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Making South Asia an Economic power. My POV

I slightly disagree, our people can work hard & they can be innovative at times
But I feel we must change our education system which focuses heavily on rote-learning & memorising & not on understanding the concept itself..
& I feel that the lack of innovation within most Indians is because of this system & our schools which doesn't encourage questioning & creativity. It literally sucks the creativity out of us..
I never said we are lazy people without any innovative mind. I just wanted to say we are made that way by our society , our educational system , our work ethics , our religious beliefs. Off course everyone is born equal and has an equal chance to succeed if the favorable conditions are there for taking.And it's pretty evident from the success of S.asians born and brought up in the west.
All the issues that you mentioned come down to very few major factors. They are unwillingness to overcome cultural/religious/political differences, refusal to admit the severity of South Asia and instead dwelling in some non-existent bubble of superiority due to the supposed shame of admitting the truth and not being ambitious enough which contributes to thinking that South Asia is incapable of achieving anything worthwhile. Even on this very own thread you can/will see evidence some of the factors that I mentioned.

Partition of India in my opinion was destined to be a never ending issue. Instead of partitioning the land along the lines of religious differences, it could have been done in the line of cultural/linguistic differences. By declaring two countries according to religious differences, you essentially forced a group of people who are very different each other to live together and now you are seeing the result of it. In my opinion, South India should have been one country and North India along with some provinces of Pakistan should have been another and the tribal areas of Pakistan should have been handed over to Afghanistan. If that happen then promoting nationalism and progress should have been an easier task than what you have right now.

Communism on one hand contributed to the lack of development but at the same time it improved HDI. The biggest problem I see in India is lack of centralisation so various different states in India are attempting to pull the country into its own direction while some states even have the capability of influencing the foreign policy of India to expand the vote bank of their own local politicians despite knowing that their decisions hinder the policy gains of India. Now, I especially mentioned India because India is the most important nation in South Asian region and for the true development to take place we need a responsible India.

For the people to be innovative or workaholic, you have to make them to be so through educational system and other strict regulations but who will be brave enough to start this? Our politicians are busy dancing according to the tunes of general public to gain votes and retain their power and you have to admit that will of the majority people in our region don't align with the interests of the country and most of our politicians are not genuinely interested in development but their own power base. Another factor is that we have to eliminate the tradition of "personality worship" among people as it is very destructive for our countries This is the reason why so many incompetent actors and other celebrities make it to the politics and it also makes even the competent politicians to have an idea that their power is boundless and no one can challenge them. We need politicians who will take the risk of going against the will of the majority to make a daring step towards development of the region.

Also I request you to welcome opinions of all members regardless of their nationality instead of limiting the participation for just South Asian members.

Wrong .You are absolutely wrong .
SL members including @Gibbs should know the real meaning of topic .This is not about South India or North India.This about the development of South Asia.

And your opinion about different country is absolutely wrong .Several reasons .Perhaps you knows the issue you faced since you are a smallnation.This so called difference wasthe main reason for British Colonialism.We cant allo foreign exploiters in here .Not any more .Our size is now helping us for that.We will proudly say that we are Indians .There is no.placd for South Indi ,North India comparison.

I hope we are performing very well than others in economic front.We need these development with 9-10GDP for next 20 years.
About religion and other priority ,that is the basic nature of Indians .Even educated ,rich high quality people still follow that beliefs.
That is our identity.Of Course it has some shortfalls. But that will always be a part of India.

dude .Our priority is thewell being of our nation and citizens .Tamils and West Bengalis will always be our citizens .Our foreign policy is for our interest not for neighbours interest.Every nations are like that.
If neighbours have any problem with it .Then we are sorry .Today all Indians are mixed heavily .And we are one.
Have to agree with @Azizam .. India is too decentralized to have any uniform foreign or economic policy in the region.. Each of it's parts are pulling thier own agenda's most at the detriment of it's neighbors.. From West Bengal to Tamil Nadu, So that does not create a definite climate for sturdy regional policies

Robyn.Lawley is fat and Ugly :sarcastic:
Unless there is peace between India and Pakistan, there will be no peace and progress. Both sides need to step back on the Kashmir issue in order for both to move forward.

It's sad but most of territorial conflicts between nations involve small track of land that hurts the people of the whole country. We no longer see that in Europe(western) . And let's hope this extend to Asia as well.
That could only happen if India starts seeing herself as a responsible power amidst numerous other countries and not as the nucleus of South Asia around which every country revolves around and should, thus, fall in line by recognizing the natural order of things. For that to happen a little more magnanimity in terms of non-interventionism in the affairs of neighboring countries whether it be the Tamils in Sri Lanka or whichever lady rules Bangladesh on one hand to not making a mockery out of inter-regional trading by evicting enormous barriers to trade while harping on about regional connectivity is what India ought to be more concerned about.

Being a large country with an insecure and petty mentality isn't really going to endear the neighbors.

Likewise the regional countries, especially Pakistan, must realize that India is not looking for regional hegemony nor for any territorial changes but simply its due place as the most economically and militarily significant power in South Asia. So the occasional policy tantrums that Indian policy makers have are not because of some deliberate plot to castrate Pakistan or any other neighbor but simply the knee-jerk reactions of an emerging power still coming to grips with her own reality as a significant player. Its going to take time for India to be a bit more mature and figure out the right balance between advocating her own national interests without bull-doozing those off other neighboring countries.

