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Martin Jacques' latest views on China

I can recommend the movie India 2030 to everyone who wants a great laugh. China is way ahead of India and yet we don't have this kind of movie where the whites have become slaves. :D

I can imagine blonde swedes migrating to Mumbai to take jobs as caretakers and assistance to their superior bollyword master race..
That video was hilarious. Anyway, an important thing to note is that China's neighbors are already there; having giant economies and first world living standards. It's only a matter of time till China, like North Korea reach that equalibrium.

I personally think communism held these two back.

India's neighbors are worse off than India. This could have soething to do with cultural/societal differences between the two regions.
Indians are traumatised by China; their relationship with China is erratic, fickle and fearful. Because of the border wars, China looms very large in the Indian imagination.

“The Chinese do look down upon Indians and it’s a racial thing.” :lol:

Chinese understanding of other cultures is weak partially because of their inherent strength. If that is true then it is quite possible that over time as China gets more powerful, it could develop a contemptuous view of weaker nations around it. And that would not be good news for any of those countries, India included.

That video was hilarious. Anyway, an important thing to note is that China's neighbors are already there; having giant economies and first world living standards. It's only a matter of time till China, like North Korea reach that equalibrium.

I personally think communism held these two back.

India's neighbors are worse off than India. This could have soething to do with cultural/societal differences between the two regions.

Sri Lanka is better than India in almost every HDI indicator, Other neighbors, better in certain indicators. The differences were more to do with the top level, Pakistan and Mymmar were military dictatorship for most of their time.
“The Chinese do look down upon Indians and it’s a racial thing.” :lol:

Chinese understanding of other cultures is weak partially because of their inherent strength. If that is true then it is quite possible that over time as China gets more powerful, it could develop a contemptuous view of weaker nations around it. And that would not be good news for any of those countries, India included.

Sri Lanka is better than India in almost every HDI indicator, Other neighbors, better in certain indicators. The differences were more to do with the top level, Pakistan and Mymmar were military dictatorship for most of their time.
For millenniums, China has been mostly isolated and could found very little evident of civilization that Chinese could consider as equals. Chinese psyche is much like American in recent history, self-centered and almost complete ignorance of others.
However in the past 2 centuries, with the western colonial powers banging on China door delivers a rude awakening to the Chinese psyche. Our reaction is typical, first denial and pretend that it did not happen, then acceptance and over-corrected by embracing what we considered as the most advance political theory at the time. The rest is just history.
I doubt that China would relapse to her old habit of seeing the world, because it is near impossible that Chinese would feel as overwhelming strong as she used to be because the worldview for Chinese has widen beyond east asia and it has changed forever.
By looking at China long history, one can see that Chinese do not have the habit of seeing the world as a jungle. Chinese generally do not feels China has a right to dominate others even if Chinese considered them to be inferior. Inferiority is not a crime, it is just a relative state of being (we have been there and still is). Chinese is an honor/face/pride/vanity based society. For Chinese, everyone has the right to basic/minimum face/dignity. When apply to international politic, that translate to China principle of foreign policy of respect for sovereignty and non-interference on internal affairs.
For millenniums, China has been mostly isolated and could found very little evident of civilization that Chinese could consider as equals. Chinese psyche is much like American in recent history, self-centered and almost complete ignorance of others.
However in the past 2 centuries, with the western colonial powers banging on China door delivers a rude awakening to the Chinese psyche. Our reaction is typical, first denial and pretend that it did not happen, then acceptance and over-corrected by embracing what we considered as the most advance political theory at the time. The rest is just history.
I doubt that China would relapse to her old habit of seeing the world, because it is near impossible that Chinese would feel as overwhelming strong as she used to be because the worldview for Chinese has widen beyond east asia and it has changed forever.
By looking at China long history, one can see that Chinese do not have the habit of seeing the world as a jungle. Chinese generally do not feels China has a right to dominate others even if Chinese considered them to be inferior. Inferiority is not a crime, it is just a relative state of being (we have been there and still is). Chinese is an honor/face/pride/vanity based society. For Chinese, everyone has the right to basic/minimum face/dignity. When apply to international politic, that translate to China principle of foreign policy of respect for sovereignty and non-interference on internal affairs.

