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“Marhaba NaMo” – Understanding Narendra Modi’s Pakistan Strategy

Lol, glad you are not at the helm of Pakistan Foreign Policy, such a policy is increasingly being employed by Chinese and gives India little room to maneuver and hence you see functional yet China tilted Sino- Indian relationship.
Had these feeble minded Pakistanis appointed me grand emperor for a decade I would be sitting Dehli at the head of the United States of Hindustan possessing the strongest power in Asia spanning from the edges of Afghanistan to BD. China would be the one fearing us, but alas these people ask for their own ruin.
Lol, glad you are not at the helm of Pakistan Foreign Policy, such a policy is increasingly being employed by Chinese and gives India little room to maneuver and hence you see functional yet China tilted Sino- Indian relationship.

On the more serious(ish) note. The same calm and controlled approach is not seen in China's dealings with Taiwan. The reason for that is the emotional investment China has with Taiwan. The same goes for India & Pakistan. They simply cannot help but lose control over each other.. a rather funny way to explain that phenomenon can be found in the dialogue within "Indian jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull".

Marion Ravenwood: Mutt can be a little impetuous.

Indiana Jones: Well, it's not the worse quality in the world.

[Indy and Marion sink further into the ground]

Indiana Jones: Keep your arms above the surface. When the kid comes back, grab on.

Marion Ravenwood: Indy, he...

Indiana Jones: He's a good kid, Marion. You should get off his back about school.

Marion Ravenwood: Mutt, I mean...

Indiana Jones: Not everybody is cut out for it.

Marion Ravenwood: His name is Henry!

Indiana Jones: Henry. Good name.

Marion Ravenwood: He's your son.

Indiana Jones: My son?

Marion Ravenwood: Henry Jones the III.

Indiana Jones: [beat] Why the hell didn't you make him finish school?!

Till he knew he was related and emotions were invested, there was a very balanced view for his future.
Now only if Pindi/Isbad combo had such wit....What a waste.

And this is something that Pakistan is not realizing. That it stands to gain the MOST, and i mean the MOST from India.. BUT, only IF and ONLY IF it plays the same cloak and dagger or "Baghal mein churi" game that India plays best.
The world no longer runs on "You kill me!!, I kill you and me!!" rhetoric. It runs on needless euphemism and deflective statements that spew hypocrisy but leave no room to counter it. That is what Pakistan needs to do, be the utter hypocrite India is NOT just as it is in actions but in words too. Instead of belligerence, spew out sweet words that would give Indian diabetes and continue what one does.
Make promises of an Indian Union with a united currency and peace on the subcontinent whilst readying alert levels on the nukes to 5 minutes. So even if India calls BS, there is no worded proof to say show intentions otherwise. Pakistan needs to push "India is our older and wiser brother....... ".. even if we do end up sleeping with Bhabi for most of the time.
Now only if Pindi/Isbad combo had such wit....What a waste.

Or south block. Things could have been handled with much more finesse on Indian side without compromising Talk with Separatists or GoI stand.
Or south block. Things could have been handled with much more finesse on Indian side without compromising Talk with Separatists or GoI stand.
Time will tell if there is a bigger plan behind pushing the Indian narrative towards this end... so I will wait and watch before evaluating the performance.
Now only if Pindi/Isbad combo had such wit....What a waste.
Or south block. Things could have been handled with much more finesse on Indian side without compromising Talk with Separatists or GoI stand.

Invested emotions, plain and simple. Its the same thing with many Desis in the US.
See their attitude with a white guy in an accident and a Desi guy.

While I am VERY VERY tolerant of other religions and partake in many activities(and invite in return to many). I cannot partake in rituals of worship because that is Shirk right there and then. And while belief is personal and should be on a large level, from a purely observational point of view; that man there by the words of the Quran itself is not going to have it easy on the day of judgement.
And this is something that Pakistan is not realizing. That it stands to gain the MOST, and i mean the MOST from India.. BUT, only IF and ONLY IF it plays the same cloak and dagger or "Baghal mein churi" game that India plays best.
The world no longer runs on "You kill me!!, I kill you and me!!" rhetoric. It runs on needless euphemism and deflective statements that spew hypocrisy but leave no room to counter it. That is what Pakistan needs to do, be the utter hypocrite India is NOT just as it is in actions but in words too. Instead of belligerence, spew out sweet words that would give Indian diabetes and continue what one does.
Make promises of an Indian Union with a united currency and peace on the subcontinent whilst readying alert levels on the nukes to 5 minutes. So even if India calls BS, there is no worded proof to say show intentions otherwise. Pakistan needs to push "India is our older and wiser brother....... ".. even if we do end up sleeping with Bhabi for most of the time.

All this assuming that India & Indians would be gullible to not see through the attempted smoke screen.

You have a lot to learn & miles to go before you sleep.
All this assuming that India & Indians would be gullible to not see through the attempted smoke screen.

You have a lot to learn & miles to go before you sleep.
It is a rather simple assumption. Because at the end, the need to get back at Pakistan will be the smoke screen. Those emotions betray your side too.
And this is something that Pakistan is not realizing. That it stands to gain the MOST, and i mean the MOST from India.. BUT, only IF and ONLY IF it plays the same cloak and dagger or "Baghal mein churi" game that India plays best.
The world no longer runs on "You kill me!!, I kill you and me!!" rhetoric. It runs on needless euphemism and deflective statements that spew hypocrisy but leave no room to counter it. That is what Pakistan needs to do, be the utter hypocrite India is NOT just as it is in actions but in words too. Instead of belligerence, spew out sweet words that would give Indian diabetes and continue what one does.
Make promises of an Indian Union with a united currency and peace on the subcontinent whilst readying alert levels on the nukes to 5 minutes. So even if India calls BS, there is no worded proof to say show intentions otherwise. Pakistan needs to push "India is our older and wiser brother....... ".. even if we do end up sleeping with Bhabi for most of the time.

