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Making Pakistan giving nationality to Afghan is US plan

Citizenship to any afghan namak haram will be granted over my dead body.I will pick up my fathers Spas 12 combat shotgun and go to all afghan populated areas in Rawalpindi and Islamabad and shoot them one by one. Citizenship's cannot be granted to dead bodies ,this is the only way as a single individual Pakistani i can stop this non sense.In addition to above imran khan will lost a PTI voter forever.
As far as that humanity bull shit is concerned ,humanity only applies to humans not to sub humans.Those who are known for selling their women for money and thats culturally acceptable(at least thats not culturally acceptable in pakistan),those who are at each others throat since their inception,those who are the pioneers of bacha bazi,those are the world wide exporters of producers of opium and hence are responsible for destroying millions of lives,those who simply dont consider women equal and never involved them in any career and education simply do not fulfill the criteria of being a human being.
Now all low life pakistani afghan sympathizers may be thinking i am a racist but please do tell me what does the majority of afghanistan represent??Our majority of farmers grow wheat,fruit and vegetables to run this country and the afghan farmers grow opium and hashish to support themselves and the economy.The majority of pakistan involve pakistani women in all spheres of life and educate them but in Afghanistan its not considered normal for a woman to go to school or get out from the house to do a job.Here we take our mothers and sisters as a valuable family members and protect them at all costs and afghans simply sell them to the highest bidder(for marriage but actually thats prostitution) which is an insult of humanity.
In 8 out of 10 cases you will get a afghan who is simply not compatible with the pakistani values and pakistani way of life.And when a such a majority get a citizenship you know what will be the consequences.
Kudos mate....
We are ok to offer Citizenship to Bengalis but never to Afghans. IK should avoid some really contentious issues it can cost him is premiership. Send Afghan refugees back and seal the border.

Citizenship to any afghan namak haram will be granted over my dead body.I will pick up my fathers Spas 12 combat shotgun and go to all afghan populated areas in Rawalpindi and Islamabad and shoot them one by one. Citizenship's cannot be granted to dead bodies ,this is the only way as a single individual Pakistani i can stop this non sense.In addition to above imran khan will lost a PTI voter forever.
As far as that humanity bull shit is concerned ,humanity only applies to humans not to sub humans.Those who are known for selling their women for money and thats culturally acceptable(at least thats not culturally acceptable in pakistan),those who are at each others throat since their inception,those who are the pioneers of bacha bazi,those are the world wide exporters of producers of opium and hence are responsible for destroying millions of lives,those who simply dont consider women equal and never involved them in any career and education simply do not fulfill the criteria of being a human being.
Now all low life pakistani afghan sympathizers may be thinking i am a racist but please do tell me what does the majority of afghanistan represent??Our majority of farmers grow wheat,fruit and vegetables to run this country and the afghan farmers grow opium and hashish to support themselves and the economy.The majority of pakistan involve pakistani women in all spheres of life and educate them but in Afghanistan its not considered normal for a woman to go to school or get out from the house to do a job.Here we take our mothers and sisters as a valuable family members and protect them at all costs and afghans simply sell them to the highest bidder(for marriage but actually thats prostitution) which is an insult of humanity.
In 8 out of 10 cases you will get a afghan who is simply not compatible with the pakistani values and pakistani way of life.And when a such a majority get a citizenship you know what will be the consequences.

You are 100% correct and if IK remains presistent over this issue, then we as the people should cast him out. Nothing is more important to us than Pakistan and our values.
Most educated Afghans living in Pakistan still think that the land till Attock is theirs, don't expect much good here.
It has nothing to do with education level.

Absolutely nothing.

Does not Iblis know he is wrong?

It has everything to do with ARROGANCE.
We created reasons for those refugees to exist in the first place, and then we created reasons for them to stay
guilt complex
an obsession with the idea of having done wrong.
They came here asking for weapons to fight the Russians...Must be Pakistan's fault.

Then Hekmetyar and Massood fought each other and bombed Kabul...Must be Pakistan's fault.

