had also accused Zardari of being part of a plan to “get rid of him”, alleging that after “two” failed attempts on his life, the four people — who he has previously claimed to have hatched a conspiracy to kill him — along with the PPP leader, had now prepared a “Plan C” to eliminate him.
During her speech in Abottabad, Maryam highlighted that her father, PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif, used to attend court hearings in a wheelchair even though he had not committed any crimes.
“I wish Imran gets well soon but let me tell you that it is not his plaster that doesn’t allow him to go to the courts, it is his crimes.”
Commenting on the Jail Bharo Tehreek (court arrest movement), the Maryam lambasted Imran saying, “Why should the workers give their arrest first? Farah Gogi should be arrested first for plundering millions. His wife (Bushra Bibi) received expensive rings […] she should be arrested first.”
Maryam termed the movement to be a “Jaib Bharo Tehreek” and said Imran filled his pockets during his time in power but wanted his workers to fill the jails.
The PML-N chief organiser urged the people to spread her message to every corner of the province so that the people were made aware of the reality of Imran and his party.
“Where are the development projects? I don’t see any hospitals or schools around here,” she said, adding that she did not expect anything from a party that failed to properly utilise counterterrorism funds and put the lives of police personnel in harm’s way.
“Are KP police personnel useless? Why weren’t funds spent on them? Why did they lose their lives?” Maryam said, blaming Imran for the recent terrorist attack in Peshawar that claimed scores of lives — mostly policemen.
Maryam termed Imran to be a “mentally unstable man” who had been imposed on the country and only inflicted torture on the people of KP and filled his pockets.
She also blamed him for tearing up the International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreement during his last days in power and endangering talks with the international lender for political gains.
She also said that the people of KP would get a Hazara province but that was only possible if the PML-N gets a two-third majority in the National Assembly.
“I promise to visit here often and every district of the province,” Maryam said.
Imagine this woman PM of Pakistan ..... wonder why Captain Safdar is extremely charsi.
Imagine this woman PM of Pakistan ..... wonder why Captain Safdar is extremely charsi.


  • PML-N leader comes down hard on former PM over no uplift projects in KP.
  • “Your frontperson Farah Gogi has fled to Dubai”, Maryam tells Khan.
  • Says only PML-N can steer country out of political, economic crises.
Accusing the former first lady of receiving bribes during the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf's (PTI) government, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Senior Vice-President and Chief Organiser Maryam Nawaz on Thursday suggested that detentions should start with Bushra Bibi, the wife of PTI Chairman Imran Khan.

The PML-N stalwart was referring to the PTI chief's Jail Bharo (court arrest) movement announced last week.

Addressing a party's workers' convention in Abbottabad, Maryam, while firing a fresh broadside at Khan, said: "Your frontperson Farah Gogi has fled to Dubai. Your wife received diamond rings and bribes. Hence, the arrests of PTI workers should start with her.”

She added that "the PTI chief signed official files after taking bribes, then why should the workers be arrested?"

“You [Khan] filled your pockets, hence, why should the people fill the jails?” she asked.

Khan made KP people 'fool'​

Lashing out at the deposed prime minister, Maryam Nawaz said Imran Khan made the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) “fool” in the name of dams.

She insisted that the KP needed PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif, who has been in self-imposed exile in London since 2019 owing to health reasons, but not funds as the province had plenty of resources.

According to the scion of the Sharif family’s political dynasty, the PTI did not launch any new development projects in the province. She also held Khan responsible for the recent Peshawar blast, which claimed the lives of scores of people.

Taking a jab at Khan, Maryam said: “The person who claims of filling jails had been filling his pockets during the past 10 years. The amount meant for your development has been spent on Zaman Park [residence of Imran Khan in Lahore].”

Refereeing to PTI Vice-Chairman Shah Mahmood Qureshi’s yesterday statement wherein he admitted that Nawaz had been removed unconstitutionally, she said that they “all will say that they did injustice to the PML-N supremo”.

In an apparent reference to Imran Khan, she raised a question: “A mentally ill person was imposed on the nation. What was their fault?”

The PML-N leader went on to say that the PTI chief’s “crimes” but not wounds — which he sustained during a failed assassination bid in Wazirabad on November 3, 2022 — stop him from appearing before the court. Khan and his followers can clearly see their fate written on the wall, she added.

‘Only Nawaz Sharif can put country on path of progress’​

Only Nawaz Sharif, she said, could put the country on the path of progress.

“Only the PML-N can steer the country out of the difficulties,” Maryam said, adding, “I want the PML-N to clean sweep the next elections in the province.”

