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Marine assaults a Pakistani family in NY, tries to grab their baby then brags about killing Iraqis

What a mofo terrorizing a family which included a 2 year old toddler and a heavily pregnant wife.
Post war Trauma Disorder. :sick:

This was not a race crime. He attacked them precisely because he fought, saw comrades killed and himself killed people in Iraq. Post traumatic stress disorder is very real.

Also, if he tried to take the baby, he would have - soldiers can do that easily from the hands of a civilian. He could not means he did not. The guy needs treatment and perhaps needs to serve some time.

This guy will perhaps have to carry the hell he saw to himself. Wars fck people up. Having fought 'Arabs' in life or death situations has ingrained in him the necessity to take on everyone looking like one. This stems from insecurity and paranoia - both mental disorders that requires treatment.

He attacked them based on the fact that he thought they were Arabs. US soldiers in Iraq often worked with Iraqis so it's not like the ydidn't see good Iraqi people. Not all US PTSD soldiers are racist. A lot of the soldiers went there with hate in their hearts. This guy is obviously a threat to the public and unstable. He needs to be off the streets.
People are still waiting for Justice from the 2012 Aurora shooting.....

Due process is underway. The accused in that case was entitled to establish sanity first. The trial will resume in December.
Right. Always pull the insanity card.

The accused pleaded Not Guilty by reason of insanity. The judge ordered a second evaluation after the defendant's lawyers presented evidence that he is not mentally healthy. Holmes' lawyers also offered a Guilty plea if the death penalty was taken off. That was denied. After all, due process is important.
The accused pleaded Not Guilty by reason of insanity. The judge ordered a second evaluation after the defendant's lawyers presented evidence that he is not mentally healthy. Holmes' lawyers also offered a Guilty plea if the death penalty was taken off. That was denied. After all, due process is important.

A person from the USA arguing due process with a person from Britain :D
Post war Trauma Disorder.
This was not a race crime. He attacked them precisely because he fought, saw comrades killed and himself killed people in Iraq. Post traumatic stress disorder is very real.
Also, if he tried to take the baby, he would have - soldiers can do that easily from the hands of a civilian. He could not means he did not. The guy needs treatment and perhaps needs to serve some time.
This guy will perhaps have to carry the hell he saw to himself. Wars fck people up. Having fought 'Arabs' in life or death situations has ingrained in him the necessity to take on everyone looking like one. This stems from insecurity and paranoia - both mental disorders that requires treatment.

Not everything criminal a former service member does is PTSD. The US Military has gotten it's act together VERY quickly after these incidents got plastered all over the media. The US Military takes care of it's own.

A soldier can't take away a child from a civilian "easily". Considering the body armour and the lack of mobility, a civilian can put up a fight, the only thing making the civilian put the child away is the treat of force by the soldier's comrades.

Most of the soldiers fighting on the active hostile frontlines are pretty much violent. They need support now otherwise it will be too late. But btw whoever deals with the terrorists on large scale is bound get their thinking system whackked. Thank you.


Well the article also says he was intoxicated....maybe needs to change his drugs...

Drugs and Alcohol don't mix. Anti-Depressants and Alcohol bring even more instability.

Not all US PTSD soldiers are racist. A lot of the soldiers went there with hate in their hearts. This guy is obviously a threat to the public and unstable. He needs to be off the streets.

What a sick man. Thanks to USA for issuing them weapons.

You're welcome to come 'fix' the US Military System.
Due process is important for every civilized society with rule of law.

Due process has evolved into a monster which was never intended. The accused is entitled to a speedy and fair trial is another pillar of a civilized society with the rule of law. The victim's rights to a fair and speedy trial is however usually completely disregarded. A presumably guilty accused can take the justice system up a long and windy road for ages with delaying the trial claiming the right to a fair trial and using the argument of due process. The problem with the western system of justice is that it usually frustrates the victim to the extent that in many serious offenses, one questions whether it would not be more rationale for the victim to just take a gun and blow off the head of the accused
Due process has evolved into a monster which was never intended. The accused is entitled to a speedy and fair trial is another pillar of a civilized society with the rule of law. The victim's rights to a fair and speedy trial is however usually completely disregarded. A presumably guilty accused can take the justice system up a long and windy road for ages with delaying the trial claiming the right to a fair trial and using the argument of due process. The problem with the western system of justice is that it usually frustrates the victim to the extent that in many serious offenses, one questions whether it would not be more rationale for the victim to just take a gun and blow off the head of the accused

You are correct that the system can be improved, definitely I would agree.
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