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Malala Yusufzai: Victim of Barbaric Terror and Dirty Politics

“After this cowardly attack, I am a big supporter of drone attacks against those who don’t have a penny’s worth of human value,”
“I love the U.S. drones !!!”
- Teacher of Malala Yousafzai

does the same sentiments are shared by common Pakistani ?????


Drones are only worsening the situation.
Sad news...
I think this is not the Work of TTP but the Conspiracy of foreign involvement..
First of all if we consider about the enemies than Every portion include Inland and foreign power who want to use some one for their specific aims have take first position to destabilizing country but doing any thing..
According to Counter Intelligence in this event every one who doing noble work inside country and mostly in neglected ares or the environment which provide full service are not allow to put live on MEDIA..
If some one present them on Media than they put them more in problems..
After all if some individual or collective doing working these kind of circumstance will giving full security and protocol because after putting on media all evil group take notice it and making their targets to creating the fear environment in country.

Inside Pakistan mostly the tribe areas the gov need to make dialogue with local Sardars or tribal leaders if they are good or doing local intelligence to save these individuals...

Student allow every area of study inside and out side of country after verification.. Its led country toward progress if some stop for some one individual or collectives on their specific aims put country at backward....


guy listen to me, I don’t control your mind, you are free to believe what you think, but my mind always try to rationalize whats happening, i asked some simple questions which nobody is even trying to bother, the secularists esp wont bother at all because they wanna believe it was the evil talibans again, i dont support the evil talibans but over the course of years i have learnt that blame is being put on talibans over many occasions proved to be false, there was little or no investigation after rehman malik put blame on the talibans, i dont believe in such nonsense which our government wants to believe, heck our govt tried to stop imran khan's drone protest, which was simpley because govt doesnt want people to see the truth, govt is hiding it and so is our media, our media was nowhere to be seen in imran's rally

my questions still remain there that if she was shot for her alleged secular beliefs than why they didnt attack ANP headquarters in the first place??

as for the school girls, no school girl was targetted or killed, it was only girls school which was targetted.. even american drones destroyed the girl school


The above is a post by Honourable Spartacus from another thread which is now closed.

No more beating around the bush. I think the time has come to call spade a spade. I have chosen these posts because these represent a certain mind-set.

Here is a case where Taliban spokesman rang up the media and claimed responsibility with impunity. Not only that; spokesman also said that if Malala survives they will target her gain. Taliban have called her family and threatened them. I have heard Malala’s uncle on the TV saying that they have received death threats from Taliban.

Notwithstanding that above, two very intelligent Pakistanis cannot find in their heart to condemn Taliban. One would like us to provide rationale that if it were Taliban, what they don’t kill many others such as ANP who are secular. The other blames it on the conspiracy. By the way, ANP offices have been bombed a few times. ANP Minister Mian Iftihkar Hussain lost a son on July 25, 2010. Taliban claimed responsibility of this attack.

While everyone is entitled to his/her point of view; the above two posts show that a section of the society continue to retain deep sympathy for Taliban cause and no matter what Taliban do, they can’t find in their heart to condemn them outright. It is of no consequence that Taliban themselves are saying that they have done it and will do it again if Malala survives. Even Imran Khan; while condemning the act, would not say a single word naming Taliban as the guilty party

Malala is certainly not secular but comes from a 5 times a day praying, hijab wearing family. Malala had no connections with the drones; she did not criticize blasphemy laws. Malala was targeted because she wrote a diary during Taliban occupation of Swat detailing the cruelty and barbarism that Taliban imposed on the residents of Swat. She has also become a symbol for the women who want to learn and she is an icon of peace. This is her crime which in the eyes of Taliban carries death penalty

According to an interview given by Hafiz Sufi Mohammad of Swat (A darling of JI Chief Munawwar ) a female only leaves the house on two occasions. Once when goes on pilgrimage to Mecca (Al Hajj) and the other time when her body leaves the house to be buried. Malala goes out of the house everyday to school, may be this is her crime?

Taliban have brazenly declared they don’t believe in democracy and that their aim is to impose their version of Sharia on Pakistan. Any difference of opinion from their ‘Amirul Momeneen’, who is chosen for life, means certain death. My dear countrymen, would you really like Pakistan to turn into a dark age Emirate?

Nevertheless we have people who believe that the murderer has been falsely accused even though the murderer shouts with impunity that he has done it! Regret to admit that such mind-set has steeped into all sections of Pakistan society.

It is responsibility of the state to provide security for her citizens. So the Gov’t of the KP as well as Islamabad must carry most of the blame. Nevertheless it is also a fact that if there is no change in the mind-set of the ordinary citizens;there would always be naïve people who would readily provide support to these barbarians and assist them in their evil designs because it is allegedly done in the name of Islam. This explains how Taliban murderers are able roam freely anywhere in Pakistan.