Interesting thought process - certainly a welcome from the false and frankly foolish bravado and aatami hatiyaar BS that most of your countrymen love to spew out.

The problem is - in any monetary union, the country with the strongest economy wins out. As we see in Europe where Germany enjoys de-facto control over the entire continent - something poor Hitler failed to accomplish by more overt means.

Next, even if the offer was BS, the measures that you'd have to take to be even taken seriously - such as opening your economy much more to India would mean, you'd be gobbled up entirely - leaving no future room for anything at all. Even your military cannot function if you have no money.

Further, neither China not the US would see this in a positive light. A weak and dependent nation is useful for them. US would want a further weaker nation while China would be happy with the current status. They are not going to sit idly by.

What you are missing out on is - sweet talks have no meaning unless they are backed by at least some action. Your country has little room in this regard considering the extremists in positions of power.

Though I'd encourage this tactics - if nothing, it would be novel and an interesting deviation from the current boring cycle.

Had these feeble minded Pakistanis appointed me grand emperor for a decade I would be sitting Dehli at the head of the United States of Hindustan possessing the strongest power in Asia spanning from the edges of Afghanistan to BD. China would be the one fearing us, but alas these people ask for their own ruin.

So you for Akhand Bharat? I am sure you're not the only one - on either side of the border, the details may vary though.
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Or south block. Things could have been handled with much more finesse on Indian side without compromising Talk with Separatists or GoI stand.

What is the need to show finesse ; didnt Manmohan SIngh not indulge the Pakistanis
while we watched in utter dismay

It is NICE to see the Government rubbing it in their face

That is what they DONT like ; that is what they are getting

This is Finesse


All this assuming that India & Indians would be gullible to not see through the attempted smoke screen.

You have a lot to learn & miles to go before you sleep.

We have been taken for a ride several times

We tried Lahore ; we got Kargil

We tried AGRA ; our Parliament was attacked

There was a lengthy peace process ; composite dialouge ; CRICKET tours
everything from 2003 to 2007 ; It ended in 26 / 11

Even after 26 /11 ; Manmohan SIngh was the NICEST person ; Pakistan could
ever hope to talk to

Remember the HUGE Delegation coming to watch the World Cup in 2011
Then the hospitality and warmth shown to Zardari and Gilani

All because Man Mohan SIngh was a day dreamer

That being nice will make Pakistan give up its hostility

All that ended with those LOC killings

They cant fool us anymore

And BTW why do they hate Modi so much ; they know he will give it back ; as he is doing

No more Biryani for them while they enjoy killing our people

Interesting thought process - certainly a welcome from the false and frankly foolish bravado and aatami hatiyaar BS that most of your countrymen love to spew out.

Their insecurity is SO HIGH that even importing electricity and Oil from India
to save transport costs is A BIG NO

Why ; because it undermines Pakistan's ideology

Their TV programmes go Ballistic when proposals to import electricity and oil are made

People have even questioned " If we have to import electricity ; why did we separate from them "

It is NICE to see the Government rubbing it in their face

That is what they DONT like ; that is what they are getting

They cant fool us anymore

And BTW why do they hate Modi so much ; they know he will give it back ; as he is doing

No more Biryani for them while they enjoy killing our people

that is just one part on NaMo's foriegn policy the main part is to make a very strong internal and external trade & development based economy which will be the real engine to drive owr interests in international arena
While Pakistan is stuck in a time warp on the K issue, India is forging ahead leaving Pakistan behind in its wake! :-)

Their are two types of diplomacy one Public Diplomacy and two Behind Doors diplomacy, later is the real decision making one and earlier is for making image in domestic Public or World.

Modi is doing Public diplomacy to make their people happy just like they are on PDF, just wait and watch how much really materialized in future, that will let you know how much this trip was successful.

On the other hand Pakistan is doing behind door diplomacy with world and Indians will not know what good results we got from it until disclosed, visits of COAS and others are bearing fruits for Pakistan in short and long term.
@Nicky G

This is what happened when the proposal to import electricity from India was made

It nearly ended the Two Nation theory

Read this : Electricity from India is Not a Bad Idea | The Pakistani Spectator
An excerpt :

Hassan Nisar was saying in one of his column and then also repeated the same in few talk shows that if we had to import electricity from India, then why we took independence in the 1947? I think he has generators, UPS and plenty of money to for fuel and his belly his full, that is why he is saying that thing.

Importing anything from India doesn’t nullify the very concept of our liberation and the two-nation theory. It certainly isn’t some taboo thing.
The points to be noted here are

1 Hasan Nisar is a liberal Yet he cant stomach the idea of importing electricity from India

2 Close and friendly Relations between India and Pakistan
undermine the ideology of Pakistan

SO forget about Monetary Union that some wise people are suggesting

They should know their country better
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It is a rather simple assumption. Because at the end, the need to get back at Pakistan will be the smoke screen. Those emotions betray your side too.
make no mistake NaMo has made it very clear both by his words and his actions ...... either pakistan deals with india on indian terms or thier wont be any deal .... smoke screen or no smoke screen

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