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Man Shouts "Down With Xi Jinping" in Shenzhen China, onlookers cheer for his arrest and shout"well done" to the police

HK also have that kind of law called " 尋釁滋事 " that inherited from the British Colonial gov't, so I honestly thought that was part of the common laws.
Canada and Pakistan may not be perfect, but at least we can insult
Whether we like it or not; but that is the fundamental model, which lead to the collosal progress and development in China. They realized at a very early stage, that this Western democracy system doesn't suit the countries, which are underdeveloped and people are not disciplined enough.
It's not political system that developed China, it's their land and economic reforms. They looked at Japan and South Korea and realized that the economic and land reforms they committed to were the only way to develop the country, so that's what China did as well. It also helped that China had a dirt cheap labor force.
Well, he's an idiot for doing this, sorry to say . You have to know the country you live in, and what the government permits/allows. Obviously we all know the Chinese government doesn't really tolerate any negative public remarks/protest towards their president/top leaders(however positive ones are welcomed ). So he should know which countries he can do such stuffs in and which ones not to. Every system is different.
He can do that in China's neighbours like South Korea or Japan for example and get away with it. But China's system is different and he should be aware of that.

Yeah, it's imo the same like when you go to NK and then start messing around and do something which isn't allowed there.
Or try to be a thief and Texas, eat a 12 gauge to your face and let your family whine about your fate. :D

DON'T touch the hot induction plate, son!
This is why color revolution will never happen in Chna, cause the general public don't want any revolutions, they just want to have a peaceful and stable life, make comfortable money and enjoy their lives, no one identify with a handful of dissidents, they only see them as trouble makers and traitors of the nation.
I wonder, where it was, and how it got on the internet. Normally, if anything like that happens, you wouldn't find a single video on the nets the next day. A 20 men team would normally go for anything political, not a 5 something group along with chengguan. Having a police commissioner (警监) on field duty is also very unusual, let alone 2 of them at a time.

In 2019, unions put a show in downtown Guangzhou, 150-200 people. Wechat feeds, and video sites were lighting up, and next day... nothing, as if it never happened.
I wonder, where it was, and how it got on the internet. Normally, if anything like that happens, you wouldn't find a single video on the nets the next day. A 20 men team would normally go for anything political, not a 5 something group along with chengguan. Having a police commissioner (警监) on field duty is also very unusual, let alone 2 of them at a time.

In 2019, unions put a show in downtown Guangzhou, 150-200 people. Wechat feeds, and video sites were lighting up, and next day... nothing, as if it never happened.
Check the video again, did you see how many onlookers were videotaping it on the spot? The very moment when it happened, it was already on the internet, the biggest business now in China is on the spot live streaming, many of them are even using 5G
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This is why color revolution will never happen in Chna, cause the general public don't want any revolutions, they just want to have a peaceful and stable life, make comfortable money and enjoy their lives, no one identify with a handful of dissidents, they only see them as trouble makers and traitors of the nation.
So please stop posting news on India that criticize our government too. Don't be a hypocrite. Lol.
Many people assume this guy will face grave consequence.

China is different today. This person could just be cage up 7 days to 3 months if this is merely a personal action. If this person is acting on behalf of organized subversive institution, then he would be facing years of imprisonment.

There is lots of freedom, democracy and free speech in China today.
Nothing going to happen to the dude, will be released after a good talking too.
no he will go to one of the concentration camps in Xinjiang where organ harvesting is sponsored by the state and 1 Million Muslims are imprisoned in Gulags

Why not 9 million?

Uighur sự thật.jpg


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