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Mars mission not for pride, we mean business, says ISRO

that's what I said, baby step first, do you think aiming for Mars is the baby step India need?? You can't go from zero to hero in just a year

The technology and the computing power we have today eliminates the need to spend 50 years re-inventing the wheel. The technology is available and the ISRO is used to perennially working under shoe string budget constraints.

Don't sweat over it too much. Times have changed.
that's what I said, baby step first, do you think aiming for Mars is the baby step India need?? You can't go from zero to hero in just a year

Well there is nothing wrong in trying. Even Chinese and Japanese tried it...albeit ended up in failure...so there is nothing wrong in trying as the impact in the learning process is a lot more. Chandrayaan1 was a partial success as the scientists miscalculated the amount of solar radiation affected the satellite and didnt complete the full tenure. Things like these are much more important in the learning process of the ISRO which will be a vast experience in the field of space exploration.
Some scientists from Roscosmos calculated, that colonization of Moon or Mars (only scientisit stations, no cities or terramorfing) costs 4,8 trl rubles - 160 bln dollars. And it is possible to do since 80-90's.
But we spend more money on parfume...
Good luck to Indians.

Just 160 billion dollars that is affordable
I think Only Chinese on earth have that kind of money
Just 160 billion dollars that is affordable
I think Only Chinese on earth have that kind of money

But they don't have technology.
I think humanity will return to truely exploration of Space, as in 60-70's after American's era of domination will over and stability and true progress - not progress of consuming and finances, but the progress of science and society - will back again.
But they don't have technology.
I think humanity will return to truely exploration of Space, as in 60-70's after American's era of domination will over and stability and true progress - not progress of consuming and finances, but the progress of science and society - will back again.

That's try did the People at Russian space Agency disclose who has the tech to do it
I think India should focus on it's space tech first, moon mission, mars mission or outer space mission should be secondary.

It will be quite literally stupid if you are focus on the wrong thing and get stuck and can't reach either of the side of the bridge.

It take US more than 50 years to get from space to mars, it's not something you said you are going to do it this year, and you can

We have already done one un-manned Moon mission.
ISRO says Mars Mission is for business. With due respects to the scientists who perhaps are blissfully ignorant, the true business of Mars Mission and all such schemes and missions announced in the pre-election year, is political.
Fcuk U Manmohan & Sonia..
there should a space agency under which pakistan, banglasdesh ,india and srilanka should work together....that will be much more better...
there should a space agency under which pakistan, banglasdesh ,india and srilanka should work together....that will be much more better...

You are to idealistic man
They can steal our tech
if not what can india find on mars that america hasn't already? lol

If the world depended on United States of America to share their information and knowledge with the rest of the world for humanitarian purposes, we would all have been using wood fires to cook meals.

US does not reveal half the information it gains...as do most industrialized nations.

And it is doubtful that India would do that either, but it is better to be in the club than outside it.
there should a space agency under which pakistan, banglasdesh ,india and srilanka should work together....that will be much more better...

And what they bring on the table...technology, money, anything? :undecided:
You are to idealistic man
They can steal our tech
yeah i know its not possible for now..........too much enmity.....still lets say after 500 years.....it can be done....just like the european space agency

Why? So that they can steal our technology and call it their own?

yeah i know its not possible for now..........too much enmity.....still lets say after 500 years.....it can be done....just like the european space agency

And what they bring on the table...technology, money, anything? :undecided:

collective intelligence...
it is for pride

if not what can india find on mars that america hasn't already? lol

do u really think that americans will be sharing the info abt what they found on mars with rest of the countries after investing so many million of $ in research ???
No, obviously not. But US doesn't have monopoly over the information and knowledge they gained from Mars mission. Since Mars will be colonised in the next 50-100 years, the prospect of business in launching platform is bright.

Take it as like, since many Pakistanis went to US before you, but that didn't stopped you from going to US in search of greener pastures, isn't?

I have also found that many of these projects are cover for major infra expansion in sattelite network capabilities. Majority of the condrayaan project was used for Deep Space network, a system that can also be used to better control sats. The practical applications last well over the project lifetime and beyond. Plus, there is the marketing that comes from demonstrating the reliability of our systems.
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