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March for Democracy Watch Thread

There is an Important development...

Begum Zia is under house arrest.... Police kept 6 trucks in front of her house to block any movement by car... When she tried to walk pass it, Police Prevented her from doing so... If any other BNP leaders are seen in front of her house, they are being arrested on the spot...

In this situation... British ambassador went to her home and met her..... Many optimists think that he was carrying America's message.. Similarly in 2007 British ambassador Anwar K Chowdhury worked for the coup.... ex freedom Fighter and BNP leader Shamser Mabin chawdhury joined most probably as an interpreter and was arrested after the meeting.... most probably Awamileague is nervous and they arrested Shamser mabin to know more about the meeting of Begum Zia and British Ambassador.

Yesterday it was Indian backed Awami chapati terrors attacked supreme court and lawyers. Today indian backed Awami lady terror squad attacked supreme court while police guarding Awami terror squad.



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Its natural the being an Indian I will support Shaikh Haseena but its again true that being able to enjoy democracy, I wud want a fair Election. People shud have a right to decide their country's future and outsiders shud support it. I know India wont so atleast Western World shud.
In this situation... British ambassador went to her home and met her..... Many optimists think that he was carrying America's message.. Similarly in 2007 British ambassador Anwar K Chowdhury worked for the coup....
Please, don't speculate, these are sensitive time. I honestly think it was just for show of support - nothing more. At least not yet.
There is an Important development...

Begum Zia is under house arrest.... Police kept 6 trucks in front of her house to block any movement by car... When she tried to walk pass it, Police Prevented her from doing so... If any other BNP leaders are seen in front of her house, they are being arrested on the spot...

In this situation... British ambassador went to her home and met her..... Many optimists think that he was carrying America's message.. Similarly in 2007 British ambassador Anwar K Chowdhury worked for the coup.... ex freedom Fighter and BNP leader Shamser Mabin chawdhury joined most probably as an interpreter and was arrested after the meeting.... most probably Awamileague is nervous and they arrested Shamser mabin to know more about the meeting of Begum Zia and British Ambassador.


you realize it was a big slap across britain's face after shamsher mubin was arrested right after british ambassador visited her house.
More of indian backed Awami lady terror squad attacking Bangladesh Supreme court.

সেম সাইডঃ সুপ্রিমকোর্টে আওয়ামী জঙ্গিরা পিটিয়েছে এইচ টি ইমামের ভাতিজিকে |

It looks like this lady Simki Imam was a niece of H T Imam, AL adviser to Hasina, and possibly an informer, this article speculates, so this could be an incident of same side friendly fire. Nevertheless, these photos of incidents clearly exposes the barbarity of these Awami Dog League activists, getting support of their other dog friends in India. Bangladesh needs to be cleansed of these stray dogs sooner or later.

সেম সাইডঃ সুপ্রিমকোর্টে আওয়ামী জঙ্গিরা পিটিয়েছে এইচ টি ইমামের ভাতিজিকে

শেখ নিউজ রিপোর্টঃ ২৯ ডিসেম্বর আওয়ামী জঙ্গি গোষ্ঠীর সুপ্রিমকোর্ট তান্ডবে কিছুটা সেইম সাইড হয়ে গেছে। যেই নারী আইনজীবীর উপর আওয়ামী জঙ্গিরা হামলা চালিয়েছে, সেই নারী আইনজীবী তাদেরই পরিবারের সদস্য। চিনতে না পেরে আওয়ামী জঙ্গিরা ওই নারী আইনজীবীকে শারিরীক ভাবে লাঞ্চিত করে। স্যোসাল মিডিয়া গুলোতে প্রকাশিত ছবিতে দেখা যায় তাঁর শরীরের স্পর্শকাতর জায়গায়ও আওয়ামী জঙ্গিদের হাত। তাঁকে চুল ধরে কিল ঘুষি দেয়া হয়। লাথি দিয়ে মাটিতে ফেলা হয়। তারপরও থেমে থাকেনি তারা। কয়েকজন মিলে লাথি এবং লাটি পেটা করতে থাকে। ওই নারী আইনজীবীর নাম সিমকি ইমাম। শেখ হাসিনার উপদেস্টা এইচ টি ইমামের ভাতিজি।

খোঁজ নিয়ে জানা গেছে, সিমকি ইমাম বিএনপি’র জাতীয়তাবাদী আইনজীবী ফোরামের এক নেতার ঘাড়ে সাওয়ার হয়ে দলের ভেতরে ঢুকেন। তাঁর মূল কাজ ছিল বিএনপির আইনজীবী নেতাদের গতিবিধি এবং নানা বিষয়ে এইচ টি ইমামকে অবহিত করা। মূলত এক রকম ইনফরমার হিসাবে কাজ করেন সিমকি। ওই আইনজীবী নেতাকের পুরো খরচ দিয়ে একবার লন্ডনও নিয়ে এসেছিলেন সিমকি। তখন উদ্দেশ্য ছিল তারেক রহমানের সঙ্গে তাঁকে পরিচয় করিয়ে দেয়া। ভবিষ্যতে তারেক রহমানের ঘনিষ্ট হিসাবে তাঁকে কাজে লাগানো। ওই আইনজীবী নেতা সিমকি ইমামকে নিয়ে বেশ কয়েকবার দলের চেয়ারপার্সন বেগম খালেদা জিয়ার সঙ্গে সাক্ষাৎ করিয়েছেন। তখন পরিচয় করিয়ে দেয়া হয়েছে সিমকি ইমাম নিম্ন আদালতে বেগম খালেদা জিয়া এবং তারেক রহমানের মামলা গুলোর সার্বক্ষণিক খোজ খবর রাখেন। অথচ ওই মহিলা আইনজীবী মামলা সম্পর্কে কিছুই জানেন না।

