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Malaysia offers $2.3bn fund to bridge Padma

What my passport has to do with corruption of South Bengalis??? People stopped sending their ships to Khulna after the workers looted the whole ship in the early ninety. Most of the mastans are from Barisal in Dhaka. Most Ghuskhurs are from south west. Its a fact...

Didn't read the last line I guess. Person carries a country's passport consider that country, s citizen.I am Bangladeshi are you?and all the lecture about corruption thanks to assange who isn't?
Didn't read the last line I guess. Person carries a country's passport consider that country, s citizen.I am Bangladeshi are you?and all the lecture about corruption thanks to assange who isn't?

where you from buddy ? I am from Khulna :)
1. pressure on tax payers ! ! are you serious ? do you know current status of tax payers ?
2. Bridge is very important for south-west part of the country. "the multipurpose bridge design has to be changed and railway line plan omitted"- are you joking mate ? you are talking unplanned long-term project. Soon or Later railway connection will be needed , then what will do ? again make another bridge ? or reconstruct the bridge ? ( both ideas are bad joke)
3."we should wait for this gov to get kicked out" - again joking ? how much time this gov will remain in power legally ? only 8 months will be in power before election, so what is the point of fighting to kick out the gov ? for past 4 years what did other parties do ?

Thanks man .one sane Bangladeshi.power hungry party will come and go we are talking about change in mass ppls life/lively hood.without train mongla port will remain same.from early 90s Nepal/Bhutan wanted to use this port .the cost effective idia shohuld be first priority.
Thanks man .one sane Bangladeshi.power hungry party will come and go we are talking about change in mass ppls life/lively hood.without train mongla port will remain same.from early 90s Nepal/Bhutan wanted to use this port .the cost effective idia shohuld be first priority.

i have different plan , mongla port should be shut down and the port should be taken to Pirojpur. i have reasons for that

1. for monla port sundorban is in danger , is being polluted heavily. if the port moves to Pirojpur the entire sundorban will be saved from pollution.
2. in monla port big ships can not port there due to lack of big river. but if it moves to Pirojpur, heavy ships can port there. it has big river connection. so ships will not need to depend heavily on Chittagong port. It will create job for local people.
Aei dekhen bangal re boshte dile shute chae.are miah age bridge to hok!
1. pressure on tax payers ! ! are you serious ? do you know current status of tax payers ?

Yes pressure on tax payers.

2. Bridge is very important for south-west part of the country. "

Important but there R more important projects that require resources. The 4 lane DHk-CHT highway for eg. And what about the ragged up state of current highway and bridges? The thing can wait until WB returns with their proposal.

the multipurpose bridge design has to be changed and railway line plan omitted"- are you joking mate ? you are talking unplanned long-term project. Soon or Later railway connection will be needed , then what will do ? again make another bridge ? or reconstruct the bridge ? ( both ideas are bad joke)

DO U have comprehension problem?I said BAL talked about a new design that experts say omitted the railway plan to adjust the huge cost of ML proposal. And yes your BAL dalals R taking unplanned longterm mega infrastructure project.

3."we should wait for this gov to get kicked out" - again joking ? how much time this gov will remain in power legally ? only 8 months will be in power before election, so what is the point of fighting to kick out the gov ? for past 4 years what did other parties do ?

I wonder who is the joker here? Why should BDs pay for BAL's corruption scams. And this gov doesn't care about legal illegal means. They R going for Bakshal and no chance of election is in sight. That's why rather than cheering for BAL's attempt to side track Padma bridge corruption scandal with this face saving ML proposal U should wait for these fagots getting kicked out from power, charges of their corruption tried in court of law and WB or any better proposal commign to the negotiating table.

Btw this one is a good read though U may not like it as its a "ekkaturer bipokker shakti" newspaper:

বিশ্বব্যাংকের ঋণের জন্য বাংলাদেশকে সার্ভিস চার্জ দিতে হতো দশমিক ৭৫ শতাংশ হারে। প্রথম ১০ বছর কোনো অর্থ পরিশোধ করতে হতো না (গ্রেস পিরিয়ড)। নিয়ম হচ্ছে, ১১ থেকে ২০তম বছর পর্যন্ত সময়ে মোট নেয়া ঋণের ২ শতাংশ হারে পরিশোধ করতে হয়, পরবর্তী ২০ বছরে দিতে হতো ৪ শতাংশ হারে। এই হিসাবে ১১ থেকে ২০ বছর পর্যন্ত সময়ে প্রতি বছর পরিশোধ করতে হতো তিন কোটি ৩০ লাখ ডলার। এর মধ্যে মূল ঋণ দুই কোটি ৪০ লাখ ডলার এবং সার্ভিস চার্জ ৯০ লাখ ডলার। পরবর্তী বছরগুলোতে দিতে হতো পাঁচ কোটি ৭০ লাখ ডলার। এর মধ্যে মূল ঋণ চার কোটি ৮০ লাখ ডলার এবং সার্ভিস চার্জ ৯০ লাখ ডলার। সব মিলিয়ে মোট সার্ভিস চার্জ দিতে হতো দুই কোটি ৭০ লাখ ডলার।
জাইকার ঋণের সুদ আরও কম। ৪০ বছরে পরিশোধযোগ্য এই ঋণের সার্ভিস চার্জ দশমিক ০১ শতাংশ। তাদের বেলায়ও প্রথম ১০ বছর কোনো অর্থ পরিশোধ করতে হতো না। এডিবির ঋণের সুদও গড়ে দেড় শতাংশের বেশি নয়। আইডিবির সুদ ৩ থেকে ৪ শতাংশ। তবে জাইকার গ্রেস পিরিয়ড আট এবং আইডিবির পাঁচ বছর।
পক্ষান্তরে মালয়েশিয়ার প্রস্তাব গ্রহণ করা হলে প্রথম ৫ বছরের পুরো আয় নিয়ে যাবে মালয়েশিয়া। এ সময়ে মোট কত টাকা মালয়েশিয়া নেবে তার কোনো হিসাব প্রকাশ করা হয়নি। তবে বিনিয়োগকৃত অর্থ ও তার সুদ প্রথম ৫ বছরে তুলে নেয়ার হিসাব কষেছে মালয়েশিয়া। ষষ্ঠ থেকে ২৬তম বছর পর্যন্ত সেতু থেকে আয় ধরা হয়েছে ৮৩০ কোটি ডলার। এই আয় থেকে ৯১ কোটি ডলার ব্যয় হবে বিভিন্ন কর ও সেতু রক্ষণাবেক্ষণ বাবদ। বাকি ৭৩৯ কোটি ডলারের ৩০ শতাংশ বাংলাদেশ এবং ৭০ শতাংশ পাবে মালয়েশিয়া। অর্থাত্ মালয়েশিয়া পাচ্ছে ৫২০ কোটি এবং বাংলাদেশের ২১৯ কোটি ডলার।
?????????? ?????????? ????? ?????? ????? ???? ?? ????? ???? ????
Yes pressure on tax payers.
let me give you some head up.
in our huge population only 20,00,000 people has TIN number. 7,00,000 of them only pay tax regular basis and of course do not disclose full wealth.

Important but there R more important projects that require resources. The 4 lane DHk-CHT highway for eg. And what about the ragged up state of current highway and bridges?

4 lane DHk-CHT highway is important for CHT.
that bridge is important south west side.
both are equally important. none of them superior.

DO U have comprehension problem?I said BAL talked about a new design that experts say omitted the railway plan to adjust the huge cost of ML proposal. And yes your BAL dalals R taking unplanned longterm mega infrastructure project.
1. do you have comprehension problem too ? i am talking against new design.
2. Apart from common dialog (BAL dalal) talk in constructive way.

I wonder who is the joker here? Why should BDs pay for BAL's corruption scams. And this gov doesn't care about legal illegal means. They R going for Bakshal and no chance of election is in sight. That's why rather than cheering for BAL's attempt to side track Padma bridge corruption scandal with this face saving ML proposal U should wait for these fagots getting kicked out from power, charges of their corruption tried in court of law and WB or any better proposal commign to the negotiating table.
All parties are corrupted. we can not take one side. I think you did not forget that Bangladesh championed in corruption under BNP gov. so we better not talk about corruption and favor one party.
All parties are corrupted. we can not take one side. I think you did not forget that Bangladesh championed in corruption under BNP gov. so we better not talk about corruption and favor one party.

Typical awami argument.:disagree: BNP=BAL is a big injustice to BNP. Did any of their hyped up corruption got proved in even the awami court of "law". contrary to that open looting took place in share market, hall mark, destiny scams etc. Scams that measure up to lacs of corores of Takas that ruined 3 million stock market investors and destroyed the banking system. BNP suck at even propagating the truth while BAL dalals can turn a imaginary mountain into a mole hill. That's the only difference. Brushing all parties with BAL is the typical line BAL supporters take to defend the crooked acts of this shameless regime.
Typical awami argument.:disagree: BNP=BAL is a big injustice to BNP. Did any of their hyped up corruption got proved in even the awami court of "law". contrary to that open looting took place in share market, hall mark, destiny scams etc. Scams that measure up to lacs of corores of Takas that ruined 3 million stock market investors and destroyed the banking system. BNP suck at even propagating the truth while BAL dalals can turn a imaginary mountain into a mole hill. That's the only difference. Brushing all parties with BAL is the typical line BAL supporters take to defend the crooked acts of these shameless regime.

you are typical political party supporter, whoever talks against your party becomes opposite party and do not consider that same guy also talked against opposite party too. pathetic politics. :disagree:
you are typical political party supporter, whoever talks against your party becomes opposite party and do not consider that same guy also talked against opposite party too. pathetic politics. :disagree:

Baselessly Equaling X party with Y party to hide the astronomical corruption of Y party is not party supporting or pathetic politics eh?:lol: Calling spade a spade is not party support.
can you deny that BNP did not do corruption ? lets see who says the truth :lol:

Yes they did just like most other parties of the 3rd world. But pales in comparison to BAL and as such can not be equated with BAL while talking about the mega scams like Padma bridge scandal .And also their corruption has been hyped up by awami media. Isn't that the truth?
Yes they did just like most other parties of the 3rd world. But pales in comparison to BAL and as such can not be equated with BAL while talking about the mega scams like Padma bridge scandal .And also their corruption has been hyped up by awami media. Isn't that the truth?

BNP championed bangladesh in corruption. On the other hand BAL brought new style of corruption. none of sides are good.
isn't that the truth ?
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