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Makkah and the hajj in the 1880's, photos of pilgrims from across the world

Saudi Arabia will take whatever measures necessary to insure comfort and tranquility for pilgrims. More accommodation places and more expansions are needed due to the high numbers of pilgrims. The two holy sites are not tourist sites or attraction but for the fulfillment of religious obligation. Those who don't agreed with what KSA is doing can go fly a kite.
Everybody may disagree with me but I support your statement. Coming from a country with 200+ million moslem population I can tell you that it is a pain the arse for us now to wait for our turn to go for hajj. KSA only grant only 200k of hajj visas for us while every year almost 300k people enlisting for hajj. That is with our GDP percapita of 5k usd. Can you imagine how many people will enlist for hajj per annum once our gdp per capita reach 20k usd? The remaining 100k people must wait and until now we have 2 million Indonesian enlisted and wait for hajj visas. I myself has to wait for 10 years to go for hajj after enlisting ( with huge amount of money by our standard) and the waiting period is expanding not each year but weeks. Now by this expansion projects hopefully KSA government could issue more hajj visas for us so we don't have to wait for ten years to perform hajj.
For average Indonesians it is gonna take 20-30 years to collect the money to enlist for hajj. It means they can enlist for hajj at the age of 45-55. If they have to spend ten years(in some provinces even more) then they can perform hajj at the age of 65. Hajj pilgrimage need stamina and elders will have difficulty in it. Preserving ancient is important but ensuring that every moslem can have their basic right (such as hajj pilgrimage) in convenient is much more important.

7abibi this interview will be of great interest for you regarding what you mentioned since you speak and understand Arabic. Recorded yesterday

This is a interview with brigadier Yahya al-Zahrani about the expansion of Al-Masjid Al-Haram.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Finally, as I already wrote in this thread and in earlier ones, maybe where this current discussion would be more fitting, then the service of Muslims is above that of artifacts.

I refer to the thread I linked to on page 3 in this thread where we can continue this discussion and where I have posted videos, some in Arabic and some in English, that deal with the expansion not only in Makkah but also Madinah and how it will look like in the end.
Amazing Pics and wonderful thread @al-Hasani bro...Thanks for Sharing
Idiots will be idiots...carry on.
Idiots will be idiots...carry on.

Dear can you please delete all the off-topic posts? Post number 64, 65 and 66? I just deleted my off-topic posts. I will delete this post as well. Otherwise it will attract more trolls and off-topic posts.

Thank you.

@terito I do not know who she is but your post is off-topic. Please delete it.
Everybody may disagree with me but I support your statement. Coming from a country with 200+ million moslem population I can tell you that it is a pain the arse for us now to wait for our turn to go for hajj. KSA only grant only 200k of hajj visas for us while every year almost 300k people enlisting for hajj. That is with our GDP percapita of 5k usd. Can you imagine how many people will enlist for hajj per annum once our gdp per capita reach 20k usd? The remaining 100k people must wait and until now we have 2 million Indonesian enlisted and wait for hajj visas. I myself has to wait for 10 years to go for hajj after enlisting ( with huge amount of money by our standard) and the waiting period is expanding not each year but weeks. Now by this expansion projects hopefully KSA government could issue more hajj visas for us so we don't have to wait for ten years to perform hajj.
For average Indonesians it is gonna take 20-30 years to collect the money to enlist for hajj. It means they can enlist for hajj at the age of 45-55. If they have to spend ten years(in some provinces even more) then they can perform hajj at the age of 65. Hajj pilgrimage need stamina and elders will have difficulty in it. Preserving ancient is important but ensuring that every moslem can have their basic right (such as hajj pilgrimage) in convenient is much more important.

Exactly what Im trying to say that the process of expansions have become essential and that the number of pilgrims and visitors are on the increase day by day. This kind of projects will not only help KSA regulating and facilitating those events but will also provide more accommodation and will make it easy and affordable for more people from around the world to come and be able to fulfill and perform this religious obligation.
In India some popular temples have opened branches so that devotees can go there to pray instead of travelling all the way. maybe its time to do that if its allowed.
Unfortunately we are not allowed to do that, there is only one place to perform hajj and it is only in mecca.
Recently I heard that shia Al-Maliki want to have their own qibla and may be will perform hajj there. If this is materialised then it will be a great help for us :D:D

in india the govt gives huge subsidies to muslims to enable them to go on haj. in fact its the only country to do that.
Good for them, we do not have that luxury.

