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Maps about Bangladesh / Bengal

It makes me sad that all those good stuffs made by westerners only. What did our people do? Did they ever do anything?

By the way, we want thos map back specially the on in post#3 .:smitten:
Map of Bengal and Assam / 1058 × 800 pixels / 1875-1889 :


What can I say, pure awesomeness!
Yes, Bengal in British India was huge.

Curzon tried to carve it!

Arakanese descendanst living in present-day Bangladesh are known as Magh or Marma people.

They were very troublesome and even came upto Barisal!

I think they were also a menace to British shipping going up the Hooghly to Calcutta.
Below are the maps of 2 very significant kingdoms/dynasties which originated from ancient Bengal or present day Bangladesh. Maps are not ancient in any manner, but the period during that time is very important.

It started in Gaur, Bengal not 'present day Bangladesh'. But never the less in Bengal.

By the way, we want thos map back specially the on in post#3

Indian territory.
Below are the maps of 2 very significant kingdoms/dynasties which originated from ancient Bengal or present day Bangladesh. Maps are not ancient in any manner, but the period during that time is very important.

Pala Dynasty

Under Dharmapala


Under Devapala


Below is the legacy of the Pala Dynasty, according to Wikipedia. Too bad no one remembers them anymore.

Palas legacy gets remembered not much in Bengal but elsewhere in Asia. Tibet's modern culture and religion is heavily influenced by Palas.[20] Palas are credited with spreading Buddhism to Tibet and around the world through missionaries. Atisa, a Palan, is a celebrated figure in the Tibetan Buddhism in tradition and in establishment. Atisa also invented bodhichitta or known as "mind training" that is practiced around the world today. Another important Palan figure in Tibetan Buddhism is Tilopa who founded the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism and developed the Mahamudra method, a set of spiritual practices that greatly accelerated the process of attaining bodhi (enlightenment). Palas literature is widely studied by Buddhist around the world. Pala architectural style was copied throughout south-eastern Asia, China, Japan, and Tibet. Nalanda University and Vikramshila University are two of the greatest Buddhist universities ever recorded in history.




Below is why this kingdom is so important. Quoted from wikipedia.

"When he (Alexander) moved forward with his forces certain men came to inform him that Porus, the king of the country, who was the nephew of that Porus whom he had defeated, had left his kingdom and fled to the nation of Gandaridai... He had obtained from Phegeus a description of the country beyond the Indus: First came a desert which it would take twelve days to traverse; beyond this was the river called the Ganges which had a width of thirty two stadia, and a greater depth than any other Indian river; beyond this again were situated the dominions of the nation of the Prasioi and the Gandaridai, whose king, Xandrammes, had an army of 20,000 horse 200,000 infantry, 2,000 chariots and 4,000 elephants trained and equipped for war".... "Now this (Ganges) river, which is 30 stadia broad, flows from north to south, and empties its water into the ocean forming the eastern boundary of the Gandaridai, a nation which possesses the greatest number of elephants and the largest in size. "----Diodorus Siculus (c. 90 BC– c. 30 BC). Quoted from The Classical Accounts of India, Dr R. C. Majumder, p. 170-72/234.

"Among the southern countries the first under the Kaukasos is India, a kingdom remarkable for its vast extent and the largeness of its population, for it is inhabited by very many nations, among which the greatest of all is that of the Gandaridae, against whom Alexander did not undertake an expedition, being deterred by the multitude of their elephants. This region is separated from farther India by the greatest river in those parts (for it has a breadth of thirty stadia), but it adjoins the rest of India which Alexander had conquered, and which was well watered by rivers and highly renowned for its prosperous and happy condition. "---Diodorus Siculus (1st century AD). Quoted from Ancient India as Described in Classical Literature, John W. McCrindle, p. 201.

"Next came the Ganges, the largest river in all India, the farther bank of which was inhabited by two nations, the Gangaridae and the Prasii, whose king Agrammes kept in field for guarding the approaches to his country 20,000 cavalry and 200,000 infantry, besides 2,000 four-horsed chariots, and, what was the most formidable of all, a troop of elephants which he said ran up to the number of 3,000. "---Quintus Curtius Rufus (wrote between 60-70 AD). Quoted from The Classical Accounts of India, p. 103-128.

"The Battle with Porus depressed the spirits of the Macedonians, and made them very unwilling to advance farther into India... This river (the Ganges), they heard, had a breadth of two and thirty stadia, and a depth of 1000 fathoms, while its farther banks were covered all over with armed men, horses and elephants. For the kings of the Gandaritai and the Prasiai were reported to be waiting for him (Alexander) with an army of 80,000 horse, 200,000 foot, 8,000 war-chariots, and 6,000 fighting elephants. "---Plutarch (42-120 AD). Quoted from The Classical Accounts of India, p. 198.

