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@Abotani if ur really from A.P why are u so much against India ? i hv never seen any of my fellow arunachalis behaving like urs against india ! No arunachali refers Arunachal Pradesh as Southtibet. Any way whats ur problem with india ?

Intresting thing is that there is senior minister in Modi cabinet who is from Arunachal too...
@Abotani if ur really from A.P why are u so much against India ? i hv never seen any of my fellow arunachalis behaving like urs against india ! No arunachali refers Arunachal Pradesh as Southtibet. Any way whats ur problem with india ?
His problem is he want so called south Tibet to merge with China. Tells a lot about who his masters are!!
again, monyul wasn't part of NEFA under thr british, we were nore linked to tibet. it was only in 1954, that a Tangkhul officer of the indian civil service brought monyul under NEFA and hence indian rule. even after drawing of the mcmohan line in the 1940s, monyul was independent and only in mid 1950s we were brought under NEFA.
Umm..Mcmahon line was agreed upon in 1914 AD.Even though lhasa ayuthorities continued to tax and control large swathes of AP even into tani areas
Nope AP is best off with PRC.Funny eh?A tani in PRC having knowledge of what's going on in AP?Yeah right.

Arunachal will be worse with Commie China. it is no surprise if a commie paid troll has kniwledge about something he is paid to troll about.

Umm..Mcmahon line was agreed upon in 1914 AD.Even though lhasa ayuthorities continued to tax and control large swathes of AP even into tani areas

ok, that doesnt disprove my post. we were never under indian rule until 1954 unlike tani areas.

and we are glad to be a part of india. you claim you have few monpa friends. go ask them.
@Abotani if ur really from A.P why are u so much against India ? i hv never seen any of my fellow arunachalis behaving like urs against india ! No arunachali refers Arunachal Pradesh as Southtibet. Any way whats ur problem with india ?
Maybe because,India is not where we belong.Arunachalis aren't worried of China taking over AP.Subconsciously,we are afraid that we may become the same as the tibetans in dharmashala or in delhi.We have this mistaken idea that PRC will just barge in and kick out all of us.That is why we are apprehensive of China.
As far as India is concerned,rest of NE and its state will make it very clear to anyone who wants to see things with realism and pragmatism.
Maybe because,India is not where we belong.Arunachalis aren't worried of China taking over AP.Subconsciously,we are afraid that we may become the same as the tibetans in dharmashala or in delhi.We have this mistaken idea that PRC will just barge in and kick out all of us.That is why we are apprehensive of China.
As far as India is concerned,rest of NE and its state will make it very clear to anyone who wants to see things with realism and pragmatism.

now now you showed your colours. you arent an arunachali or even indian for that matter. how can you compare arunachalis who live in arunachal to tibetabs who live in exile? your posts contradicts itself. it wss china which chased out lakhs of tibetans from tibet and not india. they will do the same with arunachal.

we monpas dont just hate china for no reason. we have well founded apprehensions about the commies. they have been worse than india while dealing with their minority ethnic citizens

and yes arunachalis are very worries. maybe you missed the big protest against china organised by ASUD and NGOs in delhi and many anti-china protests in arunachal itself.
Arunachal will be worse with Commie China. it is no surprise if a commie paid troll has kniwledge about something he is paid to troll about.

ok, that doesnt disprove my post. we were never under indian rule until 1954 unlike tani areas.

and we are glad to be a part of india. you claim you have few monpa friends. go ask them.
Nah,AP is a shit place with India as it is.And everyone knows that affairs of arunachal are rarely on the internet.Well,whole south of mcmahon line was theoretically under british,then Indian control.The brits or for that matter even Indians didn't have active control of AP apart from the lower areas.The reason why tibetans continued to collect taxes well south of mcmahon line upto the 50s
Nah,AP is a shit place with India as it is.And everyone knows that affairs of arunachal are rarely on the internet.Well,whole south of mcmahon line was theoretically under british,then Indian control.The brits or for that matter even Indians didn't have active control of AP apart from the lower areas.The reason why tibetans continued to collect taxes well south of mcmahon line upto the 50s

that is your opinion.

the rest of arunachal disagrees with you. go and do a survey if you want. but wait, chinese dont get pernit to visit arunachal. so do one thing, go visit the many arunachal groups and pages and ask the youth there. you will have a very bad report to show to your commie bosses.

and there is a treasure of information about arunachal on the internet. go find them. not very hard actually unless, ofcourse, you cant access them due to the 'great firewall'
Maybe because,India is not where we belong.Arunachalis aren't worried of China taking over AP.Subconsciously,we are afraid that we may become the same as the tibetans in dharmashala or in delhi.We have this mistaken idea that PRC will just barge in and kick out all of us.That is why we are apprehensive of China.
As far as India is concerned,rest of NE and its state will make it very clear to anyone who wants to see things with realism and pragmatism.