Taliban took control, Taliban were Afghans, supported by a large Afghan population...Must be Pakistan's fault.

Americans bombed them...Must be Pakistan's fault.

Afghans kill each other...Must be Pakistan's fault coz coz coz they supported Hykmetyar and Talibanz.

Afghans take selfies with Taliban...Must be Pakistan's fault.

Russians bomb them ....Must be Pakistan's fault.
Americans bomb them...Must be Pakistan's fault.
They bomb each other...Must be Pakistan's fault.
Their refugees suffer...Pakistan's responsible.
@Desert Fox @Nilgiri @django
And we are messed up and fucked up in every single way possible because we are far away from same Islamic values and principles and have the audacity to call ourselves Muslims and a nation while we are the worst of the hypocrites...
Islam doesn't teach you to be brain dead and allow a group in your country to act as fifth column.

What happened to Jewish tribes who stabbed ryasat e Median in the back? Their religion was not the reason why they were expelled/killed.

I have no problem with their race, but with their alligence. They hate Punjabis from the core of their hearts and that is not going to change when they get green IDs. The Baloch fear becoming a minority in their own land, they are not important but Pak-hating foreigners are?
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guilt complex
an obsession with the idea of having done wrong.

@Desert Fox @Nilgiri @django

Islam doesn't teach you to be brain dead and allow a group in your country to act as fifth column.

What happened to Jewish tribes who stabbed ryasat e Median in the back? Their religion was not the reason why they were expelled/killed.

I have no problem with their race, but with their alligence. They hate Punjabis from the core of their hearts and that is not going to change when they get green IDs. The Baloch fear becoming a minority in their own land, they are not important but Pak-hating foreigners are?
Islam encourages you to take care of your own families first, in the international context I believe we should try to improve the situation over here before we can make Afghanistan into Shangrila, our own folks our suffering from acute unemployment, with these Afghans constantly undercutting our youth no wonder their has been extreme resentment, in regards to the Benglerdeshis, these swines never faced any brutal military intervention by an atheist superpower nor any civil war, these folks are mere unashamed "chancers" who have not an iota of loyalty to the land of their own forefather yet some pseudo liberals expect them to love Sindhis and the rest of the historical Indus as if it is their own, how naive of these so -called liberals, when the day comes that their own daughters elope with these foreigners that will be the day they will be pulling their own hair out,,,will have no sympathy for them PERIOD.Kudos bro
Citizenship for Afghans, Bengalis opposed

September 21, 2018

PESHAWAR: Businessmen and traders on Thursday rejected the prime minister’s announcement for the grant of Pakistani citizenship to Afghan nationals living in the country for decades and warned that if the government made such a move, they would stop paying taxes and utility bills.

In separate statements, All Pakistan Commercial Exporters Association chairman Abdul Jalil, Peshawar Chamber of Small Traders and Small Industries senior vice president Haji Mamoor Khan and Markaz Tanzeem-i-Tajiran Khyber Pakhtunkhwa president Malik Mehr Ilahi urged the premier to withdraw announcement on citizenship for Afghans, Bengalis saying it has caused serious unrest among businessmen and traders.

Mr Jalil said the country had around four million Afghans and most of them lived in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where they completely controlled different businesses.

“These Afghan nationals are not paying any kind of tax and are in the habit of fleeing to own country whenever the Federal Board of Revenue or other tax collecting agency cracks down on tax evaders,” he said.

He said Pakistanis regularly paid taxes but didn’t get incentives.

Mr Mamoor said the premier had issued the citizenship statement without knowing ground realities.

“We (businessmen and traders) have been left with no option but to stop paying utility bills and taxes as the foreigners doing different businesses don’t pay taxes,” he warned.

Mr Ilahi said the grant of Pakistani citizenship to Afghans would turn the local population into a minority as the Afghan nationals had a majority in many areas, especially in markets.

He said various trader bodies of the province would hold a joint meeting after Ashura to take a unified stand on the matter.