বেগম খালেদা জিয়া এবং তারেক রহমানের মামলার বিষয়ে নিম্ন আদালতে যারা খোজ খবর রাখেন তাদের কেউ পাত্তাও দেয় না। অথচ তারাই সব সময় খোঁজ খবর রেখে চলছেন। আর চেয়ারপার্সনের কাছে সিমকি ইমামকে নিয়ে বলা হয় তিনি মামলা দেখাশোনা করছেন। এনিয়ে ঢাকা বার-এ জুনিয়র আইনজীবীদের মধ্যে অনেক ক্ষোভ বিরাজমান রয়েছে। অনেকেই বলেন জাতীয়তাবাদী আইনজীবী ফোরামের একজন নেতার ঘারে সাওয়ার হয়ে সিমকি ইমাম দলের গুরুত্বপূর্ন সিদ্ধান্ত গুলো সহজে জানতে পারেন। আর সেগুলো পাচার করেন এইচ টি ইমামের কাছে। এজন্যই তাঁকে ওই আইনজীবী নেতার ঘনিষ্ট হিসাবে মেলামেশা করার জন্য নিয়োগ করা হয় আওয়ামী লীগের পক্ষ থেকে। ২৯ ডিসেম্বর না চিনতে পেরে অনেকের সঙ্গে সিমকি ইমামকেও শারিরীক লাঞ্চিত করে আওয়ামী জঙ্গিরা।
Its natural the being an Indian I will support Shaikh Haseena but its again true that being able to enjoy democracy, I wud want a fair Election. People shud have a right to decide their country's future and outsiders shud support it. I know India wont so atleast Western World shud.

There are 4 political parties in Bangladesh who got political muscle...

Awamileague, BNP, Ershad, Jamat

Awami Leader Sheikh Hasina is controlling everything of the country.

BNP leader Begum Zia is under house arrest.

Ershad is in under Hospital arrest, forcefully kidnapped and admitted in to Hospital by Police.

Jamat is declared illegitimate...

You dont have to read the whole thread, this is enough to know whats happening in Bangladesh and why no one is supporting India in this case....
সেম সাইডঃ সুপ্রিমকোর্টে আওয়ামী জঙ্গিরা পিটিয়েছে এইচ টি ইমামের ভাতিজিকে |

It looks like this lady Simki Imam was a niece of H T Imam, AL adviser to Hasina, and possibly an informer, this article speculates, so this could be an incident of same side friendly fire. Nevertheless, these photos of incidents clearly exposes the barbarity of these Awami Dog League activists, getting support of their other dog friends in India. Bangladesh needs to be cleansed of these stray dogs sooner or later.

This could be well orchestrated beating show to elevate her political capital and get her even more inside BNP. These people may be forward team who will be eyes and ears for Indo-Awami planners in post 5th scenario.
There are 4 political parties in Bangladesh who got political muscle...

Awamileague, BNP, Ershad, Jamat

Awami Leader Sheikh Hasina is controlling everything of the country.

BNP leader Begum Zia is under house arrest.

Ershad is in under Hospital arrest, forcefully kidnapped and admitted in to Hospital by Police.

Jamat is declared illegitimate...

You dont have to read the whole thread, this is enough to know whats happening in Bangladesh and why no one is supporting India in this case....
Well frankly, I dont support Indian stance if its against righteousness. We both understand that every country has its attitude towards another country completely based on favorable policies.

Lets only hope where all this goes. But I can only say, you comman bangladeshi can force things if there is good majority. Recent events in India were something which no one ever thot was possible. Common Man's voice is the loudest, only matter is that it shud be resonate.

This could be well orchestrated beating show to elevate her political capital and get her even more inside BNP. These people may be forward team who will be eyes and ears for Indo-Awami planners in post 5th scenario.
WTF maan.Now where has India come into this. Just a diplomatic support to AL doesnt mean both countries have formed coilation against Bong people. Wake up.
This could be well orchestrated beating show to elevate her political capital and get her even more inside BNP. These people may be forward team who will be eyes and ears for Indo-Awami planners in post 5th scenario.

I would not be surprised. Khaleda Zia with her incompetence brought all this to her party, political allies and our country and people as well. All of this was preventable. Indo-Awami's gained their strength in front of her eyes while she and her two worthless sons and other worthless leaders sucked their thumb but did nothing to crush them. It is just our luck to have such leaders. Hopefully these idiots have learned their lessons by now and next time they will go for 10 level of contingencies, plan A, B, C .. J.
I would not be surprised. Khaleda Zia with her incompetence brought all this to her party, political allies and our country and people as well. All of this was preventable. Indo-Awami's gained their strength in front of her eyes while she and her two worthless sons and other worthless leaders sucked their thumb but did nothing to crush them. It is just our luck to have such leaders. Hopefully these idiots have learned their lessons by now and next time they will go for 10 level of contingencies, plan A, B, C .. J.

Could not agree more.
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