Don't give too many "good" ideas to people here if you know what I mean, LOL.

BTW, did you watch the two videos I linked to?

Don't give too many "good" ideas to people here if you know what I mean, LOL.

BTW, did you watch the two videos I linked to?
Uuupppppssss.......I should behave better:-)
As of the video, I will need my brothers or nephews to help me understand it better. My arabic is worst among my family members. I have to wait a good moment since exams are driving them crazy currently:cheesy::cheesy:
Now to the most exciting and interesting part in my opinion.

The pilgrims:

From Iraq:


Pilgrims from Bagdad - حجاج من بغداد
by MIAQatar, on Flickr


Pilgrims from Basra - حجاج من البصرة
by MIAQatar, on Flickr

Pilgrims from Bahrain:

Pilgrims from Bahrain (in the middle a sheikh from Kabul) - (حجاج من البحرين (في الوسط شيخ من كابول
by MIAQatar, on Flickr

The man in the middle is a Sheikh from Kabul, Afghanistan.


Pilgrim from Morocco - حجاج من المغرب
by MIAQatar, on Flickr


Indian pilgrim - حاج هندي
by MIAQatar, on Flickr

Pilgrims from different parts of Indonesia:

Pilgrims from Malang and Pasuruan (Java) - (حجاج من جيبارا (جاوة
by MIAQatar, on Flickr

Pilgrims from Mandailing (Sumatra) - (حجاج من مانديلينغ (سومطرة
by MIAQatar, on Flickr

Pilgrims from Aceh with two wakils - حجاج من أكيه مع وكيلين
by MIAQatar, on Flickr

Pilgrims from the Sultanate of Zanzibar (today Tanzania):

Pilgrims from Zanzibar - حجاج من زنجبار
by MIAQatar, on Flickr

Dervishes from Bukhara - Uzbekistan:

Dervishes of Bukhara - دراويش بخارى
by MIAQatar, on Flickr
Beautiful pictures ya habibi. For early generations in Indonesia hajj pilgrims are often taken as a one way travel. Beside sacrificing their wealth, they had to have enough gut to sacrifice their life. Travelling by a small boat for months must be a tough test for everybody. And many of them were not return back home. Some died while travelling to mecca, some died in hejaz and some died while trying to return back home. Todays world is much more friendly to hajj pilgrimages thanks to the technology. But for some Indonesians, they keep the same mentality. Treating hajj pilgrimage as one way trip. Unbelievable but true.
Beautiful pictures ya habibi. For early generations in Indonesia hajj pilgrims are often taken as a one way travel. Beside sacrificing their wealth, they had to have enough gut to sacrifice their life. Travelling by a small boat for months must be a tough test for everybody. And many of them were not return back home. Some died while travelling to mecca, some died in hejaz and some died while trying to return back home. Todays world is much more friendly to hajj pilgrimages thanks to the technology. But for some Indonesians, they keep the same mentality. Treating hajj pilgrimage as one way trip. Unbelievable but true.

You are very welcome as always. Any time brother. That is very correct. I have a special place for Indonesians in my heart due to personal reasons and having interacted with many Saudi Arabians of Indonesian heritage and Indonesians. We know about the ancient Arab-Indonesian ties on nearly all levels.

Yes, many pilgrims unfortunately perished in the old days. I have the utmost respect for any pilgrim performing hajj especially those that did it before the modern age.

Let me tell you that thousands upon thousands of Indonesians stayed in Hijaz from centuries ago until very recently and today they are citizens of KSA and have enriched the already diverse and rich culture of Hijaz. Just like the few millions of Indonesians of Arab ancestry in Indonesia.

Did I tell you that my grandfather and thus my father as well lived in Jakarta for 2 years in the 1960's due to work? My father was a child back then. My father even learnt to speak Bahasa and he taught me and my siblings to count to 5 when we were younger, LOL. He has forgot it all today though. Unfortunately. I have been entrusted memorabilia from the time on Java such as a lamp made out of fish (can't explain it in English) 2 swords and some local art. Also a purse made out of snake skin. When I will be back in KSA I will take a few photos of it and post them here. This way you might recognize some of it. I will be back in Hijaz this January for 10 days.

Unfortuantely I have never visited Indonesia but Insha'Allah I will.

I also have to inform you that many Saudi Arabians travel to South East Asia for vacations and studies but nearly all chose Malaysia.

