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Malala Yusufzai: Victim of Barbaric Terror and Dirty Politics

-to go even further was this attack like the wiping of the girl staged by our enemies to lure PA in a trap and to engage them in an internal insurgency from where their is no escape. As both swat/malakand agency and north waziristan are bordering afghanistan or very close to afghanistan and hence are very easy for the handlers to keep replenishing the kharjis so that the fight continues indefinitely.

i go for this point.
it is the reason. N.W.A is not a t.t.p hideout. P.A is being pushed to operate in N.W.A. and i think they have succeeded .
Before American Afghanistan's Takeover, there was a place called "Ilaqa Ghair" Here criminals, drug dealers, used to operate. And this place was there for even before pakistan. Life had no moral values here. They used to take kids, boys, just for the ransom. And when no ransom paid to them they used to kill the person and send the body back to family to show their brutality.. After 9/11, these trained assassins were hired by foreign elements for evil plans. The purpose was very simple, to defame Islam, make this Jihaad hateful, and defame Taliban. But then they bring these guys in bigger picture... to Make Pakistan Destabilize.

Malala is just a way to control these anti-drone sentimental down somehow. and Make this Drone and US attacks legal. pakistanis should realize this SOON as Possible. Or else, these American will start attacking directly into the country and one day to your homes. These TTP Scums are basically "khar dimagh (Low IQ)" people. Who can't even plan their future own properly. How they can even plan so sophisticated attacks against Pakistan Army, and ISI?

Yes, this is SAD news, but still Think before even commenting for "Drone to be Legal".
Before American Afghanistan's Takeover, there was a place called "Ilaqa Ghair" Here criminals, drug dealers, used to operate. And this place was there for even before pakistan. Life had no moral values here. They used to take kids, boys, just for the ransom. And when no ransom paid to them they used to kill the person and send the body back to family to show their brutality.. After 9/11, these trained assassins were hired by foreign elements for evil plans. The purpose was very simple, to defame Islam, make this Jihaad hateful, and defame Taliban. But then they bring these guys in bigger picture... to Make Pakistan Destabilize.

Malala is just a way to control these anti-drone sentimental down somehow. and Make this Drone and US attacks legal. pakistanis should realize this SOON as Possible. Or else, these American will start attacking directly into the country and one day to your homes. These TTP Scums are basically "khar dimagh (Low IQ)" people. Who can't even plan their future own properly. How they can even plan so sophisticated attacks against Pakistan Army, and ISI?

Yes, this is SAD news, but still Think before even commenting for "Drone to be Legal".

Very good post
Its all a conspiracy to keep public opinion in favour of USA's dirty war including drone attack..
IK's march opened a pandora box for USA in Pakistan and abroad..
Now conveniently getting shot the 14 year old,the next day after IK march..will serve them well...and they can keepon singing their mantra ITS OUR WAR>>>ITS OUR WAR..
we got rid of Victorian Brits,now we are slaves to USA...what a shame...
Before American Afghanistan's Takeover, there was a place called "Ilaqa Ghair" Here criminals, drug dealers, used to operate. And this place was there for even before pakistan. Life had no moral values here. They used to take kids, boys, just for the ransom. And when no ransom paid to them they used to kill the person and send the body back to family to show their brutality.. After 9/11, these trained assassins were hired by foreign elements for evil plans. The purpose was very simple, to defame Islam, make this Jihaad hateful, and defame Taliban. But then they bring these guys in bigger picture... to Make Pakistan Destabilize.

Malala is just a way to control these anti-drone sentimental down somehow. and Make this Drone and US attacks legal. pakistanis should realize this SOON as Possible. Or else, these American will start attacking directly into the country and one day to your homes. These TTP Scums are basically "khar dimagh (Low IQ)" people. Who can't even plan their future own properly. How they can even plan so sophisticated attacks against Pakistan Army, and ISI?

Yes, this is SAD news, but still Think before even commenting for "Drone to be Legal".

So now even malala is a CIA conspiracy? After plotting 9/11, and other false flag operations, CIA (RAW?) has created a salala to bring shame upon islam and jihad? While Taliban are saintly people who get defamed by the CIA? How do you live in the real world everyday?
why ?? when CIA can plan 9/11 then what stops them to kill a 14 year old girl
why ?? when CIA can plan 9/11 then what stops them to kill a 14 year old girl

My car broke down yesterday. Was that also due to CIA? I mean, when they can plan 9/11, surely they can break down a car.

You can't form a wild speculation and then expect other people to spend time disproving it. You have to substantiate your claim first. Just because the CIA can kill a 14 year old girl, doesn't mean they actually did. Burden of proof is on you to substantiate your assertions, not on me to tell you why that's not what happened.
So now even malala is a CIA conspiracy? After plotting 9/11, and other false flag operations, CIA (RAW?) has created a salala to bring shame upon islam and jihad? While Taliban are saintly people who get defamed by the CIA? How do you live in the real world everyday?

I am not expecting that you will understand this. (Or you already understand but doesn't accept it), Still for the sake of explanation.

