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Marines issue: Italy may recall ambassador to India

This matter should have been settled politically. Trying soldiers of a friendly country for a crime that may not even be under Indian jurisdiction is not a very good move. Sets a bad precedent for our own soldiers. I can understand & even sympathise with the Italian position but they seem to have a way of shooting their own foot by doing stupid things. This action by Italy is just that - Stupid!

why politically mate? lives of our own people are so cheap? so friendly country means they can kill our citizens anytime they wish and we should keep quite? then sorry mate but we don't need such friend.
you have sympathy for Italian marines but you don't care for your own people. good going mate:enjoy:

P.S. did you read @MarkusS previous comments?
what do you expect? we should forget our peoples murder for your politicians??

i am Hindu and my religion does not teach me to hate anyone but it teaches criminals must be punished. and karma says marines should be punished for their crimes. is it wrong to ask for justice?

You insult our entire nation as stupid, arrogant. You want us punished...So tell me. How do you want punish italians? And how do you think will it solve this problem?

Also let me ask you in a diplomatic way about your opinion: Do you understand that military holds a special place for all nations and that it would destroy the moral and loyality of the italian army if italy allows its soldiers to be send in indian jail? You should take into consideration that italy did never do any bad towards india and acted always as a friend. Lets asssume you had the power to decide about this, what would you decide and what results do you think would this decission have?
You insult our entire nation as stupid, arrogant. You want us punished...So tell me. How do you want punish italians? And how do you think will it solve this problem?

Also let me ask you in a diplomatic way about your opinion: Do you understand that military holds a special place for all nations and that it would destroy the moral and loyality of the italian army if italy allows its soldiers to be send in indian jail? You should take into consideration that italy did never do any bad towards india and acted always as a friend. Lets asssume you had the power to decide about this, what would you decide and what results do you think would this decission have?

Well indian court decide the punishment , you think, we let our citizen murders let go away because they are white and have right to kill anyone?

please educate your soldiers about geography , n then about guns also... If you think you are above Indian SC, it means you declaring war on india , and India respond in same way.

SC is independent take its own course , previous govt wanted to free Italians buy using political connection which Indian SC stopped , this is nationalist govt.
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You insult our entire nation as stupid, arrogant. You want us punished...So tell me. How do you want punish italians? And how do you think will it solve this problem?

Also let me ask you in a diplomatic way about your opinion: Do you understand that military holds a special place for all nations and that it would destroy the moral and loyality of the italian army if italy allows its soldiers to be send in indian jail? You should take into consideration that italy did never do any bad towards india and acted always as a friend. Lets asssume you had the power to decide about this, what would you decide and what results do you think would this decission have?

WTF man, your people kill our people without any acceptable reasons and you are accusing US of trying to play bad? What protocols id they follow? Did they fire warning shots? No. Did they take evasive action? No. You guys then contravened all pledges you gave us on good faith and you're taking the moral high ground here? Your men are GUILTY, that's why they're no trial and they need to be punished in accordance with our law.
WTF man, your people kill our people without any acceptable reasons and you are accusing US of trying to play bad? What protocols id they follow? Did they fire warning shots? No. Did they take evasive action? No. You guys then contravened all pledges you gave us on good faith and you're taking the moral high ground here? Your men are GUILTY, that's why they're no trial and they need to be punished in accordance with our law.

they will not, since italy does not accept your court amd this entire case. There can only be a diplomatic solution. evrything else is nationalistic bla bla which is unacceptable for italy. There can only be a solution whre both sides can live with. thats the basic fact.
You insult our entire nation as stupid, arrogant. You want us punished...So tell me. How do you want punish italians? And how do you think will it solve this problem?

Also let me ask you in a diplomatic way about your opinion: Do you understand that military holds a special place for all nations and that it would destroy the moral and loyality of the italian army if italy allows its soldiers to be send in indian jail? You should take into consideration that italy did never do any bad towards india and acted always as a friend. Lets asssume you had the power to decide about this, what would you decide and what results do you think would this decission have?
i replied that way because you first insulted our nation. should i quote your posts insulting us?

since you are asking in good manner i will reply with the same manner.

yes this issue should be resolved through diplomatic ways. we are not evil people. we know how you feel for your soldiers since we have lost so many soldiers in wars. we also have too much respect for our armed forces. they have made highest sacrifices for us. believe me we don't want to put your soldiers in jail. but you should ask for it politely because our politicians also have to answer our people. see behavior of your politicians in this case they were so arrogant.

because of congress government this issue is not solved yet. our new government will surely solve this issue but you should follow our courts otherwise it would be difficult for our government to solve this issue.

if our people gets angry over any thing its difficult for our government to back down. see what happened in INDIAN diplomat issue we didn't back down in front of USA. do you think Italy can make us back down? your politicians are flaming this issue with their actions. they should avoid flaming statements and actions. trust me the current attitude of italian politician will only make this issue worse.

if we have power to decide then within our courts rules marines will be told to give proper compensation to victims families and will be set free. and trust me if you follow our courts this will be final outcome. process is too long i know but that can not be helped. and during this process they are staying in your consulate not in jail. we dont want to put them in jail we just want to solve this case respectfully. India will never make Italy enemy over this issue. Indian government will do anything to avoid sending your soldiers to jail.
they will not, since italy does not accept your court amd this entire case. There can only be a diplomatic solution. evrything else is nationalistic bla bla which is unacceptable for italy. There can only be a solution whre both sides can live with. thats the basic fact.
Nobody cares about what you think. Marines are going to be prosecuted by us. What you gonna do about it?
they will not, since italy does not accept your court amd this entire case. There can only be a diplomatic solution. evrything else is nationalistic bla bla which is unacceptable for italy. There can only be a solution whre both sides can live with. thats the basic fact.

