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Making South Asia an Economic power. My POV

Have to agree with @Azizam .. India is too decentralized to have any uniform foreign or economic policy in the region.. Each of it's parts are pulling thier own agenda's most at the detriment of it's neighbors.. From West Bengal to Tamil Nadu, So that does not create a definite climate for sturdy regional policies

You are wrong...you don't have any idea what you are talking about. India existed since 5000 years, and all people co-existed since then. Across North to South and East to West, we have a unified culture that is distinctly 'Indian'.

Unless there is peace between India and Pakistan, there will be no peace and progress. Both sides need to step back on the Kashmir issue in order for both to move forward.

It's sad but most of territorial conflicts between nations involve small track of land that hurts the people of the whole country. We no longer see that in Europe(western) . And let's hope this extend to Asia as well.

Here comes Lucaaaaaaaa! My favorite poster.
It's a bit offensive to us Indians when someone says that Southern & Northern part of India should have been a separate entity. We North , South , NE Indians equally love our country which is evident even from the discussion here on this forum.

I disagree. West Bengal even after being ruled by communists for 4 decades never had an impressive HDI. Kerala is an exception.

I fully agree with you on that. And it's a India specific problem.

Couldn't have said it in a much better way.

The Commies ruled WB for more than 3 decades, Kerala is different, here for 5 years the Commies ruled & for the next 5 years, the Congress & it's allies & so on & on till today..

& kerala had rulers who worked towards improving it's literacy & it's standard of living(before independence)
Have to agree with @Azizam .. India is too decentralized to have any uniform foreign or economic policy in the region.. Each of it's parts are pulling thier own agenda's most at the detriment of it's neighbors.. From West Bengal to Tamil Nadu, So that does not create a definite climate for sturdy regional policies

Decentralization is the right way to rule India. Foreign policy , Defence are in the hands of centre.

However India allows every state /political parties to express their views and exercise their strengths, some times it looks like a chaos. But it is actually the strength of democracy.

India's foreign policy combined with diplomacy is a working well these days.

Ignore the trolls with Indian flags !
You are wrong...you don't have any idea what you are talking about. India existed since 5000 years, and all people co-existed since then. Across North to South and East to West, we have a unified culture that is distinctly 'Indian'.

Here comes Lucaaaaaaaa! My favorite poster.
@farhan_9909 All land East of the Indus is India historically:
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. In my opinion, South India should have been one country and North India along with some provinces of Pakistan should have been another and the tribal areas of Pakistan should have been handed over to Afghanistan.

Partition happened because there was a demand for it. On religious grounds. There was no demand for S.India to be a separate country as a whole. The concept of India as a entity (from east of the Indus) is pretty ancient. Contrary to your view, there didn't need to be a lot of convincing for most states in India to be a part of the Indian union. The concept of India today as a nation is much stronger than at any time in history.
-- My PoV

ur region was an Economic power throughout our rich history. According to some Economists if we were able calculated the GDP of Indian Subcontinent as a whole for the past 2000 years till the 17th century , it would be around a staggering 25% of the world GDP. But the economic condition of South Asia today do not match it's past glory. So what happened ? May be we could give some historic reasons. We could argue that our region never had any Industrial revolution like that of Europe or we could point fingers at British for colonizing us and destroying our indigenous local Industry and never allowing us to develop. But what did we do during the last 70 years to progress, to make our ancestors who build this great civilization , who made this region of ours a great economic power maintained our economic superiority for thousands of years.

I really don't want to go more into the past, i'm writing this stuff up to have a positive discussion on what we can do from now on to emulate East Asian growth model or even better, to create a unique South Asian model of Economic growth for ourselves. Well there is a great ambiguity over what kind of model this would be, would it be a pure manufacturing driven growth which our Chinese members are so proud of. ( Well indeed they have every reason to be proud of it) or can our region be the Back office of the world , or we can be both ( it indeed sounds unachievable).We all know that there is no ready made solutions but i what to discuss here are the steps that us South Asian countries should take to become developed economically, politically & socially.

What's Keeping our region backward

But a common question that arises in our mind is what the hell is keeping us backward, what's that one reason stopping us from our march forward into the future ? Well let me be honest with you guys, actually i don't really know. So let me give out some reasons which i feel is true ( actually it might not be even relevant at all). But please bear with me my dear PDF friends.

Partition of India and Pakistan

Well one would wonder how Partition of India is related to this Economic revival thread of mine. But i think it's somehow related. I think many of you would be surprised with the Sub title - "Partition of India and Pakistan". I put it that way to support the perspective of our Pakistani friends that Pakistan by itself has a unique identity and it's not just a Muslim part of India. Some of our Indians brothers have some problem to accept this very basic fact. Well see there are many psychological problems arising from this event which turned really horrific. But don't have that kind of time to list more psychological problems arising from this very event. All I i want to say is these physiological factor the discussion made by both governments on economic front.

Wars & Proxy wars
Well it's a well known fact that you can't have a sound economic growth & trade in a region filled with conflicts , violence & turmoil.And this being a defense forum , i don't think that here is much to discuss about all hostilities between biggest of two South Asian nations - including all the proxy wars still going on.

Are Socialist/Communists to be blamed
India the biggest of SA nation tried to ape the economic model of the Great Soviet Union including it's landmark 5 year plan. And it failed miserably. Ahh .. I know many here on PDF would disagree on that and say something like it was a necessary evil to protect our vulnerable work force.
But we need to give credit to Pakistan (East & West) for not falling into this trap. During the early period of independence they were actually on the right track in the field of economic growth.

