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Malaysia urges ASEAN to unite over South China Sea

A sick country with empty hands back from Olympics...
Why we need to waste our money in those cheap games instead of using it to buy more weapons ??

just like china, won't lots of medals, but still a coward nation, can't fight against small neighbours if having No US daddy's support , china's army fighting skill still suck, nothing change:coffee:
Yeah, Malay knew it when they signed the 'joint submission' with us, and that's the reason why Phil hasn't signed it yet. But as you can see, she can't even protect their own shoal, so how can she 'protect' isls in disputed zone ??

They will lose those isls soon or later , so, it'd better for them to 'lose' those isls into VN's hands than china bcz we're ASEAN NEIGHBOURS.:P

china is far more dangerours to ASEAN nations than small vn, and only vn can protect them from China-U.S 's threat, got it, dude ?:P

'Joint Submission'? Never heard of it, sounds imperialistic though. I don't see the size matter whether the ASEAN nations submit to China or Vietnam. I would say they should rather submit to China if they have to submit to anyone at all because China is bigger, better economy, and most of all , bigger market for their goods. I just don't see any benefit to gift their islands to a poor and warmongering Vietnam.

I appreciate you honesty though, unlike your compatriots, who speak of dealing out islands to their favorite countries like pedophiles giving out lollipops to little boys and girls. At least you have the balls to say you want all those islands.
'Joint Submission'? Never heard of it, sounds imperialistic though. I don't see the size matter whether the ASEAN nations submit to China or Vietnam. I would say they should rather submit to China if they have to submit to anyone at all because China is bigger, better economy, and most of all , bigger market for their goods. I just don't see any benefit to gift their islands to a poor and warmongering Vietnam.
if you've never heard of it, then , it your problem, i don't care. Malay knew we will take back all isls and she's still agreed with us, that's why the dispute between ASEAN can resolve peacefully.

If they don't give those isls back to vn, then just look at what happen to Phil when she keep arguing with other ASEAN members in SCS(east sea) and suddenly China came and robed her shoal . no ones support her in this matter . She will lose Scarborough shoal to China forever and the next is all isls plus EEZ in Spratly after that, too.

If Phil gives back vn isls in disputed zone, then she will only 'lose' those isls, and we will make sure that we will help her to keep Scarborough shoal and EEZ. Tha's surely a better choice for Phil:coffee:
Viva Dai Viets, the protector of the poor and weak!
Yeah, right, and we need you china to be a big bad monster who threaten to the peace of region, so we can be a knight in shining amor who willing to help the poor and weak :P
Despite our different views on the SCS issue, I have to say "Niceguy, you are the man". Compared to you, other viet members on this forum are just deceitful. They never talk about the details of Vietnam's plan of sharing SCS with other countries but keep saying "peaceful negotiations".

if you've never heard of it, then , it your problem, i don't care. Malay knew we will take back all isls and she's still agreed with us, that's why the dispute between ASEAN can resolve peacefully.

If they don't give those isls back to vn, then just look at what happen to Phil when she keep arguing with other ASEAN members in SCS(east sea) and suddenly China came and robed her shoal . no ones support her in this matter . She will lose Scarborough shoal to China forever and the next is all isls plus EEZ in Spratly after that, too.

If Phil gives back vn isls in disputed zone, then she will only 'lose' those isls, and we will make sure that we will help her to keep Scarborough shoal and EEZ. Tha's surely a better choice for Phil:coffee:
Despite our different views on the SCS issue, I have to say "Niceguy, you are the man". Compared to you, other viet members on this forum are just deceitful. They never talk about the details of Vietnam's plan of sharing SCS with other countries but keep saying "peaceful negotiations".
Dude, just bcz I knew that the game is set, you china will lose in SCS(east sea) and we don't need ASEAN's support to win the conflict, but other VNese can't see it, that's why, I'm willing to speak frankly. If I see No chance to win, and vn must beg for support from other ASEAN members, then I will talk like them ,too :D:D

btw: if we can't win in SCS(east sea) conflict, then we will attack chinese in ASEAN region again like in 1979 to gain more power and sphere of influence, we surely will win in this kind of conflict again :P

We only fighting against you when we're well prepared for all cases, dude.
Despite our different views on the SCS issue, I have to say "Niceguy, you are the man". Compared to you, other viet members on this forum are just deceitful. They never talk about the details of Vietnam's plan of sharing SCS with other countries but keep saying "peaceful negotiations".

Each member here has the right to express his own thoughts.

But more important is the action of the governments, that is not determined by us, some posters here.

We show only individual opinions, as a citizen and dont represent the country.

I understand why some Chinese members here who are cheering for NiceGuy. :lol:

See what Vietnam Government has done together with the Philippines and Malaysia:

Vietnam Government and Malaysia Government jointly submitted to UN maritime boundary between the two countries in 2009.

Vietnam Navy and Philippines Navy agreed to joint patrols in the Spratly Islands and played football together on the Spratly Islands...

Vietnam Government supports the Philippines Government's initiative to turn the disputed area became a region of peaceful common development [This was opposed by Chinese government]...
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