‘Why do you think you’re so important that everyone wants to kill you?’ Maryam asks Imran

<p>PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz Sharif addresses a party workers convention in Abbottabad on February 9. — Photo courtesy: Twitter</p>

PML-N Senior Vice President Maryam Nawaz on Thursday came down hard on former prime minister Imran Khan for not doing anything for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa during his party’s time in power in the province and questioned why he thought he was so “important” that others wanted him dead.
Addressing a workers’ convention in Abottabad, the PML-N chief organiser took several jibes at the PTI chairman and said: “Why do you think you are so important that everyone is planning to kill you?
“First, he said an American conspiracy ousted his government but apologised to them. Then he blamed Asif Ali Zardari for planning to kill him and yesterday he blamed the agencies.”

Maryam’s remarks come a day after a video surfaced on social media wherein the PTI chief — who is currently recovering from an attempt on his life — purportedly claimed that the military leadership had gone as far as trying to harm a popular political leader.
Last month, Imran had also accused Zardari of being part of a plan to “get rid of him”, alleging that after “two” failed attempts on his life, the four people — who he has previously claimed to have hatched a conspiracy to kill him — along with the PPP leader, had now prepared a “Plan C” to eliminate him.
During her speech in Abottabad, Maryam highlighted that her father, PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif, used to attend court hearings in a wheelchair even though he had not committed any crimes.
“I wish Imran gets well soon but let me tell you that it is not his plaster that doesn’t allow him to go to the courts, it is his crimes.”
Commenting on the Jail Bharo Tehreek (court arrest movement), the Maryam lambasted Imran saying, “Why should the workers give their arrest first? Farah Gogi should be arrested first for plundering millions. His wife (Bushra Bibi) received expensive rings […] she should be arrested first.”
Maryam termed the movement to be a “Jaib Bharo Tehreek” and said Imran filled his pockets during his time in power but wanted his workers to fill the jails.
The PML-N chief organiser urged the people to spread her message to every corner of the province so that the people were made aware of the reality of Imran and his party.
“Where are the development projects? I don’t see any hospitals or schools around here,” she said, adding that she did not expect anything from a party that failed to properly utilise counterterrorism funds and put the lives of police personnel in harm’s way.
“Are KP police personnel useless? Why weren’t funds spent on them? Why did they lose their lives?” Maryam said, blaming Imran for the recent terrorist attack in Peshawar that claimed scores of lives — mostly policemen.
Maryam termed Imran to be a “mentally unstable man” who had been imposed on the country and only inflicted torture on the people of KP and filled his pockets.
She also blamed him for tearing up the International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreement during his last days in power and endangering talks with the international lender for political gains.
She also said that the people of KP would get a Hazara province but that was only possible if the PML-N gets a two-third majority in the National Assembly.
“I promise to visit here often and every district of the province,” Maryam said.

tere bakwas te ess captain ne barbad kar dete weh!!

Iska tau apna shohar isko serious nahi leta awam ki baath tau baadh ki hai :lol: :lol: :lol:

‘Why do you think you’re so important that everyone wants to kill you?’ Maryam asks Imran

<p>PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz Sharif addresses a party workers convention in Abbottabad on February 9. — Photo courtesy: Twitter</p>

PML-N Senior Vice President Maryam Nawaz on Thursday came down hard on former prime minister Imran Khan for not doing anything for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa during his party’s time in power in the province and questioned why he thought he was so “important” that others wanted him dead.
Addressing a workers’ convention in Abottabad, the PML-N chief organiser took several jibes at the PTI chairman and said: “Why do you think you are so important that everyone is planning to kill you?
“First, he said an American conspiracy ousted his government but apologised to them. Then he blamed Asif Ali Zardari for planning to kill him and yesterday he blamed the agencies.”

Maryam’s remarks come a day after a video surfaced on social media wherein the PTI chief — who is currently recovering from an attempt on his life — purportedly claimed that the military leadership had gone as far as trying to harm a popular political leader.
Last month, Imran had also accused Zardari of being part of a plan to “get rid of him”, alleging that after “two” failed attempts on his life, the four people — who he has previously claimed to have hatched a conspiracy to kill him — along with the PPP leader, had now prepared a “Plan C” to eliminate him.
During her speech in Abottabad, Maryam highlighted that her father, PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif, used to attend court hearings in a wheelchair even though he had not committed any crimes.
“I wish Imran gets well soon but let me tell you that it is not his plaster that doesn’t allow him to go to the courts, it is his crimes.”
Commenting on the Jail Bharo Tehreek (court arrest movement), the Maryam lambasted Imran saying, “Why should the workers give their arrest first? Farah Gogi should be arrested first for plundering millions. His wife (Bushra Bibi) received expensive rings […] she should be arrested first.”
Maryam termed the movement to be a “Jaib Bharo Tehreek” and said Imran filled his pockets during his time in power but wanted his workers to fill the jails.
The PML-N chief organiser urged the people to spread her message to every corner of the province so that the people were made aware of the reality of Imran and his party.
“Where are the development projects? I don’t see any hospitals or schools around here,” she said, adding that she did not expect anything from a party that failed to properly utilise counterterrorism funds and put the lives of police personnel in harm’s way.
“Are KP police personnel useless? Why weren’t funds spent on them? Why did they lose their lives?” Maryam said, blaming Imran for the recent terrorist attack in Peshawar that claimed scores of lives — mostly policemen.
Maryam termed Imran to be a “mentally unstable man” who had been imposed on the country and only inflicted torture on the people of KP and filled his pockets.
She also blamed him for tearing up the International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreement during his last days in power and endangering talks with the international lender for political gains.
She also said that the people of KP would get a Hazara province but that was only possible if the PML-N gets a two-third majority in the National Assembly.
“I promise to visit here often and every district of the province,” Maryam said.