"Now this river, which at its source is 30 stadia broad, flows from north to south, and empties its waters into the ocean forming the eastern boundary of the Gangaridai, a nation which possesses a vast force of the largest-sized elephants. Owing to this, their country has never been conquered by any foreign king: for all other nations dread the overwhelming number and strength of these animals. [Thus Alexander the Macedonian, after conquering all Asia, did not make war upon the Gangaridai, as he did on all others; for when he had arrived with all his troops at the river Ganges, he abandoned as hopeless an invasion of the Gangaridai and India when he learned that they possessed four thousand elephants well trained and equipped for war. ]"---Megasthenes (c. 350 BC-290 BC). Quoted from the Epitome of Megasthenes, Indika. (Diod. II. 35-42. ), Ancient India as Described by Megasthenes and Arrian. Translated and edited by J. W. McCrindle.
You were all tribal and Hindu low caste converted Muslims. You could not read and write at that time , we taught you later going from Sindh.

All the best.

Present day Bangladesh was always a buddhist region. It was converted to hinduism only during Sena dynasty (11th-12th century AD) and lasted for less than 200 years. Get your facts right Sherlock.
The forms of discrimination against the untouchables in Bengal differed from that in Maharastra or South India. In Bengal, caste rigidities were never strong enough to keep the untouchable population in a state of perpetual servitude. In this context, the types of discrimination faced by depressed or scheduled caste leaders like jogendranath mandal were not the same as those experienced by Ambedkar in Maharastra.....

The Namasudras who were earlier known as Chandals (a term derived from the Sanskrit chandala, a representative term for the untouchables) lived mainly in the Eastern districts of Bengal. According to the census of 1901, more than 75 percent of the Namasudra population lived in the districts of Bakerganj, Faridpur, Dhaka, Mymensingh, Jessore and Khulna. Moreover, it has also been pointed out in several studies that a contiguous region comprising northeastern Bakerganj, southern Faridpur and the adjoining Narail, Magura, Khulna and Bagerhat districts contained more than half of this caste population.




Apart from these terms, the principal objectives that prompted me to work in co-operation with the Muslim League was, first that the economic interests of the Muslims in Bengal were generally identical with those of the Scheduled Castes. Muslims were mostly cultivators and labourers, and so were members of the Scheduled Castes. One section of Muslims were fishermen, so was a section of the Scheduled Castes.


Most of the zamindars were Hindus.

The origin of Islam in Bengal UAB Razia Akhter Banu
You were all tribal and Hindu low caste converted Muslims. You could not read and write at that time , we taught you later going from Sindh.

All the best.

Education from the ancestors of a bunch of half baked muslims from pakistan, who has the urge to blow up mosques and schools, calls themselves warriors of islam by killing innocents giving a bad name to muslims around the world ???? Ha ha dream on:rofl:.
Who gives a fck what he thinks.. We taught them buddhism so that they could stop worshipping cows and drinking urnie. Then the arabs came and taught them not to worship buddha... then brits came and made them a abide servant.. then we faught for them for a country that they have now.. but they forgot all those that we did for them and started a genocide in our land. So we treated them and kick them back where they belngs.. 2000 years of hard work all gone in vein.... :undecided:

May be I forgot, they did not learn buddhism like Pathans, so kept on drinking urine and remained low caste till the time arabs came..

I think you are a Duffer (to use Asma Jehangir's word).

F 16 is a Pakistani and a Muslim.

His ancestor became Muslim well before you.

As far a drinking Cow Urine, I hope you are aware of Urotherapy. It is practised all over the world. Google.

By the way are you aware what the Hadith has to say about Camel Urine.

Let's not go bonkers and indicate that you don't even know a sausage about your own religion.

Next, do read the links about Origin of Islam in Bengal and others I gave before you go ballistic.

Remember the Youtube appended by one of you about some Water secretary (who bore a grudge that his rroll no was always 2 even though his father was the head of the zila parishad) who went ballistics about India where he also mentioned your origin?
Its futile that a discussion is being established regarding some souls origins. Whats the big deal? My ancestors were migrant, so what? Does it worth a penny? I'm not even proud about it. What it should mean is that Bangla was quite a prosperous membrane few centuries ago, with traders even from Arab and Portugese migrating here for a better future. Just as we prefer to go towards europe this days. Ofcourse this facts are hard to digest for WB warriors such as mr. Taki maach!
The case of F16 is hilarious to me , quite a mosquito that blabla is.

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