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Malaysia offers $2.3bn fund to bridge Padma

Samy vellu an indian origin Malaysian has his own track record of corruption, is pushing Padma bridge proposal now dubbed as “Malaysian proposal”. This so called “Malaysian proposal” has following outrageous terms that will enslave Bangladeshis for half a century to service Awami League and Samy vellu joint venture of wholesale looting.

1) Malaysia wants to own, operate and collect toll from Padma bridge for 50 years.
2) Malaysia wants each truck to pay US$16 toll and double the toll to $32 by 2030.
3) Malaysia wants car toll be $10 dollar and increases gradually.
4) Malaysia wants bus toll be around $20 increase gradually.

5) Malaysia wants guarantee of subsidy in the event of lower-than-expected earnings (below quarterly forecasted traffic flow for 25 years).
6) Malaysia wants duty-free import of construction materials.
7) Malaysia wants tax holiday.
8) Malaysia wants immunity from laws concerned with environmental and human rights issues.

9) Bangladesh liability could reach a maximum of $11.9 billion as the consortium would borrow at three per cent interest rate from the international money market for the bridge.
10) Bangladesh cannot build any other bridge over Padma river.

Say no to Indian origin Samy Vellu and any of his projects.
china also offered to bangladesh, but AL will not do anything for india :angry:

I think, it is not as simple as you may think. I do not also think India has anything to do with this. There was a time when @idune would come up with tens of posts claiming that it is India who wil be benefitted by this bridge. What a weired statement. @idune was against the building of this bridge. We should not bring India in every thread. We should see every project in its proper perspective. Note also that athough there is the AL govt, China is selling us billions of dollars worth of military goods.
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That is too much profit for a country that claims to follow principles of Islamic banking!

The holy Prophet (SAW) wanted to abolish 'Usury' that was so prevelant in all the societies throughout the world in his time. It was also prevelant in Bengal, but usually a certain group of Hindus would force Usury on anybody who would borrow money from him. For example, a man borrows 100Taka, he would charge a monthly 8%+ Usury and lend him only 90 Taka after deducting 10Taka Usury in advance for the first month.

The holy Prophet (SAW) wanted to aboish this kind of oppressive interest-taking or Usury. However, it was a time when the purchasing power of a currency did not fluctuate and there was little inflation, because the entire stucture of economy of a society was static.

But, today due to the expansion of economic activities, govts are forced to make deficit finance that creates inflation. As a result of this policy, what a 100 Taka could buy 25 yrs ago cannot be bought with today's 100 Taka. Perhaps a man needs 1000 Taka to buy the same amout of goods and services that he bought by a mere 100 Taka 20 years ago. So, it is not unreasonable if a Bank pays an annual 10% Interest (it is not Usury because people are not forcing the Banks).

A Bank always lends money to its customers and charges a higher rate of Interest, say 13%, because it will have to pay salary of all its staffs, pay dividends to the shareholders as well as make a profit for the Bank. So, we cannot call this system of taking and giving interest as a kind of Usury, as was prevelant in the old society, because it is not forced by anyone to any others.
Thanks. However, if you read the bdnews24.com news, it says Malaysia will invest $2.3b and will take away $5.2b during the next 26 yrs. So, Malaysia will take (5.2b - 2.3b) x 1000m/26yrs = about $111.5million per year. You can count this money as interest payment. So, the interest rate becomes a constant 4.8% per year.

I think, the big interest rate is what BD is not willing to accept. Can you or someone hilite the interest rate of the WB offer?

Initially I heard that the interest will be 6-8% and some of the important aspect of this deal has been highlighted in the following paragraphs...

He said in the first five years they would not share the revenue and would take 70 percent of the net revenue in the next 21 years.

The Malaysian envoy said his country agreed to pay tax to Bangladesh on the net profit as per the local rules.

Based on their estimation he said, the net revenue collected would be $7.4 billion, of which they would get an estimated $5.2 billion.