I disagree with you in the highlighted part, You can see the Chinese Hawkish behavior and arrogance in the last decade. There are lot of instances and examples. If they treat every country as equals and with respect explain SCS and east sea disputes and the way Chinese behaved.
For millenniums, China has been mostly isolated and could found very little evident of civilization that Chinese could consider as equals. Chinese psyche is much like

I think current Chinese psyche is surrounding threat based, considering that China is surrounded by all formidable opponents, some former tormentors during Century of humiliation.

American in recent history, self-centered and almost complete ignorance of others.

This is a common misconception, Americans thoroughly analyze nations and are well aware being a global power, some of the declassified CIA documents can vindicate what i said.

However in the past 2 centuries, with the western colonial powers banging on China door delivers a rude awakening to the Chinese psyche. Our reaction is typical, first denial and pretend that it did not happen, then acceptance and over-corrected by embracing what we considered as the most advance political theory at the time. The rest is just history.


I doubt that China would relapse to her old habit of seeing the world, because it is near impossible that Chinese would feel as overwhelming strong as she used to be because the worldview for Chinese has widen beyond east asia and it has changed forever.
By looking at China long history, one can see that Chinese do not have the habit of seeing the world as a jungle. Chinese generally do not feels China has a right to dominate others even if Chinese considered them to be inferior. Inferiority is not a crime, it is just a relative state of being (we have been there and still is). Chinese is an honor/face/pride/vanity based society. For Chinese, everyone has the right to basic/minimum face/dignity. When apply to international politic, that translate to China principle of foreign policy of respect for sovereignty and non-interference on internal affairs.

Chinese perception of future world remains a mystery however a thumb rule when it comes to global powers is when capability is there, hegemonic intentions follow by.
I disagree with you in the highlighted part, You can see the Chinese Hawkish behavior and arrogance in the last decade. There are lot of instances and examples. If they treat every country as equals and with respect explain SCS and east sea disputes and the way Chinese behaved.
Hawkish behavior and arrogance is simply your opinion. From the Chinese perspective, they are just defending their rights of sovereignty. The current incidents are all response to what China consider as infringements to her historical stated sovereignty. Treating other country as equal does not mean letting others walk all over you.
I think current Chinese psyche is surrounding threat based, considering that China is surrounded by all formidable opponents, some former tormentors during Century of humiliation.

This is a common misconception, Americans thoroughly analyze nations and are well aware being a global power, some of the declassified CIA documents can vindicate what i said.


Chinese perception of future world remains a mystery however a thumb rule when it comes to global powers is when capability is there, hegemonic intentions follow by.
"surrounding threat based"? That could be true today with US along with her allies trying to contain China, but not historically. Traditionally the threat almost always come only from the Northern Nomadic tribe. China is surrounded geographically with the Roof of the world to the south west, desert and highland to the west and north west. The north is Siberian tundra. The east is the pacific and south is tropical indochina and the south china sea. That is why China is comparatively non-aggressive because they have conquer where ever is consider valuable to them since thousand of year ago. Unlike for example, the Roman, the Chinese can not gain much from conquering other. War for Chinese most of the time means pain without gain. And they got so use to that idea that they do not go conquering even if later technology allows them to do so.

Wikipedia has the following to say about the history of "century of humiliation"
Century of humiliation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The beginning of the century is usually dated to the mid-19th century, on the eve of the First Opium War[2] and the widespread addiction and political unraveling of China that followed.[3]

Other major events cited as part of the Century of humiliation are, the unequal treaties of Whampoa and Aigun, the Taiping Rebellion, the Second Opium War and the sacking of the Old Summer Palace, the Sino-French War, the First Sino-Japanese War, and the British invasion of Tibet.[4] In this period, China lost all the wars it fought and had to give major concessions to the great powers in the subsequent treaties.[5]

It continued into the 20th century with the Twenty-One Demands by Japan during World War I and the Second Sino-Japanese War during World War II.