Brave Malala certainly deserves better countrymen.
That's precisely what I wanted you to learn to ask. Now ask the same thing (Your last sentence) at your own logic. You said since the CIA did 9/11 (which is of course, another nutjob conspiracy theory, but lets say so for the sake of argument) they could have killed a girl, and so you think they did. That's precisely my question to you - yes of course they can kill a girl, but why would they?

To defame islam and Taliban? Does it occur to you that maybe the people who did it actually are muslims and talibanis, and not a false flag operation by the CIA? That the sooner you stop thinking that all your problems are false flag CIA ops, and start realizing that your people aren't saints, the better for pak.

lol, you didn't even care to read my first post.. go back and read back what I write.

Yes because its hard to believe that every time a so called "Taliban leader" calls media nd never gets traced.....

Its hard to believe that taliban HAD to time their attack on the very next day when IK's march diverted attention towards drone attacks.

Its also very hard to believe that the same power who is asking Army to remain under legislative limits in Balochistan...wants an all out attack on North Waziristan....and wont agree to mining the Pak-Afghan border for good,as our attackers are in Afghanistan and Islamabad..Not in tribal areas.

In case you or anybody missed it..The only time since when terrorism got somewhat controlled was since when security forces started shadowing US embassy staff...no change was observed after any military operation...

also if you read Pakistani media and some commentators over here..PA's name is at all time low mainly due to political and media campaign of defamation against them..a demoralized army cannot be dragged into one operation after another while cutting their budget...

Lastly who will foot the bill of North waziristan operation?

Yes because its hard to believe that every time a so called "Taliban leader" calls media nd never gets traced.....

It's not like they call from their homes or offices. A public phone booth in a city or an internet café are all it takes to call the media. Also, forces don't usually go after spokesmen directly.

You are moving into circles. This question has been answered in my first post.

And Like I said earlier, you will never understand. So leave, and let Pakistanis to read my post. And stop wasting my and your's time. Any how you are nothing even to which I care of. You can site and go and Enjoy the Beach ..


What I do with my time is not your concern. You are of course free to stop posting if you think it is a waste of your time. Anyway don't be disengenous enough to talk about nuclear bombs and Nagasaki and Vietnam, as if any of that has anything to do with this. And don't tell other people what issues they should feel sad or angry about and how much - leave that to them.
It's not like they call from their homes or offices. A public phone booth in a city or an internet café are all it takes to call the media. Also, forces don't usually go after spokesmen directly.
only in Pakistan..

Its way too easy to trace the IP adress of the internet cafe computer...or the mobile phone tower used for thre call..land lines can be accurately traced to exact booth..
we are not in 1940s....Technology has advanced...

Plus asking PA to over run North waziristan becasue of an attach in Sawat is just silly..
only in Pakistan..

Its way too easy to trace the IP adress of the internet cafe computer...or the mobile phone tower used for thre call..land lines can be accurately traced to exact booth..
we are not in 1940s....Technology has advanced...

And then what? Arrest the person who made the call? He wouldn't have any freaking idea about who did the actual murder, he wont be told that. His only job would be to ring the media and inform them, act as a messenger. And there is nothing to be obtained from killing the messenger.

Yes lines can be traced, but by that time, the person who made the call would be in another part of the country - not waiting in the internet café for the police to come arrest him.
And then what? Arrest the person who made the call? He wouldn't have any freaking idea about who did the actual murder, he wont be told that. His only job would be to ring the media and inform them, act as a messenger. And there is nothing to be obtained from killing the messenger.

Yes lines can be traced, but by that time, the person who made the call would be in another part of the country - not waiting in the internet café for the police to come arrest him.

yup..its always better to go american way...and casually bomb a whole area..while leaving the messenger...
yup..its always better to go american way...and casually bomb a whole area..while leaving the messenger...

Or maybe there is a third way? About investigating and arresting the culprits? The fallacy of the excluded middle is what you are assuming.

And by the way, americans wouldn't need to do drone strikes in their own territory, only in territories that their soldiers cannot operate in. Pakistan doesn't need to bomb that place down, since your army can simply march in there and arrest or kill who you want with minimal to no collateral.
Taliban are not super humans..I have rarely heard any arrest made in relation to any suicide bombing or terrorist attack in Pakistan..
PA went the right way after Minhas attack and went the forensic way and made good headway....
same approach should made here.....Make arrests and investigate..Finally when all the evidence is there,go for the people behind the attack where ever they are..
Asking PA to launch a full fledged attack on a Poor area where people barely survive day to day life and will begreatly affected......thats just wrong
Taliban are not super humans..I have rarely heard any arrest made in relation to any suicide bombing or terrorist attack in Pakistan..
PA went the right way after Minhas attack and went the forensic way and made good headway....
same approach should made here.....Make arrests and investigate..Finally when all the evidence is there,go for the people behind the attack where ever they are..
Asking PA to launch a full fledged attack on a Poor area where people barely survive day to day life and will begreatly affected......thats just wrong