How many people/children killed in hiroshima and nagasaki? How many people/Children did in Vitenam Fight? How many People/Children killed in Gulf War? How many People/Children killed in Afghanistan attack? How Many People/Children killed in Iraq War?

So How one Malala be any different? When it serves the purpose?

Taliban may not be the saint, but they had and have enough support in Afghanistan and Pakistan, which needs to be remove. So they use TTP. and Being spending my entire life in that Area i know very well for which criminals, drug dealers I am talking about. Also, if these TTP are real Talibs, then why they don't take orders from Mullah Umer? When Mullah Umer called these guyz to fight with them in Afghanistan?

I live in a world where I open my eyes and mind. And accept the reality rather then keep in denial when have no knowledge of the reality.
My car broke down yesterday. Was that also due to CIA? I mean, when they can plan 9/11, surely they can break down a car.

You can't form a wild speculation and then expect other people to spend time disproving it. You have to substantiate your claim first. Just because the CIA can kill a 14 year old girl, doesn't mean they actually did. Burden of proof is on you to substantiate your assertions, not on me to tell you why that's not what happened.

Stop being a public figure, you are no one.. just a guy on next door... your car has no meaning... even you have no meaning. If you die or murder, may be some day they try to find someone who did it bla bla.. but nothing else.

But that 14 year old Malala is a Public figure (kind of). Here politicians join their names with her just to get publicity. And She was the one who started this peace process, and worked with many NGOs .. and Came into Media. So you and her are completely different. And your Car has no value to CIA. So yes they can do it, but why should they?
I am not expecting that you will understand this. (Or you already understand but doesn't accept it), Still for the sake of explanation.

How many people/children killed in hiroshima and nagasaki? How many people/Children did in Vitenam Fight? How many People/Children killed in Gulf War? How many People/Children killed in Afghanistan attack? How Many People/Children killed in Iraq War?

So How one Malala be any different? When it serves the purpose?

Taliban may not be the saint, but they had and have enough support in Afghanistan and Pakistan, which needs to be remove. So they use TTP. and Being spending my entire life in that Area i know very well for which criminals, drug dealers I am talking about. Also, if these TTP are real Talibs, then why they don't take orders from Mullah Umer? When Mullah Umer called these guyz to fight with them in Afghanistan?

I live in a world where I open my eyes and mind. And accept the reality rather then keep in denial when have no knowledge of the reality.

These are all straw men arguments, whether America has dropped atom bombs or fought in Vietnam has no bearing on this issue. Are you saying that we shouldn't express anger and sadness when something like this happens, just because America has participated in world war 2? Germany has done atrocities in world war 2, so has japan. Does that mean that they are responsible for killing this girl? Its not just America that has done war crimes, but I don't see what America's war crimes or japans or Australia's have anything to do with the issue. The reason many of your countrymen are sad about this is because this happened in your country, there and now. It doesn't mean that they children killed in Nagasaki or during Genghis khan's invasions of china don't deserve our sympathy - but you cant expect them to remain silent just because other atrocities have taken place before in other parts of the world.
Stop being a public figure, you are no one.. just a guy on next door... your car has no meaning... even you have no meaning. If you die or murder, may be some day they try to find someone who did it bla bla.. but nothing else.

But that 14 year old Malala is a Public figure (kind of). Here politicians join their names with her just to get publicity. And She was the one who started this peace process, and worked with many NGOs .. and Came into Media. So you and her are completely different. And your Car has no value to CIA. So yes they can do it, but why should they?

That's precisely what I wanted you to learn to ask. Now ask the same thing (Your last sentence) at your own logic. You said since the CIA did 9/11 (which is of course, another nutjob conspiracy theory, but lets say so for the sake of argument) they could have killed a girl, and so you think they did. That's precisely my question to you - yes of course they can kill a girl, but why would they?

To defame islam and Taliban? Does it occur to you that maybe the people who did it actually are muslims and talibanis, and not a false flag operation by the CIA? That the sooner you stop thinking that all your problems are false flag CIA ops, and start realizing that your people aren't saints, the better for pak.
Where are the Namard protesters now? Where are the angry julooses now? We like to live as muslims but have died as human beings long time ago.

How do you suppose their living as 'Muslims' then? Their's no Islam if Humanity itself is dead I'm afraid...and as far as I know humanity seems to be dying around this part of the world :confused:
These are all straw men arguments, whether America has dropped atom bombs or fought in Vietnam has no bearing on this issue. Are you saying that we shouldn't express anger and sadness when something like this happens, just because America has participated in world war 2? Germany has done atrocities in world war 2, so has japan. Does that mean that they are responsible for killing this girl? Its not just America that has done war crimes, but I don't see what America's war crimes or japans or Australia's have anything to do with the issue. The reason many of your countrymen are sad about this is because this happened in your country, there and now. It doesn't mean that they children killed in Nagasaki or during Genghis khan's invasions of china don't deserve our sympathy - but you cant expect them to remain silent just because other atrocities have taken place before in other parts of the world.

You are moving into circles. This question has been answered in my first post.

And Like I said earlier, you will never understand. So leave, and let Pakistanis to read my post. And stop wasting my and your's time. Any how you are nothing even to which I care of. You can site and go and Enjoy the Beach ..

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