South Asians are neither Workaholics nor innovative
Saying South Asians are neither Workaholics or innovative would be a crude generalization. But what to do seeing our own people i feel it's true to some extend.

Trade Barriers
Our region is the least economically connected region and it's such a shame in this age of globalization.Like someone said no trade no development seems to hundred percent true. Well the graph below presents the pathetic condition of our region. I truly feel that together we could have achieved much better.

Vision less leaders
I guess i don't need to point out the obvious reason. We South Asian know know what kind of leaders we had in the past.

Our Way forward

No country can develop in isolation. We need to sort out our difference( both internal and external) and move ahead hand in hand, at-least in the economic front . I'm not saying that we should be best buddies but we must compromise. We must atleast become what China and Japan is today for the future of our region, for our own South Asia.

@levina @SrNair @SpArK @Armstrong @ito @Echo_419 @Color_Less_Sky @waz @Gibbs @SarthakGanguly @jamahir @rockstar08 @Koovie @Razia Sultana @IndoCarib @BDforever @bongbang @Oscar @thesolar65 @Rain Man @zip @LoveIcon @nair @IndoUS @Abingdonboy @Soumitra @Android @gslv @45'22'

All South Asians are welcome to make Positive suggestions on the topic.

Totally agree on most of your points.

However, I would not say that we lack innovative minds... I am convinced that we can produce globally competitive innovators and business men and women if we give them the kind of environment (politically, socially and of course economic) that allows people who thinks out of the box to prosper.

Thats naturally hard when you have ultra conservative dark age fundamentalists from all different religions running amok in India... thats why we see "Indians" like Satya Nadella and countless others prospering in counties which offer much better environments for them.

These idiots rather care about their religious influence on people and talk much about "morals" and "ethics" while they turn blind eyes on the hard issues which are holding the nation back.
Decentralization is the right way to rule India. Foreign policy , defence are in the hands of centre.

However India allows every state /political parties to express their views, some times it looks like a chaos. But it is actually the strength of democracy.

Ignore the trolls with Indian flags !

Domestic policies yes by all means.. but you have to agree when it comes to robust foreign policies and economic policies.. If regional interests supersedes national Interests you cant get anywhere.. Since we are talking about a South Asian economic power base.. Same argument goes for other countries but India matters more because of it's regional power status

And have to agree as the two main economies India Pakistan bilateral stabilization is a must if you need to go forward.. Without that it's a day dream
This 'Indianness' has become very strong in recent years. You will observe this if you live abroad. Indians are very proud to call themselves Indian abroad.
Yep, there many sources to support East of the Indus being India historically. Greeks mentioned this and the Chinese scholar mentioned the "Indies" being capped by mountains at the top and narrow at the South. This will bring pain to many Pakistanis like @DESERT FIGHTER and @farhan_9909 @Horus
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It's a bit offensive to us Indians when someone says that Southern & Northern part of India should have been a separate entity. We North , South , NE Indians equally love our country which is evident even from the discussion here on this forum.

I disagree. West Bengal even after being ruled by communists for 4 decades never had an impressive HDI. Kerala is an exception.

I fully agree with you on that. And it's a India specific problem.

Couldn't have said it in a much better way.
I said it with having to face backlash in mind. I am sorry to offend. That's just the way I see it because I noticed that there are so many differences and hostility among Northern and Southern states. If there is cooperation between many different groups instead of hostility, that is very good for India and the region. And again we should concentrate on the future prospects because we can't change the past.

Communism spread the wealth, that was only controlled by a limited number of elites in the country, among the general population. I should read what happened in West Bengal but in Sri Lanka, communism/socialism is one of the reason for the high HDI but at the same time, it held the economy back.
And honestly speaking @Lord Zen W.r.t to your:-"South Asians are neither Workaholics nor innovative"

I slightly disagree, our people can work hard & they can be innovative at times

But I feel we must change our education system which focuses heavily on rote-learning & memorising & not on understanding the concept itself..
& I feel that the lack of innovation within most Indians is because of this system & our schools which doesn't encourage questioning & creativity. It literally sucks the creativity out of us..

I remember that when I was at FIITJEE, many of my doubts went unanswered because they weren't problems & wouldn't come in any competitive exams. Add to that I already hated that place & slowly I lost my interest in subjects like Maths & Physics


I said it with having to face backlash in mind. I am sorry to offend. That's just the way I see it because I noticed that there are so many differences and hostility among Northern and Southern states. If there is cooperation between many different groups instead of hostility, that is very good for India and the region. And again we should concentrate on the future prospects because we can't change the past.

Communism spread the wealth, that was only controlled by a limited number of elites in the country, among the general population. I should read what happened in West Bengal but in Sri Lanka, communism/socialism is one of the reason for the high HDI but at the same time, it held the economy back.
What Hostility?? Can you please elaborate where you have seen such things
Domestic policies yes by all means.. but you have to agree when it comes to robust foreign policies and economic policies.. If regional interests supersedes national Interests you cant get anywhere.. Since we are talking about a South Asian economic power base.. Same argument goes for other countries but India matters more because of it's regional power status

And have to agree as the two main economies India Pakistan bilateral stabilization is a must if you need to go forward.. Without that it's a day dream

However i agree to some extent but not fully as all it means it will take us more time to develop if no future war happen.

It's simple notion if they stop us from trading from the land than we trade from the sea , In 20th century we focused too much on being land power but in reality India is a naval power.
Add to that point, South Asians are innovative but outside of South Asia. Countries in South Asia are just not properly designed to extract the benefits of skills of people.
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