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Man Shouts "Down With Xi Jinping" in Shenzhen China, onlookers cheer for his arrest and shout"well done" to the police

"American style democracy does not suit China. It's like a square peg in a round hole. Look at India, the world's biggest democracy, nearly 60% of its population defecates in the open. Its infrastructure is decades behind China. Women are not safe from Indian men. China does not want to be like India & adopt Western-style democracy"
[Good Life]
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"American style democracy does not suit China. It's like a square peg in a round hole. Look at India, the world's biggest democracy, nearly 60% of its population defecates in the open. Its infrastructure is decades behind China. Women are not safe from Indian men. China does not want to be like India & adopt Western-style democracy"
[Good Life]
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fake news
Canada and Pakistan may not be perfect, but at least we can insult

It's not political system that developed China, it's their land and economic reforms. They looked at Japan and South Korea and realized that the economic and land reforms they committed to were the only way to develop the country, so that's what China did as well. It also helped that China had a dirt cheap labor force.

Speaking of "dirt" cheap:

Bag of rocks: $800

True galactic empire's average income: $650

Many people assume this guy will face grave consequence.

China is different today. This person could just be cage up 7 days to 3 months if this is merely a personal action. If this person is acting on behalf of organized subversive institution, then he would be facing years of imprisonment.

There is lots of freedom, democracy and free speech in China today.

How is being arrested lots of freedom?

In most countries in the West you can’t even be arrested for shouting that..it isn’t even a crime. Even newscasters are known to call the President names without retribution
Police over reacted, its not even a mass protest just one man saying down with Xi, a man that rule a nation 1 Billion + has insecurity from 1 dude ? things like that is stopping China's race to become the super power, you have to be tolerant and let people express their views, like Americans did for the most part.
I am sure 100% everything in the picture is comment, but the two fools cannot distinguish the difference between COMMENT and NEWS. At the same time, they started to attack personal. And in the two idiots, there is a Think Tank.

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If insult the leadership, insult the country and insult another member is the freedom of these two dogs, but I also have the right to do the same for them. That is my freedom. These two dogs are very happy to insult the leadership, the country, then attack another member, but start barking and want Repord after receiving the insult

The nature of dogs never changes. :D

You must be proud because I have found the same species of both.

It is my freedom of speech. :partay:

Try to put your point without insulting the others, I disagree with @aziqbal but calling him a dog will not get you anywhere.
I don't get what was op thinking with this thread, giving attention to CIA shill source,and when people are just looking for excuse , none of them cares that public was cheering,they don't care what Chinese civilians want ,they will simply bury it and run with the other part.


China doesn't need tolerance of regime change shills from CIA (that includes current falungong) or taiwanese agent .He's using the CIA line that doesn't make any sense, like China did so bad in past decades that they would need to heed the regime change advocates from west's advice?
0pening up? what the fck does that mean?it's not 1971 , china is open for the world to enter and go as they please, same goes for the chinese,is he asking for the market to be opened up totally for western oligarch to buy off the nation? or that they again allow CIA prism social media to conduct regime change op and support terrorism in china?
This guy is saying he's not resisting ,too savvy with tricks.
He's clearly trying to disrupt the seamless and peaceful environment,he was annoying the passersby , such troublemaker needs to be questioned to get to their backers .He has no right to ruin others' day and cause disruption and problems in the life of other Chinese citizens . He deserved to be arrested for just causing public disruption alone.Internal harmony,peace, & cohesion in society ,is vital for the development and hence good life for the citizens. No individual should have the right to break the fabric binding all ,for the civilians' good life.
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But Denel and Aziqbal reported Me And Do Not Accept My Freedom of Speech
+>> Freedom of speech has freedom of speech "THIS" and freedom of speech "THAT" :partay:

This is like many Pakistani members support Putin in old thread
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But they are uncomfortable and resisted China in this thread :partay:

If they reported you then its not same as calling other people dogs. Also Putin's remarks was about a Prophet who is dead and he was a religious figure, Xi is a Political leader who is alive and ruling right now, the comparison is stupid.
This is why China is successful despite CIA colour revolution attempts. Zero tolerance approach. Worked wonderfully for decades.
The latest news.
The man was detained for 5 days and fined 200CNY for violating the public security regulations of "abusing others in public"(Article 42 of the law of <the people's Republic of China on administrative penalties for public security>).
this thread has clearly backfired on Beijing walker bet he regrets opening it
I won't. China is not perfect and I never said she is, if you are here long enough you should know that I'm also against Xi's possible 3rd term and I clearly stated my position on this issue many many times over the past a couple of years.
That being said, another thing worth notice is the public response to this lone protestor, no matter how some countries try to destablise China, it'll never succeed, cause the general public's mood is not on it.
Great so this proves there is no freedom of speech in China

this is exactly what I have been saying all along

he was clearly not resisting and yet 5 officers in riot gear were there, heavy handed tactics

just shows what happened when unarmed protester wants to say something

and you are trying to convince outside world you dont kill our own people ?

now more people will start saying this and collapse will come from within

Communism is a self destructing system and 1991 proved it give enough time and they will collapse as did USSR
Well, he's an idiot for doing this, sorry to say . You have to know the country you live in, and what the government permits/allows. Obviously we all know the Chinese government doesn't really tolerate any negative public remarks/protest towards their president/top leaders(however positive ones are welcomed ). So he should know which countries he can do such stuffs in and which ones not to. Every system is different.
He can do that in China's neighbours like South Korea or Japan for example and get away with it. But China's system is different and he should be aware of that.
The difference between China and other countries like Japan and South Korea is, China has a very hostile external environment. The US led west gang group pour huge amount resources in order to disturb, overthrow China. China now is at most crucial developing stage. Stability is above all for China. We can talk people's freedom after China defeats US.
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