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Marshal Al-Sissi: the Egyptian army is able to invade Algeria in three days!

Coming from a malaysian wearing a skirt! why don't you let Egyptian reply ? They lived the situation and we lived with them...Nobody knew any Malaysian that came Egypt help, when she needed the most...
Know we are fascist and arrogant ?
Yes we are fascist when it comes to defending Egyptian territory like nobody else..
And yes we are arrogant, because we got what it takes to be that...

That was June 67 war...5 years after our independence...and we were the only country, among all the named that stayed with Egypt through the attrition war...

In October war we were late to get there, and all the objectives assigned to the Algerian were attained. One of the main battle was the legendary Algerian 8thBB with the Ariel Sharon tank brigade, where he lost over 700 of his best troops and his tank brigade decimated...Algerian losses were negligible. In the air to air, we had only a Mig 17 hit and the pilot managed to return to his base and land safely...Algerian Air force shot down too a American C5 that was supplying the Israelis troops..
On the political front, Boumediene, the departed Algerian president flew in person to the Soviet Union and pleaded the resupply of the Egyptian forces and footed the bill. Only Tito followed the Algerian example and sent Egypt 100 brand new tanks to shore up her forces...
Yes we are fascist , because we never forget the one helped us and we are arrogant, because we can!

lies bold lies coming out of your filthy algerian mind .

Egypt died for their country and spelt sweat and blood from the war of attrition till 1973 and now comes the descendant of french bastards to claim their history and victory , how disgusting some algerians could become , morrocans raped you for a reason

If the shoe fit wear it!
Should you be in mourning? or hide after the show of competency of the Malaysian Gov, dixit El Hassani...
You have no clue on what you are writing about. Being a Muslim is one thing, being a blind one where Muslims are devoid of wrong doing is another....Having a soft spot for Egypt is absolutely fine and you should, but to still defend Sissi, which by any qualificative you can give him, is a cynical murderer is beneath anybody...even you!

bad faith propaganda by whom?

If you want to speak about murderers then lets speak of your generals you killed your like pigs and raped your women in masses what a joke algerian , how many of your type were slaughtered during the algerian civil war?
B- Egyptian army can crush the French puppet generals in Algeria within a few hours not three days.

this 'marshal' wannabe should come back to earth because taking on Algerian army isnt same as killing unarmed civilians on the streets Cairo..

In such scenario most probably Egyptian soldiers would defect en masse.
Algeria when it comes to her security and to the security of her citizens, she doesn't talk much but she acts...

i like that.. unlike the egyptian jokers Algerian state seems to be very professional and serious.
we did deny this and we bring sources and if you think about it no way el sisi would have said this what would he gain if you dont want to believe this for whatever reason you have i cant make you change your mind
in every thread on PDF i really enjoy reading your comments you are one of the best members here
why dont you find something useful to do here this is really none of your business
lies bold lies coming out of your filthy algerian mind .

Egypt died for their country and spelt sweat and blood from the war of attrition till 1973 and now comes the descendant of french bastards to claim their history and victory , how disgusting some algerians could become ,

Nobody is debating the bravour of the Egyptians in defending their country, but the role of the Algerian troops in Egypt or the Algerian help to Egypt shouldn't be minimised. Algeria was the only country of the MENA region that went for broke Egypt...
And the descendant of the " descendant of the french bastards" were present in Egypt while the descendants of Mohammed sala allaho 3alayhi wa salem, save Pakistanis were nowhere to be found...

Algerian are far from being disgusting comparing to skirt wearer...
Disgusting is this;

Hudud must be for all in ‘Islamic’ Malaysia, Isma insists

Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) president, Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman, speaks during the Isma press conference at the ISMA Studio in Bangi, May 9, 2014. ― Picture by Yusof Mat IsaBANGI, May 9 ― Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) insisted today that the Federal Constitution has identified Malaysia as Islamic, contrary to arguments the country is secular.

And this....the killing of the Ahmady's

Malaysians in general are kind and good looking people...But the Muslims one due to inbreading ...

The Pakistanisation of the Malaysian Muslim

The diversity of Malaysia...


morrocans raped you for a reason
Hardly, you need to check your sources...They are the one being raped, since Morocco became the Thailand of the European smicars and the gerontocrats of the GCC...

If you want to speak about murderers then lets speak of your generals you killed your like pigs and raped your women in masses what a joke algerian , how many of your type were slaughtered during the algerian civil war?

Again , every Muslim radical try to pin that on the Algerian Army..That theory has been debunked in European courts...Our generals killed your kind and protect the people they came from..If our generals were that bad, the tab would have been a lot higher...because there is about 3MM of our bearded one that needed to be mowed..

Is there anything else you want me to reply too, putrid human? give me your best shot...
The MH 370 was piloted by your kind of people...I guess they trusted more their twisted believes than the GPS? way to go Malaysian Muslims!
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Algerian Ambassador to Sissi: Listen shorty...

Algerian face bookers replied agreed with Sissi's comment ..

And the way the words sees it
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Nobody is debating the bravour of the Egyptians in defending their country, but the role of the Algerian troops in Egypt or the Algerian help to Egypt shouldn't be minimised. Algeria was the only country of the MENA region that went for broke Egypt...
And the descendant of the " descendant of the french bastards" were present in Egypt while the descendants of Mohammed sala allaho 3alayhi wa salem, save Pakistanis were nowhere to be found...