So it is not necessary that they will be able to take way 5.2 billion USD altogether. They will have to pay tax from that. For example if the need to pay for example 30% tax on their net profit it will be eventually 3.64 billion USD. This is not that high if you think they will take it in 26 years but still way too high then what world bank offered which was only @.1% interest rate if I am not wrong. Only because of the corruption by Abul this has been wasted.

Apart from Malaysia, Qatar also proposed to finance it. We should also explore that before making the final decision. This is just a proposal not acceptance of it.
Dear sir,I can not disagree with you more.in my book nai mamar Che kana mama bhalo. I am from Khulna.I grew up there.this bridge is not only a dream its lively hood for millions of ppl.Padma bridge is a infrastructure master plan from early 60s.it high time this bridge see the light of day.regardless Al/BNP this is a national priority.in next 26 years anything can happen.we will lose some money granted but think about how much we will gain?mongla port will be another successful port which will attract more foreign currencies. Transport system will be way better and less costly .it will only take 5 hours to come to Dhaka.the food supply will increase price will be cheaper in Dhaka.just think about the patrol it will save.

Either Khulnite give us guarantee that they will not elect a person like Abul anymore or we tax Khulnite to build the bridge. People from the rest of the country are not willing to pay for corruption of the South Bengalis.. ;)
1) Malaysia wants to own, operate and collect toll from Padma bridge for 50 years.
2) Malaysia wants each truck to pay US$16 toll and double the toll to $32 by 2030.
3) Malaysia wants car toll be $10 dollar and increases gradually.
4) Malaysia wants bus toll be around $20 increase gradually.

5) Malaysia wants guarantee of subsidy in the event of lower-than-expected earnings (below quarterly forecasted traffic flow for 25 years).
6) Malaysia wants duty-free import of construction materials.
7) Malaysia wants tax holiday.
8) Malaysia wants immunity from laws concerned with environmental and human rights issues.

:rofl: no thanks
Either Khulnite give us guarantee that they will not elect a person like Abul anymore or we tax Khulnite to build the bridge. People from the rest of the country are not willing to pay for corruption of the South Bengalis.. ;)

Are you mad?do you even think before you wright?USA te boro boro bridge e lomba lomba gari chalale onek kotha bola jae.been there done that.came back to do something here.16person earn good money because of my effort. How many you have you employed?take out the map see the difference. Do you even know how under develop south is.thanks to Dhaka base gov/politicians. South is still 15 years backward from Dhaka.don't take it personally-if you have a green passport feel free to tell me I am wrong. But if its a blue passport don't bother.I don't want to discuss my country with some bideshi.
Malaysian proposal for Padma Bridge – disaster waiting to happen

Since corruption evidence came to light on nationally important Padma bridge project, Awami League regime had jumped on questionable funding source paddled by even more corrupt person. It is important to know that now inflated $2.9 billion project is estimated to include additional 1.2% of GDP growth. That is how much this project is important to national economy and south western region of Bangladesh.

Samy vellu an indian origin Malaysian has his own track record of corruption, is pushing Padma bridge proposal now dubbed as “Malaysian proposal”. This so called “Malaysian proposal” has following outrageous terms that will enslave Bangladeshis for half a century to service Awami League and Samy vellu joint venture of wholesale looting.

1) Malaysia wants to own, operate and collect toll from Padma bridge for 50 years.
2) Malaysia wants each truck to pay US$16 toll and double the toll to $32 by 2030.
3) Malaysia wants car toll be $10 dollar and increases gradually.
4) Malaysia wants bus toll be around $20 increase gradually.

5) Malaysia wants guarantee of subsidy in the event of lower-than-expected earnings (below quarterly forecasted traffic flow for 25 years).
6) Malaysia wants duty-free import of construction materials.
7) Malaysia wants tax holiday.
8) Malaysia wants immunity from laws concerned with environmental and human rights issues.