Also Indonesians are nearly all Sunni Muslims of the Shafi'i fiqh like most Hijazis and Yemenis. Most populous Muslim country too.;)

Sorry for the off-topic post. Last one in this thread. I will visit the Indonesian section instead.;)

KSA must focus very much on Indonesia and develop even much bigger ties with this brotherly country on all levels.
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I am happy to hear that you have some kind of relationship to Indonesia culture. Indeed there is a long and time tested relationship between hijaz and indonesia. Hejaz has inspireed some of our scholars to revolt against dutch invaders that occupy our country for more than 150 years.Padri movement was inspired by the teaching of syaikh Muhammad bin Abdul wahhab. Eventhough dutch managed to crush this movement 50 years later another scholar return from hejaz and make Muhammadiyya movement that contribute to Indonesian independance. You and all Saudi Arabians are moree than welcomed to our country bro.

KSA already had a significant presentation in indonesia especially in cultures and education. The establishment of LIPIA (branch od imam Al-Saud university) is an evident of it. It is about the time the presentation will expand to another sector such as business.

Anyway, you are right. Let's not drift this thread too far into saudi-indonesia topic. We stick with hajj pilgrimages from the ancient times. Thank you again for the beutiful and epic pictures from the old time hajj pilgrimage. They are really really something.









More photos below:

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Makkah and the Hajj during the 1880's

صور للØ*ج من أواخر القرن التاسع عشر

The Ottoman Pasha with the Egyptian Mahmal:


The Kaaba:


Al-Masjid al-Haram:


Al-Masjid al-Haram and the northwestern part of central Makkah:


Governmental building of the Ottoman Pasha:

The Hamidiyya with the governmental buildings of the Ottoman Pasha - الحميدية مع الأبنية الحكومية للباشا العثماني
by MIAQatar, on Flickr

Photos of some of the leading personalities in Makkah from that time

Aun ar-Rafiq al-Hashimi - Grand Sharif and Emir of Makkah and Madinah and titular Ottoman Pasha:

Awn al-Rafiq, Sheriff of Mecca - عون الرفيق، شريف مكة
by MIAQatar, on Flickr

In his older age:


He did a lot for Makkah, Madinah, Hijaz and the hajj. He played a leading role in further integrating the non-Hijazi Muslim population - mostly Indonesians, South Asians and the Sudanese and helped the business of the city.

He is a relative of mine (great-great-great grandfather's sibling). His descendants now live mostly in Hijaz, the remaining Arab world, in the UK, France and elsewhere. Some have married into the Jordanian Royal family (fellow Hashemites). He himself was the son of the famous Grand Sharif and Emir of Makkah and Madinah - Muhammad bin Abdul-Mu'min who was the Sharif for 24 years.

Key keeper of the Kaaba from the Banu Shayba tribe/family:

Key Keeper of the Ka‘ba from the Banu Shayba family - حارس مفاتيح الكعبة من بني شيبة
by MIAQatar, on Flickr

Makkawi Sharif Hashemites of the Banu Hashim clan:

Distinguished Sayyid in Mecca - أحد أسياد مكة البارزين
by MIAQatar, on Flickr

Some other family member (on the left - notice the turban) of the Sharif Hashemite clan of Makkah:

Member of a Sharifian family of Mecca - فرد من عائلة من أشراف مكة
by MIAQatar, on Flickr

This thread might be of interest to a lot of our distinguished Muslim users and people interested in a small part of the past Islamic history.

@Chai @Arabian Legend @JUBA @Yzd Khalifa @BLACKEAGLE @kalu_miah @BATMAN @Armstrong @Imran Khan @Irfan Baloch @Slav Defence @Zarvan @Aslan @chauvunist, @Zakii @Aeronaut @Pakistanisage @RaptorRX707 @fawwaxs @Oscar @Al Bhatti @United @K-Xeroid @JonAsad @A.Rafay @Bubblegum Crisis @Banu Umayyah @MuslimConscript @salman108 @agentny17 @Hussein @Ammad Malik @T-123456 @Sinan @Mosamania @somebozo @Mootaz-khelifi @Doritos11 @Tunisian Marine Corps @Jessica_L @Skallagrim @Luffy 500 @Secur @explorer9 @tyrant @Jungibaaz @Hyperion @Mamba @BronzePlaque @Hu Songshan @Hazzy997 @Mahmoud_EGY @MooshMoosh @Naifov @Spring Onion @Wholegrain @Malik Abdullah and others.

super thread
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