No one cares a flying F what Italy recognizes or doesn't. Send him back, or face the consequences.
why politically mate? lives of our own people are so cheap? so friendly country means they can kill our citizens anytime they wish and we should keep quite? then sorry mate but we don't need such friend.
you have sympathy for Italian marines but you don't care for your own people. good going mate:enjoy:

P.S. did you read @MarkusS previous comments?

Not that Indian lives are cheap but that matters involving nations should be dealt with more carefully. There are known cases of people receiving Presidential pardons (Russians/Latvians did) for acts that amount to waging war against the Indian state. An American warship killed Indians in a fishing boat similarly (except that was nowhere near Indian waters). You get the Italians to apologise, get adequate compensation and send the Italian marines home. The Italians will owe us one. Dragging it like this is pointless & counterproductive. 3 years & we haven't even started the trial, can you really blame the Italians for getting a little bit hot under the collar? The government should have moved in quickly, the previous government was scared of the political blowback because of Sonia Gandhi's connection to Italy, this government has no excuse except that Modi has a record of taking a political hardline when still in opposition. With his majority, he should have just cut a deal & closed this matter. That is more or less what the government attempted to do by not objecting to the Italian marine's return to Italy. This is unfortunately the supreme court throwing a spanner and will require Modi to take a hard call. The Italians are not making things easier with their boorish, even if understandable behaviour.

Don't take @MarkusS too seriously, look at it from his viewpoint. Funnily, Italians are most like Indians when you compare them with any other country in Europe, you shouldn't be surprised with him behaving exactly the same way as Indians would do in a similar situation.
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Nobody cares about what you think. Marines are going to be prosecuted by us. What you gonna do about it?

Already Supreme Court has clearly told that no death sentence will be given to those marines, so it would be jail terms with compensation to the victims it seems.
Not that Indian lives are cheap but that matters involving nations should be dealt with more carefully. There are known cases of people receiving Presidential pardons (Russians/Latvia did) for acts that amount to waging war against the Indian state. An American warship killed Indians in a fishing boat similarly (except that was nowhere near Indian waters). You get the Italians to apologise, get adequate compensation and send the Italian marines home. The Italians will owe us one. Dragging it like this is pointless & counterproductive. # years & we haven't even started the trial, can you really blame the Italians for getting a little bit hot under the collar? The government should have moved in quickly, the previous government was scared of the political blowback because of sonia Gandhi's connection to Italy, this government has no excuse except that Modi has a record of taking a political hardline when still in opposition. With his majority, he should have just cut a deal & closed this matter. That is more or less what the government attempted to do by not objecting to the Italian marine's return to Italy. This is unfortunately the supreme court throwing a spanner and will require Modi to take a hard call. Thye Italians are4 not making things easier with their boorish, even if understandable behaviour.

Your emphasis on 'care' is very lopsided man. It is established convention that mature nations work with their legal systems. If Saudi citizens had been hurt, they'd have been hanged by now. You think think Italians would have stressed so much on 'getting them home'? These jokers still think that India is some banana republic, you need to nail them to a wall to get the message out.
Your emphasis on 'care' is very lopsided man. It is established convention that mature nations work with their legal systems. If Saudi citizens had been hurt, they'd have been hanged by now. You think think Italians would have stressed so much on 'getting them home'? These jokers still think that India is some banana republic, you need to nail them to a wall to get the message out.

Not lopsided at all, just that I'm not after anyone to nail them. These are soldiers, there is an unwritten rule on how they would be treated. Not the same as a crime done by individuals in their personal capacity. We already treat people differently, it's called diplomatic immunity. While it does not apply directly here, the principle involved is the same. They were on that ship on the orders of the Italian navy, it is by its very nature, an incident involving the state.
Prosecute =\= death penalty.

India drops death penalty clause as Europe bats for Italian marines - The Hindu
December 16, 2014

“Our societies may be different but recognition of the universal nature of human rights issues is extremely important to both our peoples. I see the enormous challenges and difficulties that face India in terms of human rights issues. I can only encourage you to do everything possible to enable the citizens of your country to enjoy their rights,” he said.

So again India and Indian people will show tolerance towards other nations.
Not that Indian lives are cheap but that matters involving nations should be dealt with more carefully. There are known cases of people receiving Presidential pardons (Russians/Latvians did) for acts that amount to waging war against the Indian state. An American warship killed Indians in a fishing boat similarly (except that was nowhere near Indian waters). You get the Italians to apologise, get adequate compensation and send the Italian marines home. The Italians will owe us one. Dragging it like this is pointless & counterproductive. 3 years & we haven't even started the trial, can you really blame the Italians for getting a little bit hot under the collar? The government should have moved in quickly, the previous government was scared of the political blowback because of Sonia Gandhi's connection to Italy, this government has no excuse except that Modi has a record of taking a political hardline when still in opposition. With his majority, he should have just cut a deal & closed this matter. That is more or less what the government attempted to do by not objecting to the Italian marine's return to Italy. This is unfortunately the supreme court throwing a spanner and will require Modi to take a hard call. The Italians are not making things easier with their boorish, even if understandable behaviour.

Don't take @MarkusS too seriously, look at it from his viewpoint. Funnily, Italians are most like Indians when you compare them with any other country in Europe, you shouldn't be surprised with him behaving exactly the same way as Indians would do in a similar situation.
I got angry over his comments so that was my reply to him. Sorry if I offended you in my reply to you. I agree with you but Italians should be little polite in their behaviour.
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