9) Bangladesh liability could reach a maximum of $11.9 billion as the consortium would borrow at three per cent interest rate from the international money market for the bridge.
10) Bangladesh cannot build any other bridge over Padma river.

first need to ask Malaysian government that they are serious or just joking :what:

second why does not Malaysia simply say that the area will be Malaysian property ? we will just use them and will give them toll (i will calll it transit fee) :disagree:
first need to ask Malaysian government that they are serious or just joking :what:

second why does not Malaysia simply say that the area will be Malaysian property ? we will just use them and will give them toll (i will calll it transit fee) :disagree:

Mama barir abdar :cheesy:
Are you mad?do you even think before you wright?USA te boro boro bridge e lomba lomba gari chalale onek kotha bola jae.been there done that.came back to do something here.16person earn good money because of my effort. How many you have you employed?take out the map see the difference. Do you even know how under develop south is.thanks to Dhaka base gov/politicians. South is still 15 years backward from Dhaka.don't take it personally-if you have a green passport feel free to tell me I am wrong. But if its a blue passport don't bother.I don't want to discuss my country with some bideshi.

What my passport has to do with corruption of South Bengalis??? People stopped sending their ships to Khulna after the workers looted the whole ship in the early ninety. Most of the mastans are from Barisal in Dhaka. Most Ghuskhurs are from south west. Its a fact...
this simply shows Malaysia dont trust us as we are way too corrupt and also they are trying to make good money as our Gov is corrupt BAL might go for the crazy deal
Dear sir,I can not disagree with you more.in my book nai mamar Che kana mama bhalo. I am from Khulna.I grew up there.this bridge is not only a dream its lively hood for millions of ppl.Padma bridge is a infrastructure master plan from early 60s.it high time this bridge see the light of day.regardless Al/BNP this is a national priority.in next 26 years anything can happen.we will lose some money granted but think about how much we will gain?mongla port will be another successful port which will attract more foreign currencies. Transport system will be way better and less costly .it will only take 5 hours to come to Dhaka.the food supply will increase price will be cheaper in Dhaka.just think about the patrol it will save.

Understand what U mean but bro, there R more important projects than this bridge disaster that needs funding. Hell what about the pathetic state of our current infrastructure? Dhaka-chittagong and dhaka-shylet higways along with all major highways and culverts R literally in ruined state. Rather than putting more pressure on the tax payers and widening the current debt burden with such high ML interest rates we should wait for this gov to get kicked out. Why should people suffer for BAL fagots scams? Ouster of BAL may bring back WB to the negociating table. Also the multipurpose bridge design has to be changed and railway line plan omitted to adjust cost if this ML deal goes through. This is just face saving crooked attempt from BAL fagots rather than thinking long term about such a Mega infrastructure.
Understand what U mean but bro, there R more important projects than this bridge disaster that needs funding. Hell what about the pathetic state of our current infrastructure? Dhaka-chittagong and dhaka-shylet higways along with all major highways and culverts R literally in ruined state. Rather than putting more pressure on the tax payers and widening the current debt burden with such high ML interest rates we should wait for this gov to get kicked out. Why should people suffer for BAL fagots scams? Ouster of BAL may bring back WB to the negociating table. Also the multipurpose bridge design has to be changed and railway line plan omitted to adjust cost if this ML deal goes through. This is just face saving crooked attempt from BAL fagots rather than thinking long term about such a Mega infrastructure.
1. pressure on tax payers ! ! are you serious ? do you know current status of tax payers ?
2. Bridge is very important for south-west part of the country. "the multipurpose bridge design has to be changed and railway line plan omitted"- are you joking mate ? you are talking unplanned long-term project. Soon or Later railway connection will be needed , then what will do ? again make another bridge ? or reconstruct the bridge ? ( both ideas are bad joke)
3."we should wait for this gov to get kicked out" - again joking ? how much time this gov will remain in power legally ? only 8 months will be in power before election, so what is the point of fighting to kick out the gov ? for past 4 years what did other parties do ?
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