That would be the best solution, if it is possible. But are the police really enough in control of those parts to conduct an investigation and arrest the culprits without incident? Especially when these are insurgents that have been fighting your army? This is not simply a law an order issue where one maniac with a gun shot innocents. Taliban has collectively taken responsibility as a group, and it is upto Pakistan to eliminate that group. Can the police do it? If so, good luck to them. But I think the talibanis are far too powerful for that, and only the army can destroy them.
Or maybe there is a third way? About investigating and arresting the culprits? The fallacy of the excluded middle is what you are assuming.

And by the way, americans wouldn't need to do drone strikes in their own territory, only in territories that their soldiers cannot operate in. Pakistan doesn't need to bomb that place down, since your army can simply march in there and arrest or kill who you want with minimal to no collateral.

One cannot be judge and jury about people in Pak-Fghan border while sat in a control room in texas.....
Its a well known and established fact that these remote attacks have produced more suicide bombers than they have killed..
Relatives of the dozens of children and innocent people killed in the drone become suicide bombers and dedicate their lives for taking revenge...and we give the convenient name "Taliban" to them..
B-52's carpet bombing gained nothing and such strategies wont yeild any benifit ever..
The answer is to understand whats actually happening..
Political Agent administration is totally failed in tribal areas of pakistan these key posts are just headquarters for corruption it must be finished once a famous pakistani politician told that if i was not pm i would wished to be political agent these tribal areas are breeding grounds of foreign funded terrorists to destabilise pakistan accompanied by few un loyal pakistanis OUR HEARTS CRYING GOD BLESS THIS BABY DOLL MALALA :( PRAY SHE GET WELL SOON A VERY PRECIOUS GIFT OF GOD FOR WHOLE UNIVERSE BUT VERY FEW HAVE KNEW THE VALUE OF SUCH EXTRA ORDINARY ASSET CULPRITS MUST BE HANGED TO DEATH The United Nations has said INDIA is the most dangerous place to be a girl.USA REPORT India's 2011 census shows serious decline in the number of girls under the age of seven - activists fear eight million female foetuses may have been aborted in the past decade.The BBC's Geeta Pandey in Delhi explores what has led to request Every reader to pray for this child for a speedy recovery. Malala Yousafzai, a peace ambassador of extremely northern tribal regions of Pakistan, highlighted and exposed the atrocities and crimes that were committed in the name of Taliban assumed religion/ideology. They torture, kill women, children and set fire on girls¿ schools. They want to live in the Stone Age and won't let anyone else to progress either. They need eliminating as they are a major threat to Human Race. The 14 years old child exposed the heinous crimes of Taliban¿s against women, children and non bearded individuals. She wrote for the BBC and used the pseudonym of Gull Makee. She was interviewed by the World Media and was awarded a Civil Award of Courage by the Pakistani Govt.
the government itself has failed to deliver security to the people, the brainwashed fools may think what the government and government controlled media wnats them to think but the sane and intelligent people will think about it that its the government itself and the army who is betraying pakistanis every where

if the govt was funtioning and the people trusted it then we wont be seeing slogans of zardari kuttah here

the same people should demand that they will accept any actions when there is a legitimate govt who provides safety and security to the people and then we will see how these shooting incidents happen

you cant trust the govt if its an illegitimate govt that its actions to start military operation and still and watch the drone attacks happening are legitimate
Since 2001 Pak army lost too much..
You know why? Because this war isnt being fought to be won..Its being fought to linger on..and there is the difference..
Ask GOP to release funds and give PA necessary Equipment and air support,and then ask them to go into war..
An under equipped army cannot fight and thats that..
we all know how the sentries of Kamra base diidt even have extra bullets with them....due to piss poor budget...
we al know that salala was attacked for 2 hours straight and Army men did not even have equipment to contact their commanders in time and no air support was sent...
Army men's lives are as important as any civilians life..we the angry Pakistanis think that PA is invincible while they are not..The truth is they are under equipped for the war we wan them to fight...
Remember Major-General Naseerullah Khan Babar? He fought one of the deadliest urban wars in Karachi,and to most extent succeeded..
Because Benazir Had a beef against MQM and gave all the support and legal freedom to security forces...Can the same be done now for PA? No...
Then there is the case of one of the most Powerful army sat next door who is known to support Taliban,and want the war to be fought @Their way@
No general will send his men to be massacred..and COAS kayani is no different...
Since 2001
3,946 security forces members killed (3,097 soldiers)
8,671 soldiers wounded
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