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Many Muslims in Europe publicly abandoning Islam, becoming Christians

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Your source is Times of India, enough said. Also Islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe. It has the highest conversion rate (atheism isn't religion). Not saying people aren't leaving Islam but the number of people leaving Christianity (mainly becoming atheists) is far greater than that of any other religion.

Also the news is more of a propaganda and thus has been evolved that way.
The tittle should be ''SOME'' instead of ''MANY''.
In every religion people leave or join,nothing new.

Muslims and Christians are obsessed with conversion numbers. Its a fact. And the Indian OP finally found a gold mine, he basically searches for anything anti Pakistan and anti Muslims. I think its a serious disease in his country. A lot of people suffer from obsession with Pakistan and Islam in his country. I have told them many times its bad for their mental health.
There is no prescribed punishment for apostasy in Islam. Quran is clear Allah will deal with people on judgement day.
A very large number of Ulemas devoting their life to the study of Islam disagree with you. And thus the reason for Apostasy laws in so many Muslim countries.
I never understood why someone is leaving a religion just to join another, if you never really believed in your religion then you will also not believe in your new one, better become atheist and be done with it once for all. :coffee:

Atheist are more obsessed with a supreme being (of course with the one that doesn't exist) than the believers.

Personally I could never understand this obsession with the fastest growing religion, proselytism or with building gigantic worship places (no other constructions are as useless as mosques, churches and temples). There are many other thing which deserve far more attention than religions - like the never ending derriere of Kim Kardashian or leaked photos of Jennifer Lawrence.

out of all the religions islam will hold its own

the other so called faiths are hemorrhaging people to disbelief, I view converts to islam not by figures but by the amount of new muslims I meet in Daily life and the increase over recent years is considerable

people have always left and come to a religion, whichever religion

at the moment I don't think the times of india article is worth the paper it is written on just indian hindu journalism

at the moment for every liberal ahmed who leaves I reckon we are picking up at least a few marks, lukes, johns, sarah and julias
Even in country like Iran and Australia, a huge number of people are converting to Christianity.
In my religion it is stated "Unto those who wander from My teachings, slaughter them until they die a miserable death. Unto those who would not submit to this religion, kill them, burn their crops, wipe out their descendants and their ascendants if they should still exist and for good measure kill their pets as well. No mercy must be and shall be afforded to those who refuse to submit to the followings of this great and only religion"
thought it was the fastest growing religon in Europe
regarding death punishment to those believing other than one unique God. It is decreed for the Israelites in Devarim/Deuteronomy 13 to perform such punishment. But since the Israelites do not uphold God's law. Muslims take over and do what is necessary to uphold God's law
Even in country like Iran and Australia, a huge number of people are converting to Christianity.

Young Australians now crossing over to Islam

No Cookies | dailytelegraph.com.au

Growing numbers convert to Islam in PNG - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Why are an increasing number of white Australians converting to Islam? | Blogging theology

Long history with Islam gives Indigenous Australians pride

and so on and so on the same goes for Europe, America etc etc

islam is a major faith it is only natural for some without faith to leave but many others will always come to take their place and then some

now you could try to provide counter article's but it would just emphasise that some people leave and some come

islam is now 1.7 billion and growing between our birth rate and conversion to Islam we are increasing by many millions each year
Even in country like Iran and Australia, a huge number of people are converting to Christianity.
Homer images.jpg
A very large number of Ulemas devoting their life to the study of Islam disagree with you. And thus the reason for Apostasy laws in so many Muslim countries.

A very large number of so called Ulemas are corrupt, power hungry fools and have deliberately twisted Islamic teachings for their own business. Islam is not based on what Ulemas say, its based on what Quran says.
Young Australians now crossing over to Islam

No Cookies | dailytelegraph.com.au

Growing numbers convert to Islam in PNG - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Why are an increasing number of white Australians converting to Islam? | Blogging theology

Long history with Islam gives Indigenous Australians pride

and so on and so on the same goes for Europe, America etc etc

islam is a major faith it is only natural for some without faith to leave but many others will always come to take their place and then some

now you could try to provide counter article's but it would just emphasise that some people leave and some come

islam is now 1.7 billion and growing between our birth rate and conversion to Islam we are increasing by many millions each year
Congratulations. You missed the Yazidis and the people of Mosul.
There is no prescribed punishment for apostasy in Islam. Quran is clear Allah will deal with people on judgement day.

Was the whole nation such as Iran at Quranic violations when it declared Salman Rushdie an Apostate and asked for its head with an International Fatwa to kill him anywhere and collect the 3 million dollar bounty on his head?
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