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Marine Dad Banned from School After Complaining About Islam Homework

holding the country together, and I wonder how he did that?? surely not through fear,torture, and executions :chilli:
let's be real Iraq is one country of three different people
it needs to be split for the better.


It's none of your concern how he did that. Instead of focussing on your internal issues, your country has a bad habit of poking nose in unnecessary matters.

It's none of your concern how he did that. Instead of focussing on your internal issues, your country has a bad habit of poking nose in unnecessary matters.
actually if it pertains to our national interest we'll poke our nose where ever... then so be it.
do I agree with the shit my government does all the time no
but it's done. now you gotta deal with the effect.
actually if it involved out national interest to poke our nose then so be it.
do I agree with the shit my government does all the time no
but it's done. now you gotta deal with the effect.

And that's the right answer, because US has to take this blame of all crap just like US didn't find any "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq.
actually if it pertains to our national interest we'll poke our nose where ever... then so be it.
do I agree with the shit my government does all the time no
but it's done. now you gotta deal with the effect.

I don't know should I cry or laugh about Invading Iraq in name of national interest. Think about all the money spent in Iraq, could have lowered your debt ceiling.
It is not a marassa to teach about Islam.

like i said, true islam is a continuation and progression of the teachings of jesus ( hazrat isa ).

but i call for a post-religion humanity based on socialism...

some would say it was an invasion others would call it a liberation from a tyrant.

the usa military had to kill two million iraqis and give many others cancers to prove the point you make... :-)

i give you a story i have said many times on pdf... during the 1990 western bloc invasion of iraq, i was in school ( in india )... my circle had a saying in hindi... "bush ko push karo, saddam hussain ko khush karo"... "eliminate george bush and make saddam hussain happy".

i call him president saddam hussain...

let's be real Iraq is one country of three different people
it needs to be split for the better.

usa government now plays the same game as the older british empire... divide and rule

but i give you what "syrian lion" said a few days ago to your compatrior, "desert falcon"...


all was going fine til the insurgency from a small group of terrorist Iraqis who in turn where probably just foreign mujahideen later on.

the baathi fighters of iraq are heroes... they and iraq endured historic tragedies... and they are not giving up.
like i said, true islam is a continuation and progression of the teachings of jesus ( hazrat isa ).

but i call for a post-religion humanity based on socialism...

the usa military had to kill two million iraqis and give many others cancers to prove the point you make... :-)

i give you a story i have said many times on pdf... during the 1990 western bloc invasion of iraq, i was in school ( in india )... my circle had a saying in hindi... "bush ko push karo, saddam hussain ko khush karo"... "eliminate george bush and make saddam hussain happy".

i call him president saddam hussain...

usa government now plays the same game as the older british empire... divide and rule

but i give you what "syrian lion" said a few days ago to your compatrior, "desert falcon"...

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the baathi fighters of iraq are heroes... they and iraq endured historic tragedies... and they are not giving up.

divide and rule? a madman held the country together through terror and violence. the north of Iraq is Kurdish, the middle is Sunni, and southern part is Shia. did the U.S set the country like this or has it been like this for generations???



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The guy is a dumbass.

What about all the Muslims serving in US forces?

divide and rule? a madman held the country together through terror and violence. the north of Iraq is Kurdish, the middle is Sunni, and southern part is Shia. did the U.S set the country like this or has it been like this for generations???


Using your logic, America should also be divided and restored to it's original shape
Islam homework what?

Maybe a religion general knowledge class.

No rocket science involved here. These are the 5 pillars of Islam just like 8 Christian commandments.

  1. Shahadah: Declaring that there is no god except (One & Only) God, and Prophet Muhammad is one of but the final of God's Messengers.
  2. Salat: Offering of the Prayer five times a day
  3. Zakat: Giving 2.5% of one’s annual savings to the poor and needy
  4. Sawm: Fasting and observing self-control/discipline for a month during the holy month of Ramadan
  5. Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime if one is financially, mentally and physically able to do so.
a madman held the country together through terror and violence.

madman?? who next?? muammar gaddafi?? how nice... usa government the whole and sole authority of deciding who is mad and who sane... when usa system itself is quite insane...

the north of Iraq is Kurdish, the middle is Sunni, and souther part is Shia. did the U.S set the country like this or has it been like this for generations???

many kurds were being misled by khomenei government of iran and by cia... the southern part ( mostly shia ) were being misled by the britishers and cia ( and iran ).

but the baath movement of iraq is socialist in nature and socialism believes that nationalism is unnatural and anti-progress... so, how could the baathi government of iraq allow sectarian or nationalistic ideas to flourish??

the baathi government was not "sunni"... there would have been "shia" and christians too... remember, tariq aziz was assyrian christian...
Using your logic, America should also be divided and restored to it's original shape

original shape?? you see America is multicultural and secular :angel: of course we got our ghettos and chinatowns and what not, but no division anytime soon :D
divide and rule? a madman held the country together through terror and violence. the north of Iraq is Kurdish, the middle is Sunni, and southern part is Shia. did the U.S set the country like this or has it been like this for generations???


No need to play Indian tactics diverging from the very pivot point. America was in Iraq due to the "strong proofs" of Iraq hiding weapons of mass destruction and that's all. Saddam was tyrant, not tyrant this was not the initial statement for which America had to invade in Iraq. If you play this Indian tactic of deviation from the very interest to the peripheral issues, you American are degrading yourself.
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