It is generally considered to have ended with the expulsion of foreign powers from mainland China after World War II,[6] and the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1949. Some commentators consider the century to have concluded with the reunification of Hong Kong and Macau with the PRC, ending foreign occupation of Chinese soil.[7] Others go further to say that the century will not end until Taiwan is reunified with the mainland.[8] Also note that some foreign "humiliations", such as the Amur Annexation, have not been undone, but they have been generally accepted by the Chinese people.
China's sovereignty was trampled upon, her honor was being insulted over and over again. And that is why China is so sensitive about her sovereignty.

About surrounded by formidable opponents, China is nowadays accused by some of bullying. But if you go by past history, you would discover that China never pick on the little guy, but always pick to fight with the big boy with overinflated ego. So no, China do not see neighbor countries as threat. China has a normal diplomatic relation and actively trade with all of them.

On the other hand, although China do not consider neighbor countries as threat, China however do not have much faith in the current world order. China do not feel safe. Given China past history of being demonized, sanctioned, embargoed. China feels that she have tried her very best and still they are always being accused of this and that, always feel misunderstood, unfairly treated by world opinion, unfairly treated in international order, unfairly hampered in their right to reach for glory.

I agree with you that there are American elite after WWII that are global in outlook. But they are only a very small minority.

I agree that nobody has a crystal ball that can tells what the future hold.

But your premise that capability would necessitate hegemonic intention is not proven by China past history. China did not conquer/annex SEA even though China has the capability to do so. China did sometime dictate term to neighbor country in a hegemonic manner but those are few and far in between. Most of the time, China just leave others alone.

One of the things that I think the world should learn is that China is different, it operate by a different mindset due to her unique history.

And if you want to know what is Chinese psyche today. Most Chinese today, I think, do not considered the Century of humiliation over. China honor was insulted and we want it restore. For the past century, million of Chinese has dedicated and committed lifetime and millions would continue to follow, China would not rest until that goal was attained. This psyche is best reflected by Hu Jintao's national rejuvenation. It is hard to explain what China quest for national rejuvenation is, but it is the dream that has driven China for the last century. It is mainly a quest for self determination, that China do not depends on other for our security, that China would be respected and fairly treated in the world order. On the surface, that quest seem no difference from aspiration of most other nation, but Chinese feels it much stronger because of what they felt about past history.
Chinese are very insecure people. The CCP is hiding that behind a false sense of supremacy. But CCP is making China weak internally as culturally and morally China is becoming bankrupt very fast. Also the aggressive attitude towards the neighbors is untenable in the long run and would cause other nations to unite and bring down the Chinese one day. it is only matter of time unless China rectifies its behaviour.

A book called "When China Rules the World" is nothing! There's already a movie about india ruling the world!


so you want to compare the SERIOUS CHINESE MENTAL DELUSIONAL WORK (SERIOUS BOOK) with a work of SATIRE (YOUTUBE COMEDY). Chinese ACTUALLY DREAMING of having white slaves :lol: Such delusions!! and Chinese Super Logical Comparison. Only a Chinese from the entire spectrum of thinking beings can pull off such comparison. :lol:
Chinese are very insecure people. The CCP is hiding that behind a false sense of supremacy. But CCP is making China weak internally as culturally and morally China is becoming bankrupt very fast. Also the aggressive attitude towards the neighbors is untenable in the long run and would cause other nations to unite and bring down the Chinese one day. it is only matter of time unless China rectifies its behaviour.

LOL at indian jealous of China and feeling inferior from 1962!

so you want to compare the SERIOUS CHINESE MENTAL DELUSIONAL WORK with a work of SATIRE. Chinese ACTUALLY DREAMING of having white slaves :lol: Such delusions, and Chinese SUPER Logical Comparison. Only a Chinese can pull off such comparison. :lol:
LOL at indian going bonkers from inferiority!
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