Can you elaborate on your spectre of realism and pragmatism?....You are an intresting fellow to get engaged..Although I do not like it, still then i respect every aspect of the seprate voice in my nation...I would have been supporting if people like you would like to be integgarted with country who are modern and freedom is there like Japan,Singapore etc....But China is a country even they do not allow a basic democracy in their nation...It is just a a draconian way of ruling over the people where even rest of the world does not know what happens inside China due to restriction on information...Who will be the mad person to like to join China?...That is why i am getting surprised...The reason for your dissent with India becuase, you do not belong to Indian civilization....Fair enough..Histroy is not always so rosy as we think....But at this point of time, India is trying to create a histroy...It is not necessary that future of a nation will be built based on the past histroy only...Histroy can be made too....Even if you go to China, why do you think that your tribal culture and special way of living your life will be respected when China do not even respect any one who is not with their majority culture?...They even diluted the population with Han people in Tibet too...They do not respect Tibet people and culture per se...So if your love for China is just anti mindset or there is any specific logic for being a part of China....

It makes sense for people of Kashmir to be a part of Pak...Few of them have emotional bonding...It is understood...But i am not able to understand what is the logic of people like you for PRC...That is where i am getting confused..
now now you showed your colours. you arent an arunachali or even indian for that matter. how can you compare arunachalis who live in arunachal to tibetabs who live in exile? your posts contradicts itself. it wss china which chased out lakhs of tibetans from tibet and not india. they will do the same with arunachal.

we monpas dont just hate china for no reason. we have well founded apprehensions about the commies. they have been worse than india while dealing with their minority ethnic citizens

and yes arunachalis are very worries. maybe you missed the big protest against china organised by ASUD and NGOs in delhi and many anti-china protests in arunachal itself.
Ahh..read my post and yet didn't get it.Let me repeat again,most arunachalees don't hate china,they are just worried of the uncertainties that the China factor brings into play.
India better than China?Who are you kidding?Look at rest of NE and what they did to the minorities.AP was spared of this horror because Indians never had constant presence in AP before the 60s and 70s.After the 62 war,India basically forgot about AP and left us alone and that is why Arunachal never had problems with the centre,unlike rest of NE.
Many tibetans are still in China and tibet itself,the ones who left are mostly the upper class of tibetan society whose power was threatened by PRC.I bet even former tibetan slaves still in tibet will be glad that the traditional slavery system is gone.

that is your opinion.

the rest of arunachal disagrees with you. go and do a survey if you want. but wait, chinese dont get pernit to visit arunachal. so do one thing, go visit the many arunachal groups and pages and ask the youth there. you will have a very bad report to show to your commie bosses.

and there is a treasure of information about arunachal on the internet. go find them. not very hard actually unless, ofcourse, you cant access them due to the 'great firewall'
Really?for that is what the real psychological though process is.When faced with a simple,"should CHina rule AP" question,they will reply in negative for it is mistakenly thought that China will chase them all out of their homelands.But bring in "should CHina rule AP,with natives still retaining their rights and as equals" question, then the results dramatically change.

Now ask should India rule AP with mainlanders being allowed here,and then arunachalees are like "hell no".No ayings or harings.
Ahh..read my post and yet didn't get it.Let me repeat again,most arunachalees don't hate china,they are just worried of the uncertainties that the China factor brings into play.
India better than China?Who are you kidding?Look at rest of NE and what they did to the minorities.AP was spared of this horror because Indians never had constant presence in AP before the 60s and 70s.After the 62 war,India basically forgot about AP and left us alone and that is why Arunachal never had problems with the centre,unlike rest of NE.
Many tibetans are still in China and tibet itself,the ones who left are mostly the upper class of tibetan society whose power was threatened by PRC.I bet even former tibetan slaves still in tibet will be glad that the traditional slavery system is gone.

Are you an converted person from traditional religion of AP? Why are you so worried about minorities in AP?...I guess in NE, it is the different tribal people who fight with each other rather than Gov fight with them..If you and your friends are so united with your view to be a part of China, why you guys fight among the tribal line?...
Ahh..read my post and yet didn't get it.Let me repeat again,most arunachalees don't hate china,they are just worried of the uncertainties that the China factor brings into play.
India better than China?Who are you kidding?Look at rest of NE and what they did to the minorities.AP was spared of this horror because Indians never had constant presence in AP before the 60s and 70s.After the 62 war,India basically forgot about AP and left us alone and that is why Arunachal never had problems with the centre,unlike rest of NE.
Many tibetans are still in China and tibet itself,the ones who left are mostly the upper class of tibetan society whose power was threatened by PRC.I bet even former tibetan slaves still in tibet will be glad that the traditional slavery system is gone.