Algerian are far from being disgusting comparing to skirt wearer...
Disgusting is this;

Hudud must be for all in ‘Islamic’ Malaysia, Isma insists

Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) president, Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman, speaks during the Isma press conference at the ISMA Studio in Bangi, May 9, 2014. ― Picture by Yusof Mat IsaBANGI, May 9 ― Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) insisted today that the Federal Constitution has identified Malaysia as Islamic, contrary to arguments the country is secular.

And this....the killing of the Ahmady's

Malaysians in general are kind and good looking people...But the Muslims one due to inbreading ...

The Pakistanisation of the Malaysian Muslim

The diversity of Malaysia...


Hardly, you need to check your sources...They are the one being raped, since Morocco became the Thailand of the European smicars and the gerontocrats of the GCC...

Again , every Muslim radical try to pin that on the Algerian Army..That theory has been debunked in European courts...Our generals killed your kind and protect the people they came from..If our generals were that bad, the tab would have been a lot higher...because there is about 3MM of our bearded one that needed to be mowed..

Is there anything else you want me to reply too, putrid human? give me your best shot...
The MH 370 was piloted by your kind of people...I guess they trusted more their twisted believes than the GPS? way to go Malaysian Muslims!

as always posting loads of bullshit and crap , Algeria had no role in anything and today is no more than an isolated country in northern africa .

Algerian army was good at slaughtering and raping algerian citizens and personally I think that the only solution to keep law and order in the land of barbarians is through and iron fist and oh enjoy your new dead president boutaflika .
we did deny this and we bring sources and if you think about it no way el sisi would have said this what would he gain if you dont want to believe this for whatever reason you have i cant make you change your mind
His staff did...He didn't. Big difference.
I guess he learned from the Israelis, when they killed some of your soldiers...they always send a jackass to apologise for their miss deed...or I should say message...Algerian are not falling for that....The vagaries of Mubarek are still fresh in our mind.
in every thread on PDF i really enjoy reading...
Enjoy reading his insults toward us or enjoyed taking the slacks in defending Egypt?
why dont you find something useful to do here this is really none of your business
This thread is for everybody, and as Turkish, his imput makes a lot more sense, that the skirt wearer. Turks have played a big role in shaping North Africa
's history and her culture.
@Ceylal what do you mean the Pakistanization of Malaysian? Those are not Pakistani clothing they are wearing LOL. It might be a kurta but all South Asian wear such a thing but most Pakistanis wear shalwar kameez.
as always posting loads of bullshit and crap , Algeria had no role in anything and today is no more than an isolated country in northern africa .
Isolated? If you are comparing us to the skirt wearer country, we are isolated..Nobody wants what world press is writing about the stupidity of the Malaysians..The MH 370 disappearence will stick to you like herpes..

Algerian army was good at slaughtering
In fact she was real good a fencing your bearded friends and eliminating them...Unlike your skirt wearer army they couldn't a freaking plane...IT so facken bad that they are totally clueless of which direction to search...

I think that the only solution to keep law and order in the land of barbarians is through and iron fist
Don't tell me you are referring to a Malaysian iron fist?I am about to pie on myself laughing picturing a skinny malaysian COP , telling a berber with balls bigger than the malaysian head,to scram!

and oh enjoy your new dead president boutaflika .
He is livelier than your skirted monarch...a least his generals do not loose planes and in control of the Algerian sky..

@Ceylal what do you mean the Pakistanization of Malaysian? Those are not Pakistani clothing they are wearing LOL. It might be a kurta but all South Asian wear such a thing but most Pakistanis wear shalwar kameez.
Not at all...I was talking about the Increasing use of medrassas ...In relation to a picture...
By the way, I love woman Pakistani clothing,
Not at all...I was talking about the Increasing use of medrassas ...In relation to a picture...
By the way, I love woman Pakistani clothing,

Ok then I take offense you can call it mullahization but not Pakistanization. Most Pakistanis themselves have problems with the uncontrolled madrassas by calling it Pakistanization you are implying it is a part of our culture when it is not and we oppose such things which plague the country.
Ok then I take offense you can call it mullahization but not Pakistanization. Most Pakistanis themselves have problems with the uncontrolled madrassas by calling it Pakistanization you are implying it is a part of our culture when it is not and we oppose such things which plague the country.
My bad, then it is mullahisation..of the skirt wearers..
we did deny this and we bring sources and if you think about it no way el sisi would have said this what would he gain if you dont want to believe this for whatever reason you have i cant make you change your mind
in every thread on PDF i really enjoy reading your comments you are one of the best members here
why dont you find something useful to do here this is really none of your business

ignore ceylal , he is one of those delusional algerians who think their country is a superpower .
ignore ceylal , he is one of those delusional algerians who think their country is a superpower .
He knows better Algeria than you do...So he is no stranger to the bickering...
And no to let you off that easy ALGERIA IS A REGIONAL POWER and an African superpower as does Egypt...Have your skirt wearing army found MH 370 ? Do they know which direction it flew...Not to the Kibla for sure or the KSA would have seen it...:nhl_checking:
From El Fadjr newspaper, Sissi has seen God twice...I thought God's calender was booked by the televangelists :omghaha:
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