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Man Shouts "Down With Xi Jinping" in Shenzhen China, onlookers cheer for his arrest and shout"well done" to the police

Nobody moved factories anywhere. Western retailers stopped buying from their own companies and instead bought from Chinese companies that subcontracted for them. If they "moved factories", they could easily move them back, since they're wholly owned by foreigners and under foreign control. They can simply accept subsidies for it, even. But they can't. They don't own those factories. The relationship is not boss and worker, it is customer and supplier. At worst they can stop buying from those suppliers, but then their competitors will, and they'll go out of business. That is why they have such a hard time exploiting and controlling China, yet have such an easy time exploiting and controlling 3rd world countries.

And it wasn't FDI that changed China's economy. FDI flows into China never exceeded 7% GDP. Exports as %GDP never exceeded 40% (contrast to over 100% for Vietnam, Germany, South Korea, etc).
First of all, I never said fdi changed China's economy, that was literally the last sentence in my comment, a literal after thought. You literally ignored my entire comment, and nitpicked a few words.

Rule of thumb, when people say "move factories" it doesn't mean they picked up the building and moved it, along with transporting the entire labor force. What it means is that they hired foreign labor and/or partnered with foreign companies (for example foxconn) to build their products, because labor is cheaper overseas than their own nations.
You are not Canadian.

Many people from the Global South (Chinese included) that immigrate to the Anglosphere think they are now American/Canadian/British/Australian/NewZealander. These wannabes will never be accepted.

And don’t bring Pakistan into it because I fully support Pakistan. You don’t care about Pakistan, you just want Pakistan to be a Western stooge. Just like many Western-loving Chinese that want China to be a Western stooge.
Way to go personal.

You couldn't attack my points, so you're resorting to attacking me.

@The Eagle @waz

I'm calling you guys, because I've been told not to engage trolls.

I've been attacked personally, I trust you'll do the right thing.
Canada and Pakistan may not be perfect, but at least we can insult

It's not political system that developed China, it's their land and economic reforms. They looked at Japan and South Korea and realized that the economic and land reforms they committed to were the only way to develop the country, so that's what China did as well. It also helped that China had a dirt cheap labor force.

In China, growth has come in the context of stable communist rule, suggesting that democracy and growth are not inevitably mutually dependent. Many Chinese believe that the country’s recent economic achievement have come about because of China’s authoritarian form of government.
if this happens in America police would have emptied a clip on him

you mean Russia

in Western nations we can speak against the government without fear of being executed

this was one unarmed person who posed no danger and yet half a dozen riot police floored him

this is state control
you mean Russia

in Western nations we can speak against the government without fear of being executed

this was one unarmed person who posed no danger and yet half a dozen riot police floored him

this is state control
You could tell he has mental issue and very highly could attack other people. So why you so care about China since your westerner don't want our Chinese people have good life like the West. :cheesy:
this was one unarmed person who posed no danger and yet half a dozen riot police floored him
he could have pulled out a bottle of gasoline and lit himself up on fire the next minute, no one knows, we have seen plenty of those Falungong cultists back in the day
In China, growth has come in the context of stable communist rule, suggesting that democracy and growth are not inevitably mutually dependent. Many Chinese believe that the country’s recent economic achievement have come about because of China’s authoritarian form of government.
To add to what you said, the form of government and economic growth aren't intrinsically linked. The US and EU are thriving and filled with democracies. China and Singapore are authoritarian and are thriving. I'm not one of those fools who believes that democracies work for every nation. In the DPRK switched to democracy, the state would collapse, similar situation with Russia where a strong central figure has always been needed to keep the Russian nation together, instead of disintegrating.

Economic reforms are what help a nation grow. Business doesn't care about morals, it cares about ease of making money.

China didn't grow into an economic power until after Mao. Mao's successor implemented land, social, and economic reforms by studying China's successful neighbors such as Japan and South Korea.

