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March for Democracy Watch Thread

LOLZZZ... So why didn't they march in other districts? Truth is the march is failed.

Today's protest in Gopalgonj against Khaleda's threat to demolish everything of Gopalgonj district once she is in power.

Not only are you a pathological liar...you seem to be a retarded one at that.....Where the **** did she say that??

I have a really good idea...we should ship all the Gopali retards to one of our enclaves and hand them over to their 'mother'!
Not only are you a pathological liar...you seem to be a retarded one at that.....Where the **** did she say that??

he is pathological liar alright, I have challenged him for proof many different occasion but he does not have any. He is same as indo awami shameless bunch.
Nah, He is an Awamileague minister and he is not speaking sense... Google Last 5 city poll elections of Bangladesh and you will immediately know about Begm Zia's popularity.....

And your country is supporting them, their non democratic work Shamelessly . While all other nations think opposite.....

All the pre-conditions of a civil war are prevalent in BD, They even got the popular support ... But it wont happen, because of the Geography....
Can u name those other nations and what exactly they said?
Can u name those other nations and what exactly they said?

Why dont you start with reading statement of your FM published in The Hindu. Don't come here to discuss if you dont have a clue.
Can anyone explain what was going on there? Who is the lady and who are the assaulters? A bit of brief plz.

Why dont you start with reading statement of your FM published in The Hindu. Don't come here discuss if you dont have a clue.
Discuss? I asked a QUESTION. And if they dont teach u in Bangladesh then lemme enlighten u that YOU ASK QUESTIONS WHEN YOU DONT KNOW SOMETHING.

And if u not interested in answering my quesry then you can simply get lost. I am neither interested.
Can anyone explain what was going on there? Who is the lady and who are the assaulters? A bit of brief plz.

go back few pages and read, no one has time for billion th of indians to explain.
The US,The EU,Russia,China and most importantly the UN.....none of them recognize the legitamcy of the next election.
Ohh is it? It wud be interesting to read the official statements of respective countries and bodies.
Can anyone explain what was going on there? Who is the lady and who are the assaulters? A bit of brief plz.

Discuss? I asked a QUESTION. And if they dont teach u in Bangladesh then lemme enlighten u that YOU ASK QUESTIONS WHEN YOU DONT KNOW SOMETHING.

And if u not interested in answering my quesry then you can simply get lost. I am neither interested.
Look around the forum and educate yourself, we are not here to spoon fed you.
Ohh is it? It wud be interesting to read the official statements of respective countries and bodies.
Go through the latest threads in BD section...also go to google and type 'Bangladesh US poll observer'.....once you are done replace US with EU,Commonwealth,Russia etc....you'll get all related news!
To Bangladeshis, please don't answer these indian trolls. There are plenty information in this thread and in others. They should able to read out.
To Bangladeshis, I dont have time to keep on reading 10s of pages where more than half is personal comments rather than info. Its logical to ask specific questions and a person who is interested in replying can do so. I dont think brainfucks like idune who are always sitting on stove, red hot, deserve to dictate what other Bangladeshis shud do. Thanks. :)

Yup. Gotcha. :tup:

You dont have time to read then why the hell we should make time for you indians, this is not dalit practice like in india. Get a life and get out of here.

Guyz, as per what i understand bout Bangladeshi History, whatever turmoil you guyz faced during elections, maybe military coup or forged votings, the basic problem was in NOEXISTENT MONITORING BODY for Election purposes.

In India we have a very powerful ELECTION COMMISION which has the whole sole responsibility of fair election with media for indirect help.

why dont Bangladesh make such an independent body instead of forming INTERMIDIATE CARETAKER GOVT that too headed by a single person (whose credibility himself can be questioned at times) and not a jury of members from foremost constitutional institutions?

You dont have time to read then why the hell we should make time for you indians, this is not dalit practice like in india. Get a life and get out of here.
OK. Now CRY ME A RIVER Plz. :partay:

Dhakkan like you talking bout Dalits. If i show u the same about Bangladesh, you will find corners to get dumped in.

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