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Malayasian airlines Flight crashed in Indian Ocean, no survivors likely

Dont miss the report posted by @Bilal.
You will get answer to the 180degrees turn.
but still ..there are many missing links....
1. why did the pilot said good nite and then they never send another voice message of fire to the ATC...
2. why did they not landed in Pulau Langkawi..but went further south.....
3.if they had to cut off their transponders why did they not alerted the ATC about it...
4. they had to dive down to 45000 ft. and if the fire was severe then they why not crashed it on water and then asked for help rather than cut-off from the all communication....
they weren't far off from the many countries....and many naval ships must be present in the water ..why they did not tried to communicate to them.......
Washington, Mar 18: The first turn to the west that diverted the missing Malaysia Airlines plane from its planned flight path from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing was carried out through a computer system that was most likely programmed by someone in the plane's cockpit who was knowledgeable about airplane systems, according to senior US officials.

To me this sounds more logical even now.
"The left turn is the key here. Zaharie Ahmad Shah1 was a very experienced senior captain with 18,000 hours of flight time. We old pilots were drilled to know what is the closest airport of safe harbor while in cruise. Airports behind us, airports abeam us, and airports ahead of us. They’re always in our head. Always. If something happens, you don’t want to be thinking about what are you going to do–you already know what you are going to do. When I saw that left turn with a direct heading, I instinctively knew he was heading for an airport. He was taking a direct route to Palau Langkawi, a 13,000-foot airstrip with an approach over water and no obstacles. The captain did not turn back to Kuala Lampur because he knew he had 8,000-foot ridges to cross. He knew the terrain was friendlier toward Langkawi, which also was closer.

Take a look at this airport on Google Earth. The pilot did all the right things. He was confronted by some major event onboard that made him make an immediate turn to the closest, safest airport.

The loss of transponders and communications makes perfect sense in a fire.
When I heard this I immediately brought up Google Earth and searched for airports in proximity to the track toward the southwest."
A Startlingly Simple Theory About the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet | Autopia | Wired.com
Ohh somehow even with the most professional theories I cant solve this mystery.
I hope there's good explanation to that.

I feel very tempted to use Occam's razor here. But the refusal of involved nations to fully cooperate with each makes it very difficult to believe the official theory presented by the Malaysians.
I'm not convinced by #Malaysian govt's report about #MH370 .

The landing site is within the range of Australian Navy's above the horizon AESA radars. I am not willing to buy that they didn't pick up a 777.
Thanks for for that link.Thats an excellent explanation by a professional.

Well its a known fact that unless an aircraft is flying very low and within range of a cell tower, cellular calling from a plane does not work. Your phone will not pick up a signal. Some airplanes, however, are equipped with special technology that permits calling via satellite or using VHF frequencies to transmit cellular calls. I’m uncertain if Malaysia’s 777s have this technology, but even if they do it could have been intentionally turned off, similar to how inflight Wi-Fi, a transponder, and other communications equipment can be switched off.
But somehow you hit the nail about passengers getting alert like commandos when the refreshment arrives.:D

No matter how much I try,i can not resist having butterflies in my stomach throughout the flight journey. :)
And I never miss the movies available aboard so thats another reason I stay awake:

Dont miss the report posted by @Bilal.
You will get answer to the 180degrees turn.
Shukra hai aisy butterfly pilot ke stomach me nhi udati verna har plane ki destiny 370 jaisy ho jayegi or investigators bhi figure out nhi kar payenge ki crash kyu ho rahe...... main toh max 2 ghante ki flight me bore ho jata ..... log itne shareef hote hai ki unlogo ki shakal dekh ke hi neend aa jati hai......
IMO WHATA BIG FAIL OF ALL SUPER POWERS AND THEIR TECHNOLOGIES... in 21 era... extremely surprised to see BIGGEST FAILURE OF THESE SO CALLED SUPER DUPER TECHNOLOGY AND SATELLITE INFO of all these powers... damn they hard to detect a plane ....
but still ..there are many missing links....
1. why did the pilot said good nite and then they never send another voice message of fire to the ATC...
This part of the report should solve this mystery
"We know there was a last voice transmission that, from a pilot’s point of view, was entirely normal. “Good night” is customary on a hand-off to a new air traffic control. The “good night” also strongly indicates to me that all was OK on the flight deck. Remember, there are many ways a pilot can communicate distress. A hijack code or even transponder code off by one digit would alert ATC that something was wrong. Every good pilot knows keying an SOS over the mike always is an option. Even three short clicks would raise an alert. So I conclude that at the point of voice transmission all was perceived as well on the flight deck by the pilots."