Another example, Daesh made a shit ton of money selling oil and products in the black market, and their false state's economy was actually rapidly growing. It doesn't mean Daesh had a legitimate form of government that anyone recognizes. It just means they were good at selling stuff, and making deals.
Canada and Pakistan may not be perfect, but at least we can insult

Does insulting your government brings about better changes needed to the country? I can be here screaming at the top of my lungs in disagreement, but does that mean things will be better tomorrow? Here in the US, our government works for the lobbyist and not the people, our freedom of speech goes to the layers of filters before it even resonate. One of our biggest offender is AIPAC that has infiltrated our foreign policy, bringing about much of the destruction in the ME and with all the civil unrest. This infestation surreptitiously so far has received over $146 billion from the US and counting, in the form of "foreign assistance". We all know we're in the hole for $30 trillion in the US here, but do you hear any condemnation about it? Only with the recent shift in its focus with the "pivot to Asia" has ME slowing piecing itself together.

In Pakistan, Pakistan's blasphemy laws carry a potential death sentence for anyone who insults Islam. And how does this not come in parallel with China's authoritarian political system? I think OP was trying to convey that regardless of what you are in China, being it Han, Muslim, or alien, you're be targeted the same way. Now in that regard, who are we to criticize?
Man Shouts "Down With Xi Jinping" in Shenzhen China, onlookers cheer for his arrest and shout"well done" to the police
How can anyone criticize anything about China? China is greatest superpower.
This man is CIA agent. Or may be RAW? Or he could be form Japanese or Australian Intelligence? Taiwanese anyone? ISI should help.
Does insulting your government brings about better changes needed to the country? I can be here screaming at the top of my lungs in disagreement, but does that mean things will be better tomorrow? Here in the US, our government works for the lobbyist and not the people, our freedom of speech goes to the layers of filters before it even resonate. One of our biggest offender is AIPAC that has infiltrated our foreign policy, bringing about much of the destruction in the ME and with all the civil unrest. This infestation surreptitiously so far has received over $146 billion from the US and counting, in the form of "foreign assistance". We all know we're in the hole for $30 trillion in the US here, but do you hear any condemnation about it? Only with the recent shift in its focus with the "pivot to Asia" has ME slowing piecing itself together.

In Pakistan, Pakistan's blasphemy laws carry a potential death sentence for anyone who insults Islam. And how does this not come in parallel with China's authoritarian political system? I think OP was trying to convey that regardless of what you are in China, being it Han, Muslim, or alien, you're be targeted the same way. Now in that regard, who are we to criticize?
I know what his point is, and I'm glad that I think his point is shit.

I'm on record here saying I think Pakistan's blasphemy law (which is actually a Christian British imperial law), is shit.

However, insulting political leaders is not the same as insulting an entire faith of a persecuted people. I can go to Imran Khan or Justin Trudeau and call them all manners of insults, and nothing will happen to me.

Unless you and op are admitting that China thinks Xi Jinping is a religious figure, which I doubt, than your point has no merit.

Your point on the US is so flawed, and completely different beast altogether, that it deserves it's own thread. If I were to talk about it, is get in trouble with the mods that I've derailed the thread, so I won't bother.
I know what his point is, and I'm glad that I think his point is shit.

I'm on record here saying I think Pakistan's blasphemy law (which is actually a Christian British imperial law), is shit.

However, insulting political leaders is not the same as insulting an entire faith of a persecuted people. I can go to Imran Khan or Justin Trudeau and call them all manners of insults, and nothing will happen to me.

Unless you and op are admitting that China thinks Xi Jinping is a religious figure, which I doubt, than your point has no merit.

Your point on the US is so flawed, and completely different beast altogether, that it deserves it's own thread. If I were to talk about it, is get in trouble with the mods that I've derailed the thread, so I won't bother.

No, China's government isn't God. In fact, God has no place in China's government. Official Chinese government recognizes only five major religions practiced in China Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, and Protestantism. In China, all citizens are expected to be Chinese first, and everything else to be secondary. Regardless of religion, you're expected to assimilate into the social dynamics of China society and be able to interact in her native language. It isn't a perfect society, nor is it a perfect country. She's not immune from the constrain of extremism, separatist and dissent. To say that China doesn't have its own share of struggle to bring about in unity, would be the same as implying that India is a super power, comical. There isn't any subjugation, nor suppression of religion, every being in China is expected to abide and be in conformity to her laws. This is selective targetting along with the onslaught of negative dissemination is to contain China, and this Cold War has started before China had even realized. How China neutralize these threats may not be in accord with every political entities, but would you rather have them be bombed to death instead?

In all religions, we all make an attempt to respect our boundary - there is no God, but God.
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