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Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years'

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All my Brothers!

Let's not forget that was one of the darkest days of our modern China, immediately after another darkest periods of foreign invasions and Japanese atrocities of WWII. We have to remember them but we must put those days behind us. We must work tirelessly from now on to help to build a strong and prosperous China to ensure those days will never return again for our children and grand children.

I am confident of that in China Bro!

Despicable people always cheer about their government for the present day most horrible street famines beggars-behind-bars slums and "open defecation dumping towards the face of the brahmins inept government and cheerleaders" as acts of strong protests defying their decadent rules!
I believe that it is important to know the truth about Mao because veneration of him, his political beliefs and his "accomplishments" is the underpinning of the legitimacy of the Communist Party of China's right to rule modern China. The truth is that this legitimacy was built by being callous to the deaths of tens of millions of his countrymen. Mao was a megalomaniac. The sooner the Chinese people disavow him as a great leader, the sooner the Chinese people will be able to build a truly just and loving society.
He changed China from a slum to a modern state.
He changed the Chinese from a drug-ridden and weak society to a symbol of collective responsibility to the state.

It is always said that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, I'd say even if this over-inflated figure is taken to be true, it brought much more benefits for China than disadvantages, in the long run.
Actually many Chinese understand this about Mao, but they forgive him saying that he is the one who after a century of chaos brought in order and thereby restoring the self confidence of Chinese. The same goes for Stalin. Many Russians forgive him for his atrocities by saying that he is one who converted Russia from a backward country to a super power.

It was Deng Xiaopeng who brought stability in China but he too is involved in Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989 killing 5000 to 10000 people. Mao whole tenure only caused suffering for Chinese people.
All my Brothers!

Let's not forget that was one of the darkest days of our modern China, immediately after another darkest periods of foreign invasions and Japanese atrocities of WWII. We have to remember them but we must put those days behind us. We must work tirelessly from now on to help to build a strong and prosperous China to ensure those days will never return again for our children and grand children.

Brother, you are right. I actually never liked Mao. Just think hypocrisy from those people is interesting. You know, they just want to attack China instead of discussing problems.

That was the darkest days of China. 1962 was the weakest point in PRC history. And our enemies were trying to invade us Although they failed miserly.
He changed China from a slum to a modern state.
He changed the Chinese from a drug-ridden and weak society to a symbol of collective responsibility to the state.

It is always said that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, I'd say even if this over-inflated figure is taken to be true, it brought much more benefits for China than disadvantages, in the long run.
No Pal China remained slum, unstable and downtrodden in his whole tenure. It was his successor Deng Xiaopeng's economic reforms which brought prosperity in China. Deng was imprisoned by Mao during cultural revolution.
At one point every nation has to pay a price..If Pakistan decides to take a great lead forward then it will have no choice but carpet bomb thousand of terrorists hiding and living at Pak-Afghan bordering areas..teaching a lesson is very important.

American great leap forward was massacre of hundred thousands of indigenous red Indians.
It was Deng Xiaopeng who brought stability in China but he too is involved in Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989 killing 5000 to 10000 people. Mao whole tenure only caused suffering for Chinese people.

the no of casulties in 1989 that you quoted is dubious. Just the "operation blue star" and aftermath riots and massacres on Sikhs are hundred times more than what happened in China. The masssacre is going on in your red corridor and Kashmir 24/7, 365!

india is the kingdom of "massacres, bomb attacks, political assassinations, religious violence, class struggles and violence, rebellious movements and crackdowns" combo of the world!

I dont see why chinese are making a big problem out of this, He was a Anti-religious communitst sociopath. Are you that surpized? He reminds me of Ataturk, A man i honor but hate at the same time.
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