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Malala Yusufzai: Victim of Barbaric Terror and Dirty Politics

Well, a simple statement like yours cannot explain the ground realities. This is a complex situation, and a difficult war. Lets get this simple for you, as most of the Indians lack any info. about these militant groups.

What's happening in Afghanistan, is none of my concern, as long as those fighting the American forces don't turn against Pakistan. We are not here to make more enemies. TTP, is very different from AT and its allied groups. Details are very long to discuss.

Imagine Same Being Said By Afghanistan for TTP
Imagine Same Being Said By Afghanistan for TTP

Infact, Afghan Government and its agencies support TTP through different means. Americans are involved too. Kunar and Nuristan are safe heavens for TTP and that's where they launch their cross-border attacks into Pakistan.
Don't mind his offensive words, he's a lil' bit emotional. But his point was actually, the support of Indian RAW for TTP, which of course you and your fellow countrymen will deny.

Somebody doing it against Islam would have been readily tagged to be suffering from "Islamophobia" , an Imaginary Disease . But Wow you are actually justifying an Anti-Hindu Rant to a Hindu tagging it as "emotional " . I guess you will consider Sam Bacile , Salman rushdie , Tasleema Nasreen , Ayan Hirsi Ali as a little Emotional only :rofl:
Afghan Taliban are totally different from these Khawarijs, as Zaid calls them. Afghan Taliban are fighting the occupation and TTP is terrorizing Pakistani people for no reason. If TTP is so righteous, it should cross the border and fight the invaders. But TTP is a bunch of cowards supported by our enemies.

Imran Khan is right when he says, get out of this war. Once we declare we are out of it, TTP will have no reason to terror. Once that happens, TTP can be hit square on. Right now, people are confused as they Pakistani state as collaborators. This is the point many miss when they criticize PTI.
Afghan Taliban are totally different from these Khawarijs, as Zaid calls them. Afghan Taliban are fighting the occupation and TTP is terrorizing Pakistani people for no reason. If TTP is so righteous, it should cross the border and fight the invaders. But TTP is a bunch of cowards supported by our enemies.

Imran Khan is right when he says, get out of this war. Once we declare we are out of it, TTP will have no reason to terror. Once that happens, TTP can be hit square on. Right now, people are confused as they Pakistani state as collaborators. This is the point many miss when they criticize PTI.

Terrorists are terrorists... both Taliban groups are claimed to be Muslims and busy in killing and oppressing Muslims. Kill them all :angry:
Make it clear, Pakistan support neither Taliban's, Afghani or Pakistani.

Afghani one has been difficult to move on to and has not represented as much a danger as the Pakistani one so the operations have been prioritized accordingly, that does not mean we agree with the AT or share any love for them.
^^Afghan Taliban are totally different from these Khawarijs, as Zaid calls them. Afghan Taliban are fighting the occupation and TTP is terrorizing Pakistani people for no reason

Oh so its alright for the Afghans to have talibans among them and they are the good taliban whereas their Pakistani arm is bad and evil now .. thats double standards and Hippocratic. Talibans idealogy remains the same no matter which side of the border they are on , remember we are fighting an extremist ideology not just a bunch of men , they are the same no matter what part of the world this nu-sense is living on.
How do you reason with a totally twisted ideology? That is the question every one of us should ponder. The answer is you don’t! You stand up to it and you call a spade a spade. Malala Yousufzai did just that while she was aware that her enemies were brutal and she was a target. She paid a price with two bullets piercing her body. And the enemies say she is still a target. The ruthless killers will not stop till they silence another voice that speaks the truth. The act of TTP violence has been condemned by world media and leaders. On behalf of the U.S. State Department, spokeswoman Victoria Nuland spoke regarding the heinous act of violence. "Directing violence at children is barbaric. It's cowardly. And our hearts go out to her and the others who were wounded, as well as their families."

“Pakistan’s future belongs to Malala and brave young girls like her. History won’t remember the cowards who tried to kill her at school,” Susan Rice, the US ambassador to the United Nations, said on Twitter.

Strongly condemning the act of terrorism, Gen. Kayani said, “The cowards who attacked Malala and her fellow students have time and again shown how little regard they have for human life and how low they can stoop to impose their twisted ideology.” He said this is was not the first time that militants had targeted children, the attack on Parade Lane in Rawalpindi “was a reminder of their bloodlust.” He said, “By attacking Malala, the terrorists have failed to understand that she is not only an individual, but an icon of courage and hope, which vindicates the sacrifices that the people of Swat and the nation had given for saving the valley from the plague of terrorism.”

We stand united against any acts of terror and condemn them in the strongest words. Terrorist can hide in their holes and issue statements but they should know that they stand isolated and condemned. If they do not change their ways sooner than later they will pay for their crimes.

Capt. Joseph Kreidel
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Only sick degenerates would attack children. These talibani fags remind me of Israeeli soldiers, who kill children indiscriminately.
@CENTCOM, dude did you start investigation of illegal murders from drone attacks? and hundreds of our future you have killed with the drone attacks??



Pakistan is one of the few states in the world that has promoted and sponsored Islamic terrorism.....Lashkar-e-Toiba,Jaish-e-Mohammad,Taliban......they are one and the same.......Hafeez Saeed,Maulana Masood Azhar are monsters and they deserved to be stoned to death......Islamic terrorism has turned Pakistan into living hell....Pak army,ISI should eliminate islamic terrorism from the country instead of supporting and sponsoring it.....unless they do that there will be more innocent victims like Malala Yousufzai....Poor girl.....God bless her!

welcome again........

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