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Maps of Israel/Palestine from 1947-2000

This map is lame propaganda. Here a correct map:

Not following Hazrat Musa alaihis salam when he was receiving 10 commandments and then getting kicked out of holy land by Romans as a curse by Allah.
Ah, this is part of the Muslim tradition. It is not part of ours. To make a long story short, Jews say that we may lose Zion but God will show mercy and remember us and we will return. We said that under Pharaoh; we said that under Nebuchadnezzar; we said that under the Romans. Each time, in time, our tradition has been fulfilled.

This map is lame propaganda. Here a correct map:

It could be further "corrected" to add back in the growing proportion of Arab population in places like the Galilee. Then the "green" looks quite expansive.
we said that under the Romans. Each time, in time, our tradition has been fulfilled.

There is a big gap always in between some times up to 2000 years. :D

It could be further "corrected" to add back in the growing proportion of Arab population in places like the Galilee. Then the "green" looks quite expansive.

That's Good.
Not following Hazrat Musa alaihis salam when he was receiving 10 commandments and then getting kicked out of holy land by Romans as a curse by Allah.

Same can be said for Hindus and Muslims of Indo-Pak.

Not following the commandments of Allah/Ram/Bhagwan and getting colonized by the British for 200 years!
2:140 Or do you say that Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes were Jews or Christians? Say: Do you know better or Allah? And who is more unjust than he who conceals a testimony that he has from Allah? And Allah is not heedless of what you do.

The Quran confirms that none of the Israeli Prophets or tribes were Jews. The Jews were Europeans who were converted by traveling Isaelites into Europe.
Map clearly states United Nations Commitee, Epic fail by Somebozo!!

Village Statstics, Palestine Government, Jerusalem 1945

Mass exodus of pallys encouraged by their leaders changed much of the demographics and much to the dismay of Arab defeat who wanted to evacuate Palestine in 24 hours, the Palestinian land was served on a golden patter to Israel!

Palestine the big Lie:

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Village Statstics, Palestine Government, Jerusalem 1945

Mass exodus of pallys encouraged by their leaders changed much of the demographics and much to the dismay of Arab defeat who wanted to evacuate Palestine in 24 hours, the Palestinian land was served on a golden patter to Israel!

Doesn't change the fact that Palestinians were the ones used to live in majority on that land.
Jews from all over the world were shipped to Palestine after the British empire took it over after the first world war. Before that there was no such thing as Israel. Israeli claim is that "this is our land because we lived here 2000 years ago". Even though most of the Israelis are European American descent, the land belongs to Palestinians, they are the people of the land who converted to Islam- contrary to what Zionist apologist media would have us believe. . Hinus support Israel only because anything anti muslim serves their nerves.

Only if facts were on your side,
How many times did Israel, united nations offer palestine the entire gaza and west bank 100% to pre 67 borders? what did Palestenians do to such offers? What was Arab liberations army? What did exactly Jordan and Egypt do when gaza and west bank were under their control. It did not dawn on them to make them independent states?? and where were pakistanis when Zia Ul haq was fighting against the palestinians?

As far as Indians are concerned, Israeli model of defense is ideal for the indian civilians who are fed up of their meek leadership against the countries endorsing terrorism in our region.
Only if facts were on your side,
How many times did Israel, united nations offer palestine the entire gaza and west bank 100% to pre 67 borders? what did Palestenians do to such offers? What was Arab liberations army? What did exactly Jordan and Egypt do when gaza and west bank were under their control. It did not dawn on them to make them independent states?? and where were pakistanis when Zia Ul haq was fighting against the palestinians?

As far as Indians are concerned, Israeli model of defense is ideal for the indian civilians who are fed up of their meek leadership against the countries endorsing terrorism in our region.

So, what stops Indians ?
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