In the meantime other regional countries, especially Pakistan, must also realize that stupidity begets stupidity so you don't really go on toe to toe with a 400 pound sumo wrestler when you're not even welterweight yet. So become economically and socio-political relevant, trade with each other, cooperate with each other on the basis of dignity and avoid any moronic policy that leads to conflict or a needless showdown.

In short learn how the game works before playing it.

Yes...India is a bit immature on handling its strengths, but saying India is trying to be a hegemon is wrong. India understands that good relations with neighbors will keep outside powers such as China out of this region, hence India is adopting a carrot policy towards all its neighbors.

The problem with Pakistan is different. India cannot offer what Pakistan wants. If there were other ways, India certainly would tried those things with Pakistan. So seeing everything through Pakistan prism and generalizing that to whole of south Asia would not make things clear.
Totally agree on most of your points.

However, I would not say that we lack innovative minds... I am convinced that we can produce globally competitive innovators and business men and women if we give them the kind of environment (politically, socially and of course economic) that allows people who thinks out of the box to prosper.

Thats naturally hard when you have ultra conservative dark age fundamentalists from all different religions running amok in India... thats why we see "Indians" like Satya Nadella and countless others prospering in counties which offer much better environments for them.

These idiots rather care about their religious influence on people and talk much about "morals" and "ethics" while they turn blind eyes on the hard issues which are holding the nation back.

Dude.Just one or two bills for vpolitical advantages wont cause problem in innovation and economy .If that was the case We wouldnt have a successful ISRO and other R&D centres.
Lack .of fund is indeed a problem in India when it comes to innovationand reasearch .Nepotism is another issue .DRDO is the best example.West nations did all this innovation because of their funds .Majority of their universities have fund big MNCs in there.Neither we have that type of MNC nor have GoI funding .But I hope things will be better in near future.

Everyone has their right to make their statements .But that wont be a problem unless it gets some place in policy making.
Dude.Just one or two bills for vpolitical advantages wont cause problem in innovation and economy .If that was the case .

The Beef ban is an economic nightmare. We have a government at the centre that wants to cut down on the dole that it gives to poor villagers & we now have a state government run by the same party that wants to put cows on dole....?:crazy:
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I said it with having to face backlash in mind. I am sorry to offend. That's just the way I see it because I noticed that there are so many differences and hostility among Northern and Southern states. If there is cooperation between many different groups instead of hostility, that is very good for India and the region. And again we should concentrate on the future prospects because we can't change the past.

Communism spread the wealth, that was only controlled by a limited number of elites in the country, among the general population. I should read what happened in West Bengal but in Sri Lanka, communism/socialism is one of the reason for the high HDI but at the same time, it held the economy back.
Hostility .I dont think so.
Perhaps hostilities between Kerala and TN would be higher than that .But Tamils are our brothers .Infact all other Indians including Punjabis,Bengalis,Gujaratis .All of them are our brothers.We will quarrel each other like sons of a mother.But we are one .
Regional parties have their own interest then again that is the strength our democracy.

The Beef ban is an economic nightmare. We have a government at the centre that wants to cut down on the dole that it gives to poor villagers & we now a state government run by the same part that wants to put cows on dole....?:crazy:
Do you actually think that would work in this nation ?
Gujarat ,MP etc banned these thing long time ago.But still they have beef markets .The good side of these law is that there will be no open slaughtering of cows and other animals.But allof this will work secretly .
The Beef ban is an economic nightmare. We have a government at the centre that wants to cut down on the dole that it gives to poor villagers & we now a state government run by the same party that wants to put cows on dole....?:crazy:

I agree with you here
Dole is a commie concept & i am against it

Hostility .I dont think so.
Perhaps hostilities between Kerala and TN would be higher than that .But Tamils are our brothers .Infact all other Indians including Punjabis,Bengalis,Gujaratis .All of them are our brothers.We will quarrel each other like sons of a mother.But we are one .
Regional parties have their own interest then again that is the strength our democracy.

They want to break us apart a Kerala,Tamil Nadu,UP or a MP or even a Gujarat cannot match China or US only India can do that
Individually we are super intelligent but collectively we are dumb as hell.

South Asia is headed towards absolute destruction. Feel free to disagree however deep down in your hearts you know that i'm right..

Deep down, we Indians feel we are headed for great prosperity, its just you Pakistanis I suppose given the conditions you are living in.
It is India mostly followed by a little share of Bangal desh. Which other south Asian country can contribute?
You are an artificial country. India will do what it wants.
its not ours but yr india is an artificial state, heck its not even a nation by its constitution its just a union.

Hahaha, you didn't rule anything beta ji. That was Turkic, they forcefully converted you to Islam. Now you are there rape children and you are acting like you are them.:rofl: It was you guys who gave your women, that's why you are muslim.
bwahahaha kiddo! get some knowledge about our population.


repeating yr state propaganda wont serve u good.

South Asia is headed towards absolute destruction. Feel free to disagree however deep down in your hearts you know that i'm right..
Only way SAARC can achieve its goals is if China becomes part of this union. This way no country will be allowed todo its hegemony over others. Without China its only indian centric, which is in none of our interests. @Armstrong

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