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Malayasian airlines Flight crashed in Indian Ocean, no survivors likely

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Malaysia Airlines Mystery Deepens After Top Disease Experts Rushed To Indian Ocean

Posted by EU Times on Mar 16th, 2014

A grim report prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is stating today that within 24-hours of this aircrafts “diversion” to the highly secretive Indian Ocean US military base located on the Diego Garcia atoll, no less than four flights, within the past week, containing top American and Chinese disease scientists and experts have, likewise, been flown to there.

According to this report, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (also marketed as China Southern Airlines flight 748 through a codeshare) was a scheduled passenger flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China, when on 8 March this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft “disappeared” in flight with 227 passengers on board from 15 countries, most of whom were Chinese, and 12 crew members.

As we had previously noted in our report “Russia “Puzzled” Over Malaysia Airlines “Capture” By US Navy,” the GRU had previously notified China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) of its suspicions regarding this flight due its containing a “highly suspicious” cargo that had been offloaded in the Republic of Seychelles from the US-flagged container ship MV Maersk Alabama.

First arousing the GRU’s concerns regarding this “highly suspicious” cargo, this report continues, was that after its unloading from the MV Maersk Alabama on 17 February, its then transfer to Seychelles International Airport where it was loaded on an Emirates flight bound for Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia, after first stopping over in Dubai, the two highly trained US Navy SEALS who were guarding it were found dead.

The two US Navy SEALS protecting this “highly suspicious” cargo, Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found dead under “suspicious circumstances” aboard the MV Maersk Alabama, this report says, further raising Russian intelligence suspicions as they were both employed by the Virginia Beach, Virginia-based maritime security firm The Trident Group which was founded by US Navy Special Operations Personnel (SEAL’s) and Senior US Naval Surface Warfare Officers and has long been known by the GRU to protect vital transfers of both atomic and biological materials throughout the world.

Upon Flight 370’s departure from Malaysia on 8 March, this report continues, the GRU was notified by the MSS that they were going to divert it from its scheduled destination of Beijing to Haikou Meilan International Airport (HAK) located in Hainan Province (aka Hainan Island).

Prior to this planes entering into People Liberation Army (PLA) protected zones of the South China Sea known as the Spratly Islands, however, this report continues, Flight 370 “significantly deviated” from its flight course and was tracked by VKO satellites and radar flying into the Indian Ocean region and completing its nearly 3,447 kilometer (2,142 miles) flight to Diego Garcia.

In a confirmation of the GRU’s assertion that Flight 370 was, indeed, flown to Diego Garcia, this report says, satellite transmission data analyzed by US investigators showed that this planes most likely last-known position was in a zone about 1,609 kilometers (1,000 miles) west of Perth, Australia in the Indian Ocean..

Most troubling to the GRU about Flight 370’s “diversion” to Diego Garcia, this report says, was that it was “nearly immediately” followed by some of the top disease scientists and experts from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDCP) embarking to Diego Garcia on at least four flights.


As to why both American and Chinese disease experts were taken to Diego Garcia where Flight 370 is now known to be, this report says, has as yet not been answered by either of these governments after repeated Foreign Ministry requests for “explanations and clarification.”


What is to be known, this report says, is that as Malaysia has been forced to admit Flight 370 was, indeed, “diverted” from its flight path as the GRU had previously reported, and as at least 25 nations are now involved in searching for it, it remains a mystery as to what is actually occurring.


Also known, this report concludes, is that Diego Garcia as a designated ETOPS emergency landing site for flight planning purposes of commercial airliners transversing the Indian Ocean, and as one of 33 emergency landing sites worldwide for the NASA Space Shuttle, it is “inconceivable” that any type of aircraft, let alone Flight 370, can fly anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere without being tracked, monitored and recorded in totality.


FYI @Aeronaut
The blackbox is supposed to emit signals even if it is underwater..isnt it???
So how does one switch off the blackbox?? Can it be tampered too??

The FDR has certain limitations on emitting signals depending on the depth and temperature. It is meant to emit signals at least for 30 days on ideal condition,if I am not wrong. If we can't get it before that chances are few to obtain it.
What are the possibilities the plane can deviate so much? Pilot was experience and Malaysia was not far from where they lost contact.....2 suspicious passengers.... Alot of fuss :S
The FDR has certain limitations on emitting signals depending on the depth and temperature. It is meant to emit signals at least for 30 days on ideal condition,if I am not wrong. If we can't get it before that chances are few to obtain it.

Just came to know the wreckage could have gone down as much as 8000m below the surface of water.Thats a Mount Everest inverted.
May be you are right....we will never know the reason.
No disrespect to the dead ones, but this story appears too shallow to be believed.

I won't go so far as to say that the plane is intact and hidden somewhere, rather it may very well be at the bottom of the ocean, but surely things are not as simple as they are being portrayed here.

First it was the phone ring and QQ messaging services story, that was never investigated.

Then came the transponder's pings that supposedly went on and on.

And the biggest mystery, why such a change in course?

If there were such an emergency situation that the plane had to be brought down to 4 km altitude in a high dive, why no "May Day" signal was transmitted?

