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Mars mission not for pride, we mean business, says ISRO

^^^^^ India need to create projects/programs/ missions etc to hold the nation together. Nothing is wrong with that. India is a unnatural country and need gimmicks to hold the people together. And it has done a good job in the last 65 years. If they have not done a good job, there won't be a India today.
that's what I said, baby step first, do you think aiming for Mars is the baby step India need?? You can't go from zero to hero in just a year

India has history of doing stuff like this again and again! For some reason when ever they want to do somthing they want it to be ultimate even if it would be unrealistic to do so :D For example LCA worlds Lightest and smallest jet with indian made Engine!, Worlds cheapest tablet etc. Its not hard to predict the fate of such indian attempt if one starts to analyse the facts.
India has history of doing stuff like this again and again! For some reason when ever they want to do somthing they want it to be ultimate even if it would be unrealistic to do so :D For example LCA worlds Lightest and smallest jet with indian made Engine!, Worlds cheapest tablet etc. Its not hard to predict the fate of such indian attempt if one starts to analyse the facts.

Right.. but no one can beat the world's cheapest target bombing zone by US drones !! No , not even India can beat that :)
^^^^^ India need to create projects/programs/ missions etc to hold the nation together. Nothing is wrong with that. India is a unnatural country and need gimmicks to hold the people together. And it has done a good job in the last 65 years. If they have not done a good job, there won't be a India today.

Goddam maggot
Right.. but no one can beat the world's cheapest target bombing zone by US drones !! No , not even India can beat that :)

lol what a stupid argument stay focused on the topic on hand . Did I said anything wrong? If you want to counter argument atleast use your brain and respond that how can you take giant leaps while you still need to workout the basics. This is what happened to LCA the example I qouted. Its been more then three decades and you people are still working on it.
^^^^^ India need to create projects/programs/ missions etc to hold the nation together. Nothing is wrong with that. India is a unnatural country and need gimmicks to hold the people together. And it has done a good job in the last 65 years. If they have not done a good job, there won't be a India today.

Looks like the idea that India is taking up technological programs of this scale has affected the mental balance of India haters . Get well soon ...... :wave:

India has history of doing stuff like this again and again! For some reason when ever they want to do somthing they want it to be ultimate even if it would be unrealistic to do so :D For example LCA worlds Lightest and smallest jet with indian made Engine!, Worlds cheapest tablet etc. Its not hard to predict the fate of such indian attempt if one starts to analyse the facts.

Many pakistanis also predicted the doom of chandrayaan mission .

But when the project became success none of them were seen on those discussion threads .
lol what a stupid argument stay focused on the topic on hand . Did I said anything wrong? If you want to counter argument atleast use your brain and respond that how can you take giant leaps while you still need to workout the basics. This is what happened to LCA the example I qouted. Its been more then three decades and you people are still working on it.

Ahh stupid argument? So you have the supreme right bestowed by your Allah in the month of Ramzan to ridicule a space mission on the basis that if a tablet or an LCA tech demonstrator fails (both independent of ISRO and other space agencies in India), then the entire SPACE ambition of India is doomed? Were you in coma during Chandrayaan?

Perhaps you need to read reams of info on the LCA and its development on why the LCA has gotten delayed. And by the way, you need to have some re-comprehension on your failed comparison about the LCA and India's space program . Both of them are not interdependent on each other. In fact, India's space program began with humble beginnings and for your kindest information, the ISRO doesnt make the LCA . I have to remind this to the likes of you because you Pakistanis and other India bashers are ready to taunt us with failures every time India makes some technological advancements in space frontiers.

Slapshot.. nice ID .. but I think you need it more :)
India feed their school children with pesticide to save money for their grand illusion of exploring Mar.

yes , that why despite for advance space program its Indian probe that find water on moon first. till then US was searching and searching and keep going on searching if india didnt send moon probe.

lol what a stupid argument stay focused on the topic on hand . Did I said anything wrong? If you want to counter argument atleast use your brain and respond that how can you take giant leaps while you still need to workout the basics. This is what happened to LCA the example I qouted. Its been more then three decades and you people are still working on it.
unlike JF-17 we inducted and then say it not good enough to induct more nors
yes , that why despite for advance space program its Indian probe that find water on moon first. till then US was searching and searching and keep going on searching if india didnt send moon probe.

unlike JF-17 we inducted and then say it not good enough to induct more nors

Also you forgot to tell sincity that if India feed their school children with pesticide, then US feeds their school children with bullets (different school, college university, cinema hall shootings)...
Of course India was confident enough to report finding water in the moon without US confirmation first. Even in the 2030 video, Indians need a white guy to affirm how beautiful Indian airports are going to be. Without a white guy say so, it wont' be as impressive.

Oh !! Now we get it. You are always jealous about us Indians not choosing you (East Asian mongoloid) as the final authority eh? :) Next time , son !
Of course India was confident enough to report finding water in the moon without US confirmation first. Even in the 2030 video, Indians need a white guy to affirm how beautiful Indian airports are going to be. Without a white guy say so, it wont' be as impressive.

we dont believe in propaganda , thats why allow US to confirm our findings and let them tell for the sake to ego to world.
India has history of doing stuff like this again and again! For some reason when ever they want to do somthing they want it to be ultimate even if it would be unrealistic to do so :D For example LCA worlds Lightest and smallest jet with indian made Engine!, Worlds cheapest tablet etc. Its not hard to predict the fate of such indian attempt if one starts to analyse the facts.

At least we attempted to do a cheapest tablet or a lightest and the most smallest fighter aircraft. Did Pak even attempt anything like that or how far has the PACPAD gone?
If I am not wrong SUPARCO is older than ISRO, so what has SUPARCO done or how capable is it?
Kid you are in no position to critique us when you all have done nothing yourself.
So, Isro wants-

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