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Martyrdom in Hinduism

If Hinduism does not matter to you, you should STFU about it and not prance around spreading canards about it.

You can read DC Comics, Marvel universe or bible and worship tom cruise, that is your problem. You seem to think we care a fcuk. We don't. I am not your shrink.

Hindus take their religion seriously and their Dhamra equally seriously. Learn to give respect.

And I don't take Hinduism seriously at all. And you can take that Dharma, asura and bhagvat Gita and shove it up your Gau-mata's behind.

Oh and I don't read comics, I read books that increase my knowledge in terms of history, literature and science. And I love the fact that you take every western stereotype that doesn't even apply to white people (because that is what your limited knowledge informs your prejudices)

And yes, I will continue to post offensive and derogatory comments about Islam, Chrisitanity and hinduism. What are you going to do about it,

Oh I know NOTHING. Go suck it up cry baby, it's called freedom of speech. now be a good little boy and run along now, why don't you go and suck on Shiva's lingam and wash it down with a glass of cow piss and go whine and complain about Muslim Men stealing your Hindu women because you vegetarian loving Kindoos are not even Man enough to seduce your own women.

GTFO out of here with your trolling Hindu boy, I will insult your religion all I want, and you being the internet tough guy you are, will sit there and take it. Now go nurse your butthurt, because offending religious sentiments is what I do best.
Calling names, Pity nobody taught u decency . I wonder what has PDF got to do with your temper, for us all u look more of a fool. Self proclaimed fool.
Guys has anyone got doubts in Mahabarat please ask this guy. Am done with my share.

it's easy, no sex before marriage. The guy has blue balls.
If Hinduism does not matter to you, you should STFU about it and not prance around spreading canards about it.

You can read DC Comics, Marvel universe or bible and worship tom cruise, that is your problem. You seem to think we care a fcuk. We don't. I am not your shrink.

Hindus take their religion seriously and their Dhamra equally seriously. Learn to give respect.
He says he is an atheist, cant u respect that? He is free to take ant morale from any book what is your problem in that? Hindus take respect to others sentiments seriously. U first learn to give respect when expecting it in return.
U are no different from those cronies killing people and preaching their own version of religion.( No matter what the religion is)
I do not bother about religion or what it does in every day human life, But One thing is sure, ancient Indians knew much more that what other civilizations know about science, astronomy, sex, ayurveda etc...etcc.

The moment Europe came in contact with India, their philosophy and scientific thinking changed, They studied India literature and scriptures. I have opened a thread related to "India civilization and its contribution to world" I will post the link soon.

In short some of the base of atomic science , astronomy etc has Indian roots.

Indians used "0" they even used algebra, trigonometry when europe was in dark ages and following roman numericals whose greatest numerical is 1000.

Please Do. I am curious about this article :)
And I don't take Hinduism seriously at all. And you can take that Dharma, asura and bhagvat Gita and shove it up your Gau-mata's behind.

Oh and I don't read comics, I read books that increase my knowledge in terms of history, literature and science. And I love the fact that you take every western stereotype that doesn't even apply to white people (because that is what your limited knowledge informs your prejudices)

And yes, I will continue to post offensive and derogatory comments about Islam, Chrisitanity and hinduism. What are you going to do about it,

Oh I know NOTHING. Go suck it up cry baby, it's called freedom of speech. now be a good little boy and run along now, why don't you go and suck on Shiva's lingam and wash it down with a glass of cow piss and go whine and complain about Muslim Men stealing your Hindu women because you vegetarian loving Kindoos are not even Man enough to seduce your own women.

GTFO out of here with your trolling Hindu boy, I will insult your religion all I want, and you being the internet tough guy you are, will sit there and take it. Now go nurse your butthurt, because offending religious sentiments is what I do best.
Now u doing what he has been doing...... Seriously am off
He says he is an atheist, cant u respect that? He is free to take ant morale from any book what is your problem in that? Hindus take respect to others sentiments seriously. U first learn to give respect when expecting it in return.
U are no different from those cronies killing people and preaching their own version of religion.( No matter what the religion is)

@illuminatidinesh he says he doesn't five an F but continues to do so. Btw, this is the same hypocrite who was willing to murder people for beef eating (surely the most heinous crime imaginable). He is no different than any two bit Islamist thug imposing his view. Ironically, he hates them the most too, because he is probably aware that he is the other side of the coin.

My sincerest apologies for my reply to him, because I responded to his trolling by trolling him. See, let me clarify my position. I am an Atheist, so i don't believe in god/gods, it doesn't mean that I don't like religious texts, Quran teaches us to take care of the poor, Bible teaches us the value of sacrifice.

A lot of Hindus have their own interpretation of what it means to them. That is what religion is, almost every believer cherry picks what they want to believe. As an atheist, I have to give respect to what other people believe.