More often than not, people call and text their loved ones from the plane whenever such a situation arises. Out of 200+ no one called or texted?

And then this secrecy so tightly maintained by India, China, and Malaysia... it seems they have agreed upon a mutually agreeable 'story' to end this deadlock of getting radar info from each other.
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No disrespect to the dead ones, but this story appears too shallow to be believed.
And the biggest mystery, why such a change in course?

If there were such an emergency situation that the plane had to be brought down to 4 km altitude in a high dive, why no "May Day" signal was transmitted?

More often than not, people call and text their loved ones from the plane whenever something like that happens. Out of 200+ no one called or texted?

one possibility , it was a night flight and the passengers would have no clue that flight course was changed .

good one...dedicated to fux news.
No disrespect to the dead ones, but this story appears too shallow to be believed.

I won't go so far as to say that the plane is intact and hidden somewhere, rather it may very well be at the bottom of the ocean, but surely things are not as simple as they are being portrayed here.

First it was the phone ring and QQ messaging services story, that were never investigated.

Then came the transponder's pings that supposedly went on and on.

And the biggest mystery, why such a change in course?

If there were such an emergency situation that the plane had to be brought down to 4 km altitude in a high dive, why no "May Day" signal was transmitted?

More often than not, people call and text their loved ones from the plane whenever such a situation arises. Out of 200+ no one called or texted?

And then this secrecy so tightly maintained by India, China, and Malaysia... it seems they have agreed upon a mutually agreeable 'story' to end this deadlock of getting radar info from each other.
Same thing i'm suspicious of excluding China out of it

The blackbox is supposed to emit signals even if it is underwater..isnt it???
So how does one switch off the blackbox?? Can it be tampered too??
yes...black box emit signals which can be traced even if underwater and ..the main thing is it emits signal for almost a month long.....but why no one is able to trace the signals.....was the black box tampered or was it removed later....no one knows....
it is interesting to see that plane went south rather than going north to its destination......it can be a terrorist attack and the pilots may have fooled the terrorists and took the plane south ward to save the thousands by killing hundreds...the transponders were switched off and no radar connection was made.....
it can be even something even more deep......
one possibility , it was a night flight and the passengers would have no clue that flight course was changed .
Yes, that is logical, but in a high dive even a deadbody would wake up. And that was supposed to happen after the air-pressure goes below normal. It is extremely unlikely that majority of the passengers would be fast asleep throughout such a tumultuous course. Even more so, when they have supposedly fallen asleep within an hour or two after the plane took off. Such a quick retire to bed right after take off is not a norm, and probability is even lower in a big crowded plane like this one.

Same thing i'm suspicious of excluding China out of it

I am sorry sir, but I can't figure out what you mean there.
But still some mystery is filled in air.
If an airlines crashed in to an ocean ,within 2 hrs it will sunk and all its electronic system will died out.
But cell phones of victims is worked even after 2 days the plane vanished from radar.That info is given by passengers relatives themselves.So it may genuine than any of these assumption.
So only conclusion is that MH370 is still missing .No one know the where about of these plane
No disrespect to the dead ones, but this story appears too shallow to be believed.

I won't go so far as to say that the plane is intact and hidden somewhere, rather it may very well be at the bottom of the ocean, but surely things are not as simple as they are being portrayed here.

First it was the phone ring and QQ messaging services story, that were never investigated.

Then came the transponder's pings that supposedly went on and on.

And the biggest mystery, why such a change in course?

If there were such an emergency situation that the plane had to be brought down to 4 km altitude in a high dive, why no "May Day" signal was transmitted?

More often than not, people call and text their loved ones from the plane whenever something like that happens. Out of 200+ no one called or texted?

And then this secrecy so tightly maintained by India, China, and Malaysia... it seems they have agreed on a mutually agreeable 'story' to end this deadlock of getting radar info from each other.
There's another theory which saysthe equipments which're usually hot wired (or ON most of the time) are switched off to isolate an equipment during fire.
Another scenario a rapid loss of cabin pressure rendered the flight crew, and possibly everyone else on the plane as well, incapacitated, at which point the plane deviated from its course before eventually crashing.
Depressurizations by themselves are perfectly manageable and almost never fatal and something that all airline crews train for, but only if the crew understands the problem and does what it’s supposed to do.

This theory looks fine to me.
There's another theory which saysthe equipments which're usually hot wired (or ON most of the time) are switched off to isolate an equipment during fire.
Another scenario a rapid loss of cabin pressure rendered the flight crew, and possibly everyone else on the plane as well, incapacitated, at which point the plane deviated from its course before eventually crashing.
Depressurizations by themselves are perfectly manageable and almost never fatal and something that all airline crews train for, but only if the crew understands the problem and does what it’s supposed to do.

This theory looks fine to me.

That is fine, and it does make a lot of sense too because such shortage of air pressure makes people lose consciousness. However, the pilots managed a controlled dive, which means they were fully conscious. Yet no May Day signal.

Also, it was supposed to go to Beijing, why the change in course? Can't see anything but foul play there.
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