“The traders of Peshawar have unanimously rejected the premier’s announcement on citizenship for Afghans,” he said.

The trader leader said Khyber Pakhtunkhwa had already suffered heavily due to militancy but the successive governments had never considered it serious to support the people affected by it.

He said instead of awarding citizenship to foreigners, the government should focus on the resolution of the problems of own tax-paying citizens.

Mr Ilahi said Afghans had controlled business in the country and if they were given citizenship, then the local traders won’t be able to do business.

He said before granting citizenship to Afghans, the government should seek proposals from stakeholders to make a decision in the best national interest.

Published in Dawn, September 21st, 2018
As a core supporter of PTI, IK will lose my vote if this stupidity continues. I am ok with Bengalis but never with this namak haram quom. Afghans need to be thrown out. Period.
Pakistan is a very confused nation. One hand the gov wishes to cater and foster the refugees, at the same time the ancestral home of Afghans Afghanistan has nothing but deep rooted hatred for Pakistan. So much hatred they would happily attack and kills us. Whilst Khan has emotional tantrums about the ungrateful Afghans poor Pakistanis are being attacked and murderd in Greece who have had to leave their native village in Pak for employment abroad to provide for their families.
If we can have Punjabis, Sindhis , Baluchis , Sikhs , Hindus, Shias, Christians, Ahmadis and Farsi as Pakistani citizens then why not Pathans/Afghans?

Because it is Pathan Afghan that opposed Pakistan and still does. In fact, Indian-funded Afghan-based Terrorist-outfit aka TTP is backed by majority of Pathan-Afghan.

Besides, Pathans from Afghanistan have their motherland and it is called Afghanistan. As for Punjabis, Sindhis, Baluchis and the rest of them, Pakistan is their only homes.
Because it is Pathan Afghan that opposed Pakistan and still does. In fact, Indian-funded Afghan-based Terrorist-outfit aka TTP is backed by majority of Pathan-Afghan.

Besides, Pathans from Afghanistan have their motherland and it is called Afghanistan. As for Punjabis, Sindhis, Baluchis and the rest of them, Pakistan is their only homes.
UK has taken in 5 Million Muslims, 3 Million Indians and most recently 4 million Eastern Europeans; so why can't we accept a few million hard working Afghans? Maybe the natives in Pakistan feel threatened because the Afghans are too competitive?
UK has taken in 5 Million Muslims, 3 Million Indians and most recently 4 million Eastern Europeans; so why can't we accept a few million hard working Afghans? Maybe the natives in Pakistan feel threatened because the Afghans are too competitive?

Pakistan has housed more than 4 million Afghanis that have been involved in mass scale of terrorism, criminal network funding from the drug to the prostitution and even human trafficking. Even to the point, they have similar background in the rest of the world like Dubai, Turkey, Iran and many more but the only different is that they use Pakistan passport to defame Pakistan worldwide.
Pakistan has housed more than 4 million Afghanis that have been involved in mass scale of terrorism, criminal network funding from the drug to the prostitution and even human trafficking. Even to the point, they have similar background in the rest of the world like Dubai, Turkey, Iran and many more but the only different is that they use Pakistan passport to defame Pakistan worldwide.

You are just stereotyping , scaremongering and disparaging. The likes of Pakistan gov officials have done more damage to Pakistan than these few terrorists will do in 10 generations.
You are just stereotyping , scaremongering and disparaging. The likes of Pakistan gov officials have done more damage to Pakistan than these few terrorists will do in 10 generations.

I am not stereotyping. Ever since 80s in mass migration, the economy of Pakistan took heavy fall. Now Pakistan is busy cleaning Indian-funded Afghan-based Terrorist-outfit aka TTP that is responsible for more than 100,000 death including children and women. Those TTP origins are backed by Pathan Afghans.

Stereotyping would be lumping Pathan Afghans with Pakistani Pathans. But that is not the case here. Pakistani Pathans are born and bred in Pakistan and loyal to Pakistan. Whereas for Afghani Pathans, they are traitors who bites the hand that feeds them.
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