It is good to see people are calling out the IK drama of people plotting to kill him.

IK is no body and people do not buy this fake story.
It is good to see people are calling out the IK drama of people plotting to kill him.

IK is no body and people do not buy this fake story.
if that is so then why are you lot cowering away from elections? making all sorts of excuses! this balony nonsense from maryam PDM and establishment aint gonna fly.

every time you lot open your mouth and say something it comes back to haunt you lot. its wise to shut up.

‘Why do you think you’re so important that everyone wants to kill you?’ Maryam asks Imran

<p>PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz Sharif addresses a party workers convention in Abbottabad on February 9. — Photo courtesy: Twitter</p>

PML-N Senior Vice President Maryam Nawaz on Thursday came down hard on former prime minister Imran Khan for not doing anything for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa during his party’s time in power in the province and questioned why he thought he was so “important” that others wanted him dead.
Addressing a workers’ convention in Abottabad, the PML-N chief organiser took several jibes at the PTI chairman and said: “Why do you think you are so important that everyone is planning to kill you?
“First, he said an American conspiracy ousted his government but apologised to them. Then he blamed Asif Ali Zardari for planning to kill him and yesterday he blamed the agencies.”

Maryam’s remarks come a day after a video surfaced on social media wherein the PTI chief — who is currently recovering from an attempt on his life — purportedly claimed that the military leadership had gone as far as trying to harm a popular political leader.
Last month, Imran had also accused Zardari of being part of a plan to “get rid of him”, alleging that after “two” failed attempts on his life, the four people — who he has previously claimed to have hatched a conspiracy to kill him — along with the PPP leader, had now prepared a “Plan C” to eliminate him.
During her speech in Abottabad, Maryam highlighted that her father, PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif, used to attend court hearings in a wheelchair even though he had not committed any crimes.
“I wish Imran gets well soon but let me tell you that it is not his plaster that doesn’t allow him to go to the courts, it is his crimes.”
Commenting on the Jail Bharo Tehreek (court arrest movement), the Maryam lambasted Imran saying, “Why should the workers give their arrest first? Farah Gogi should be arrested first for plundering millions. His wife (Bushra Bibi) received expensive rings […] she should be arrested first.”
Maryam termed the movement to be a “Jaib Bharo Tehreek” and said Imran filled his pockets during his time in power but wanted his workers to fill the jails.
The PML-N chief organiser urged the people to spread her message to every corner of the province so that the people were made aware of the reality of Imran and his party.
“Where are the development projects? I don’t see any hospitals or schools around here,” she said, adding that she did not expect anything from a party that failed to properly utilise counterterrorism funds and put the lives of police personnel in harm’s way.
“Are KP police personnel useless? Why weren’t funds spent on them? Why did they lose their lives?” Maryam said, blaming Imran for the recent terrorist attack in Peshawar that claimed scores of lives — mostly policemen.
Maryam termed Imran to be a “mentally unstable man” who had been imposed on the country and only inflicted torture on the people of KP and filled his pockets.
She also blamed him for tearing up the International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreement during his last days in power and endangering talks with the international lender for political gains.
She also said that the people of KP would get a Hazara province but that was only possible if the PML-N gets a two-third majority in the National Assembly.
“I promise to visit here often and every district of the province,” Maryam said.
Sorry to spoil your tread but Imran khan remains the most popular leader :


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Dealing with obsessed Ex is one thing but, She seems to have crush on IK since childhood and IK always ignored her.

iski jealousy to Reham Khan se bhi ziada hai.

begairat Randi saray jahan di, stop talking about family, attack IK, chowk mae shalwar utar kar shuru ho ja kanjri.

Jis jis ko IK ka L mila hai is ko un sab se masla hai.

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