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Marine assaults a Pakistani family in NY, tries to grab their baby then brags about killing Iraqis

Post war Trauma Disorder. :sick:

This was not a race crime. He attacked them precisely because he fought, saw comrades killed and himself killed people in Iraq. Post traumatic stress disorder is very real.

Also, if he tried to take the baby, he would have - soldiers can do that easily from the hands of a civilian. He could not means he did not. The guy needs treatment and perhaps needs to serve some time.

This guy will perhaps have to carry the hell he saw to himself. Wars fck people up. Having fought 'Arabs' in life or death situations has ingrained in him the necessity to take on everyone looking like one. This stems from insecurity and paranoia - both mental disorders that requires treatment.

OK OK fine we feel sorry for the guy. Although he shouted racial slur, punched the man and went after a two year old. It seem it is not his fault. I guess the family was too insensitive strolling along a public place when the poor criminal with previous criminal offenses was passing by.
The United States prides itself on its judiciary and rule of law. And that is what we see in this case. It was wrong of Mr. Laina to attack and abuse a family just going about doing their own business. The law acted swiftly. The perpetrator was taken under custody and charged with serious hate crime. No one condones Mr. Laina’s actions. In fact, in most local news forums, his acts were highly condemned and there was far reached sympathy for the family of Muhammad Rizwan.

Please let me tell you that there are some people in this world whose actions are simply unjustifiable, but then we should not make much of these isolated incidents where the individual perpetrator is already in police custody.

Abdul Quddus
DET - U.S. Central Command
OK OK fine we feel sorry for the guy. Although he shouted racial slur, punched the man and went after a two year old. It seem it is not his fault. I guess the family was too insensitive strolling along a public place when the poor criminal with previous criminal offenses was passing by.
He must be punished for what he has done. But action should be taken to proper care protection to such venerable soldiers also. They tend to see everyone as same terror source or something like that when they are far too long in battle fields and that to unconventional ones. You got to understand their behaviouw also. I am not supporting him, rather I want kind of unfortunate actions to not happen at all. and we need to cure the root cause otherwise by just putting him behind the bars isn't going to help in long run. Thank you.
Why American can't tell differences between ARABS PEOPLE and PAKISTANI PEOPLE ???

Something wrong with their education system and video games.
Anyway, now he is staring at a serious time behind bars. May do him some good in the end. People like him are more a threat to themselves than to others. The family attacked is also safe mercifully.

Hate crimes/race crimes fall in a different category. Neo Nazis, Ku Klux Klans etc - they will attack mercilessly and not selectively target a supposedly Arab looking couple in a multural park in a city.

Hate crimes do not fall in a different category. What Laina did was no less than a hate-crime and the fact that he has mitigating circumstances to help explain his actions does not exonerate him from liability.

I'm not saying Andrew doesn't have PTSD but what you can not rule out is the possibility that the attack was driven by some element of racial hate, which effectively does make it a hate crime, which in turn is also why he's looking to do time for it. Also in addition to concluding that Laina has PTSD this thread has also failed to take into account that Laina was piss-drunk when he took America's foreign policy into his own hands. Attacking an Arabeqsue family, calling them terrorists and attempting to snatch the child from them (which you deny) is not akin to the behaviour which a soldier is trained to adopt, even one whom war has devastated.

Let's call him for what it is and not do the explaining on his behalf. Andrew Laina was a soldier - now he's a racist, insolent spic.
even one whom war has devastated.
In that way - every crime is a hate crime. There can't be love crime, now, can it? :) Oh no. A war vet gone nuts can do anything. He is going behind the bars for some time. All I said is that this is not your typical Hate crime.

OK OK fine we feel sorry for the guy. Although he shouted racial slur, punched the man and went after a two year old. It seem it is not his fault. I guess the family was too insensitive strolling along a public place when the poor criminal with previous criminal offenses was passing by.
Racial slurs are common right from the training conducted by the drill sergeant. You missed my point otherwise. The point is not to fix blame in any case. Plus do you think a trained soldier with a criminal offence failed to snatch the boy from the father's or mother's arms. You think they are that stupidly trained? Yes, drunk he was - but do you have any idea how intoxicated a soldier often is after a day of continues shelling and fighting in enclosed places or in close quarter combat?

Ask Pak soldiers who return from the front in the West how they cleared the houses, the strongpoints in close combat. You will know the point. 1 in a 1000 do get fked up. The medical/judicial system should take care of them. This is the failure. Thanks.

He attacked them based on the fact that he thought they were Arabs. US soldiers in Iraq often worked with Iraqis so it's not like the ydidn't see good Iraqi people. Not all US PTSD soldiers are racist. A lot of the soldiers went there with hate in their hearts. This guy is obviously a threat to the public and unstable. He needs to be off the streets.
Certainly he needs to be off the streets.

Reminds me of the Vietnam war vet stories. In spite of the South Vietnamese, most American soldiers had a negative picture of the local people, that bordered on disgust at times.

Wars bring out the worst in people. One cant be the same after seeing things.
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The criminal idiot should be thrown in the slammer, and any "treatment" needed should be conducted on a day release. How brave to attack a young family.
as usual indians have taken off their trousers to present their own good one in defence of the indefensible
it's the "14" people he killed which might include collateral damage is what making him unstable and psychopath .
Most likely. :agree: A soldier who has seen life and death is not likely to thing about Islam, especially in situations like these. 5 offences after service - he needs to be sedated pronto.
The criminal idiot should be thrown in the slammer, and any "treatment" needed should be conducted on a day release. How brave to attack a young family.

The attacker has been arrested and will be tried according to the law, and he may face up to four years in prison if convicted. Perhaps the importance of due process is lost on you, Sir.
He must be punished for what he has done. But action should be taken to proper care protection to such venerable soldiers also. They tend to see everyone as same terror source or something like that when they are far too long in battle fields and that to unconventional ones. You got to understand their behaviouw also. I am not supporting him, rather I want kind of unfortunate actions to not happen at all. and we need to cure the root cause otherwise by just putting him behind the bars isn't going to help in long run. Thank you.

Yes Yes. I am sure you would be as understanding if it was your family he attacked and still you would be singing the same tune. Yes we all are so much better that people like you are still there to tell us that we are all petty.
....very very sad ....incident but .... then again its new york, mugging takes place every day there
The United States prides itself on its judiciary and rule of law. And that is what we see in this case. It was wrong of Mr. Laina to attack and abuse a family just going about doing their own business. The law acted swiftly. The perpetrator was taken under custody and charged with serious hate crime. No one condones Mr. Laina’s actions. In fact, in most local news forums, his acts were highly condemned and there was far reached sympathy for the family of Muhammad Rizwan.

Please let me tell you that there are some people in this world whose actions are simply unjustifiable, but then we should not make much of these isolated incidents where the individual perpetrator is already in police custody.

Abdul Quddus
DET - U.S. Central Command

Hey american propaganist, thanks for putting a gun in the hands of an individual who went to Iraq with hate in his heart (inspired by your propaganda). He admitted to killing 14 people there (innocent people). I'm sure americans like him committed zero war crimes against Iraqis.. oh wait..

Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Blackwater Baghdad shootings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What a low life. At least he could have spared the child and pregnant woman. So typical of ignorant Americans. This is exactly how they have been attacking Sikhs in America since 9/11.
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