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Marine Dad Banned from School After Complaining About Islam Homework

free world?? what a joke... the gulf monarchies to backward capitalist india to mullah iran to post-communist indonesia to every other anti-human system in the world to every criminal/terrorist group in the world... that is the empire of usa.

but there is a good part of humanity not so keen to join your empire... which is why usa government must conspire and invade...

yes... we will ignore the 25 million soviet citizens dead in world war 2.

yes we are empire in name only :yahoo:

and did I say we was the only winners in ww1/2??? the losers were Germany,Austria,Italy, and Japan
and I do admire the soviets for their bravery and sacrifice on the east front.
some would say it was an invasion others would call it a liberation from a tyrant.
all was going fine til the insurgency from a small group of terrorist Iraqis who in turn where probably just foreign mujahideen later on.
And the liberated people turned upon you.................Buhahahaahhahaaahaaaahhhhhaaaaaaa........
Iraqis divided themselves. if this wasn't the case there would be no secular violence in Iraq.
India/Pakistan split and then Bangldesh split from Pakistan.
it's just common sense :woot:

So the common sense of us commoners wins here. I admire America truly a Roman empire of this era.

i don't think "hindu guy" was being antagonisitic :-)

Every other hindu just tries to flare up. If not in his case, I apologise.
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So the common sense of commoners wins here. I admire America truly a Roman empire of this era.

Every other hindu just tries to flare up. If not in his case, I apologise.

Roman Empire??
please you do flatter me, but we aren't no Roman Empire.

I wish though :D

I learned about Easter etc in School while in Pakistan, do I have the right to throw a hissy fit like this big cry baby?
So you got hemorrhoids for that...? US is a secular place unlike sickular Bharat.
dont blow yourself yet.. :devil:
there is no precedence of a US scool forbidding pupils from practicing christianity, and yet teaching tenets of islam. Which is why I think there must be more to the story.
I don't want to think you are that simpleton. While english is not my first language but I do understand the meaning of 'metaphorical resemblance', somehow!

Roman Empire??
please you do flatter me, but we aren't no Roman Empire.

I wish though :D
It is not a marassa to teach about Islam. And the marine didnot join his ward in that school to learn about the teachings of the prophet. So, cant fault the marine here.
I disagree.. they should teach all major religions (and some dead religions as well like mayan, aztec and greek) in school as part of social sciences.
I remember only 2 religions being taught in school.. buddism and jainism.. and thats because it was part of Indian history.
I disagree.. they should teach all major religions (and some dead religions as well like mayan, aztec and greek) in school as part of social sciences.
I remember only 2 religions being taught in school.. buddism and jainism.. and thats because it was part of Indian history.

it's not the job of the school to teach religious stuff. it's just very controversial and some might not be comfortable with it.
dont blow yourself yet.. :devil:
there is no precedence of a US scool forbidding pupils from practicing christianity, and yet teaching tenets of islam. Which is why I think there must be more to the story.

Be considerate! The point is why we feel fishy when hundreds of other parents did not raise any objection? I am sure the teachings would be very superficial and do include other religions just for the common understanding but because of that itch...!!! that severe itch in the ....!!!
What a stupid dad.

Islam-o-hating in america/west is spiraling out of control..

media and political parties are to be blamed.
It is good that the school forbids Christianity or any other faith but allows Islamic teachings.
it's not the job of the school to teach religious stuff. it's just very controversial and some might not be comfortable with it.

It is certainly the job of the schools to teach pupils about different religions.
It is certainly not the job of a school to convert a pupil to a specific religion.
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