I am not speaking for the rest of NE. i am soeaking about ny ancestral land here. i am talking about arunachal. and yes it is better with india.

as for upper class tibetans being in exike, that is the chinese rhetoric and the oppressor always uses such excuses for their continued oppression. The tibetans in india comorise tibetans from every walk of life. many muslims were left in india during partition , so i fail to understand what you are trying to say that there are many tibetans in tibet! It is tibet, tibetans wouod be there. An entire nation cannot be sent into exike no matter how hard the commies want.

how would you explain hundreds of thousands of tibetans coming to india for the kalachakra initiation via nepal?

The 2008 protests in lhasa show how much tibetans dislike the chinese. funnily enough, PLA troopers were given dress of monks to show monks in bad light.

abotani said:

we are not mistaken when we say we dont want china, it is you who is mistaken when you think we are mistaken. the result doesnt changes at all even if that other equation is brought into olay.

as for not wanting 'haring' the problem is not that we dont want then there. we want then here as per provisions of the law and not outside of it. our main fight is against the influx of Bangladeshis, which is getting serious in tani areas. no arunachali ever saud non arunachalis must jot be allowed here. all we say is that they must not be allowed to own property here.

you are so mistaken brother.
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One more thing guys, this fake arunachali is parroting the exact logic given by the chinese government. He speaks of things as it is told by the communist party of china.

No arunachali speaks like that. you guys cab go and check on arunachal pages and groups on facebook and talk with real arunachalis and then you'd know the truth. nothing can be more true when hundreds of arunachalis debunk this guy's illusions.

Does he now know about the protests organised by the arunachalis not only against chinese imperialism but also also against indian government's inability to stand up against china.

this guy has false illusions. thankfully guys, almost all of us arunachalis think absolutely opposite. we arevproud being indians.

i once again ask everyone to go to facebook and thebn talk with real arunachalis. there you would know the reality. true we are sad at the instances of racial discrimination from time to time, but we are staunchly pro indian and believe strongly in the union of india.

plus, when he says we are mistaken about chinese intention, it is actually what the chinese want to believe. our dislike for chinese imperialism is well founded. does he think we arunachalis are illiterate savages?
Can you elaborate on your spectre of realism and pragmatism?....You are an intresting fellow to get engaged..Although I do not like it, still then i respect every aspect of the seprate voice in my nation...I would have been supporting if people like you would like to be integgarted with country who are modern and freedom is there like Japan,Singapore etc....But China is a country even they do not allow a basic democracy in their nation...It is just a a draconian way of ruling over the people where even rest of the world does not know what happens inside China due to restriction on information...Who will be the mad person to like to join China?...That is why i am getting surprised...The reason for your dissent with India becuase, you do not belong to Indian civilization....Fair enough..Histroy is not always so rosy as we think....But at this point of time, India is trying to create a histroy...It is not necessary that future of a nation will be built based on the past histroy only...Histroy can be made too....Even if you go to China, why do you think that your tribal culture and special way of living your life will be respected when China do not even respect any one who is not with their majority culture?...They even diluted the population with Han people in Tibet too...They do not respect Tibet people and culture per se...So if your love for China is just anti mindset or there is any specific logic for being a part of China....

It makes sense for people of Kashmir to be a part of Pak...Few of them have emotional bonding...It is understood...But i am not able to understand what is the logic of people like you for PRC...That is where i am getting confused..
Long story short,We cannot prosper as a completely independent nation of our own.the reason why we choose India even though you guys were outsiders as well.For most of our vital trade links were shattered due to the drawing of mcmahon line.Tibet with whom our vital trade supplies were conducted was mostly stopped,except for bare necessities and most of the trade began to be with brits especially after the war of 1911-12.In 1947,after the british crown colony failed to materialise,even the burma route for supplies was ruled out and so we made a pragmatic decision to join Indian union,of course with related privileges that still separated us from you guys.
The han people in tibet issue is just so propagandistic.There are mainlanders even in AP and rest of NE.In far more numbers than there are hans in tibet at that.So why the double standards on China and hans.AP/south tibet was for most time under tibetan influence just like tibet was under Chinese influence.So it makes ense to join China.
The assertion that japan or other nations who aren't even close in any manner are a viable option is,I hope a joke..for otherwise it is a very unrealistic suggestion.
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