Dem!god said:
2. why did they not landed in Pulau Langkawi..but went further south.....

Report also says "
What I think happened is the flight crew was overcome by smoke and the plane continued on the heading, probably on George (autopilot), until it ran out of fuel or the fire destroyed the control surfaces and it crashed. You will find it along that route–looking elsewhere is pointless."

Dem!god said:
3.if they had to cut off their transponders why did they not alerted the ATC about it...
The above quote should solve that mystery too.
Dem!god said:
4. they had to dive down to 45000 ft. and if the fire was severe then they why not crashed it on water and then asked for help rather than cut-off from the all communication....
I am guessing by then George had taken over or the autopilot....I am not sure about this one.

Now I am gonna kick you for not reading the excellent report that I had given you to read :pissed:
A Startlingly Simple Theory About the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet | Autopia | Wired.com
This part of the report should solve this mystery
"We know there was a last voice transmission that, from a pilot’s point of view, was entirely normal. “Good night” is customary on a hand-off to a new air traffic control. The “good night” also strongly indicates to me that all was OK on the flight deck. Remember, there are many ways a pilot can communicate distress. A hijack code or even transponder code off by one digit would alert ATC that something was wrong. Every good pilot knows keying an SOS over the mike always is an option. Even three short clicks would raise an alert. So I conclude that at the point of voice transmission all was perceived as well on the flight deck by the pilots."
lol....yes that is what is the main concern....if it was not terrorist attack and simple fire break up then why an sos and code..they could have simply said there is electrical fire and send help or we need help.....

Report also says "
What I think happened is the flight crew was overcome by smoke and the plane continued on the heading, probably on George (autopilot), until it ran out of fuel or the fire destroyed the control surfaces and it crashed. You will find it along that route–looking elsewhere is pointless."
hmm..yes may be ..but again you know .rthey have masks and cabin door remains close ..if the tire caught fire and there was smoke the ....smoke will fill the passenger seat area first.....so, its very susceptible......and I am not buying it ..that all pilots were unconscious,....before they reach...pulau langkawi......the place wasn't much far....

I am guessing by then George had taken over or the autopilot....I am not sure about this one.
I am not buying everything that this article says......on electrical fire.......

Now I am gonna kick you for not reading the excellent report that I had given you to read
A Startlingly Simple Theory About the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet | Autopia | Wired.com
I read it....but still I have doubts.....I am not that intelligent....plz...don't kick me....
U need to explain ur student......:cray::cray:
World War 3 coming soon.:coffee:
I'm not convinced by #Malaysian govt's report about #MH370 .

The landing site is within the range of Australian Navy's above the horizon AESA radars. I am not willing to buy that they didn't pick up a 777.
Whats your theory???
Shukra hai aisy butterfly pilot ke stomach me nhi udati verna har plane ki destiny 370 jaisy ho jayegi or investigators bhi figure out nhi kar payenge ki crash kyu ho rahe...... main toh max 2 ghante ki flight me bore ho jata ..... log itne shareef hote hai ki unlogo ki shakal dekh ke hi neend aa jati hai......

lol....yes that is what is the main concern....if it was not terrorist attack and simple fire break up then why an sos and code..they could have simply said there is electrical fire and send help or we need help....
hmm..yes may be ..but again you know .rthey have masks and cabin door remains close ..if the tire caught fire and there was smoke the ....smoke will fill the passenger seat area first.....so, its very susceptible......and I am not buying it ..that all pilots were unconscious,....before they reach...pulau langkawi......the place wasn't much far...
I am not buying everything that this article says......on electrical fire......
I read it....but still I have doubts.....I am not that intelligent....plz...don't kick me....
U need to explain ur student......:cray::cray:
Did you read about the fall in pressure in the cabin??? To me that could be one reason.
Suicidal pilot??????? The passengers were most possibly asleep and wud'nt even have known when the plane changed it's course and it was flying over the Indian Ocean. The rogue pilot prob incapacitated his colleague and locked the cockpit door o_O
Did you read about the fall in pressure in the cabin??? To me that could be one reason.
yes...and by fall in the pressure in cabin they will have difficulty in berating....right....
but that is the reason oxygen masks are provided so, they can breath properly ..at time like this.....
Knocking out passangers isn't hard, tell them to put seat belts on, depressurise the cabin, oxygen will be sucked out and all of them would be knocked out in a few minutes to unconciousness.

@levina .. I think that they are lying.
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