But I don't have to give people respect when they insult me. Another lesson when you deal with religious nutjobs like the idiot above, never give an inch, because all they want is to use free speech that progressives have made and use that to bully others. And when a criticism is made, they will play the victim. What a pathetic specimen of the Human race
Calling names, Pity nobody taught u decency . I wonder what has PDF got to do with your temper, for us all u look more of a fool. Self proclaimed fool.
Guys has anyone got doubts in Mahabarat please ask this guy. Am done with my share.

Calling you an idiot is not 'name' calling. It is just acknowledging reality. Better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool than open them and confirm their doubts.
He says he is an atheist, cant u respect that? He is free to take ant morale from any book what is your problem in that? Hindus take respect to others sentiments seriously. U first learn to give respect when expecting it in return.
U are no different from those cronies killing people and preaching their own version of religion.( No matter what the religion is)

If he is not an hindu and does not know anything about Hinduism, he should STFU. No one cares if he is a Hindu or not, only what he posts about Hinduism.

I would give respect only when the other person learns to give respect and earns that right.
And I don't take Hinduism seriously at all. And you can take that Dharma, asura and bhagvat Gita and shove it up your Gau-mata's behind.

Oh and I don't read comics, I read books that increase my knowledge in terms of history, literature and science. And I love the fact that you take every western stereotype that doesn't even apply to white people (because that is what your limited knowledge informs your prejudices)

And yes, I will continue to post offensive and derogatory comments about Islam, Chrisitanity and hinduism. What are you going to do about it,

Oh I know NOTHING. Go suck it up cry baby, it's called freedom of speech. now be a good little boy and run along now, why don't you go and suck on Shiva's lingam and wash it down with a glass of cow piss and go whine and complain about Muslim Men stealing your Hindu women because you vegetarian loving Kindoos are not even Man enough to seduce your own women.

GTFO out of here with your trolling Hindu boy, I will insult your religion all I want, and you being the internet tough guy you are, will sit there and take it. Now go nurse your butthurt, because offending religious sentiments is what I do best.

You are a self proclaimed Asura trying to sell the benefits of Beef eating to Hindus. So yes, to protect Dharma, Asuras like you have to be exposed and shamed in public. No that you have any sense of shame, but exposing your Asura-vitta will help others avoid you.

As usual you are trying to tell me what you do or do not do. Its pathetic. I DON'T CARE. Do you understand that ?

I wanted to expose you for the Asura you are and now I have done that. LOL. My Dharmic path is clear.
How is it that I get left out of the "Asura" parties, you folks are just killing me now! :mad:
Welcome to asura party can we rock some vodka or Desi hooch it will be for tonight.

But those mofo who abuse Hinduism or any other religion because of their so called atheism should be shoved a hot iron bar up their hooka bar.you can believe what u please we won't supply fire or give ground to your body. You are free to let it rot on pavement while dog eat you but don't disrespect others faith it's more important than your existence dear.
So personal promises and oath is greater than Dharma ? sadly for you, Hinduism disagrees.

Oath by a Nazi or by Bhishma is not greater than the need to practice and protect Dharma. Otherwise the Nazi's too swore an oath to always unquestionably serve their leader, Why the double standards for the Nazi's and not Bhishma ? :rolleyes:

Are you aware what 'Hitler Oath' is ? No personal oath is greater than Dharma.

That is one of the primary teachings of Mahabharata.

No, I never said personal oaths are greater than Dharma. All I said is that it is not possible for some tragic individuals to follow the path of Dharma even though they would want to. In the Mahabharata, Karna knew that he was cursed by Parshurama to forget his knowledge when he would need it the most. He still did his duty as an indebted friend. Anyhow, this debate is endless. You have your views and I have mine - let's just agree to disagree. Hinduism is open to intepretation.
No, I never said personal oaths are greater than Dharma. All I said is that it is not possible for some tragic individuals to follow the path of Dharma even though they would want to. In the Mahabharata, Karna knew that he was cursed by Parshurama to forget his knowledge when he would need it the most. He still did his duty as an indebted friend. Anyhow, this debate is endless. You have your views and I have mine - let's just agree to disagree. Hinduism is open to intepretation.
Exactly , how can anyone say that Karna should do this and that? His duty was his Dharma, and YES Hinduism is open to anyone.
Exactly , how can anyone say that Karna should do this and that? His duty was his Dharma, and YES Hinduism is open to anyone.

Dharma is a universal concept. What you are referring to you is Karam. Dharma remains the same - your action (karam) is either in the path of Dharma or not. In the case of Bheeshma and Karna - their acts while laudable were against Dharma. Similarly, when Yudhistara misled Drona that "Ashwathama is dead" - he was committing a bad karam but he was following the dharma of trying to get good to triumph over evil - at whatever cost. The Mahabharata is filled with such instances - getting the reincarnation of Amba to defeat Bheeshma or Krishna engineering an eclipse for Arjuna to fulfil his vow.
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