And what has America found? Let us know.
They've kept hidden more than they care to disclose. The greatest mysteries have been conveniently airbrushed to hide the truth of what is actually out there. There are hundreds of images sent by various probes to Mars that are extremely intriguing, but NASA/JPL have conveniently glossed over them or failed to provide any explanation.
Don't believe me? Ok, here's something for starters. A Martian 'city' in the Hale Crater! And this is not the usual 'pixellation' stuff that people trot out! But what did NASA/JPL do? They airbrushed the crater so this would not be visible in the images. Data was extracted using sophisticated software and this is what turned up....
Now I don't say that if ISRO finds something too, it wouldn't be hidden from us! Like so far ISRO has failed to provide the thousands of images taken by Chandrayaan of the Moon's surface. I wonder why? Is there something more than meets the eye there that they don't want to disclose? Like what looks like
corroded ‘wheels’ fixed to an axle on the Moon's surface photographed by the Russian space probe Luna -13...
And the Moon tower.