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Making Pakistan giving nationality to Afghan is US plan

I am not stereotyping. Ever since 80s in mass migration, the economy of Pakistan took heavy fall. Now Pakistan is busy cleaning Indian-funded Afghan-based Terrorist-outfit aka TTP that is responsible for more than 100,000 death including children and women. Those TTP origins are backed by Pathan Afghans.
No they are not, they are backed by the Hindjews: " Those TTP origins are backed by Pathan Afghans."
No they are not, they are backed by the Hindjews: " Those TTP origins are backed by Pathan Afghans."

Hindjews? Are you telling me that Afghani Pathans are not responsible for terrorism through TTP in Pakistan?
Hindjews? Are you telling me that Afghani Pathans are not responsible for terrorism through TTP in Pakistan?
Their strategists and financiers are the hindjews. The Afghans and PAthans are just the foot soldiers brainwashed by the enemy.
Their strategists and financiers are the hindjews. The Afghans and PAthans are just the foot soldiers brainwashed by the enemy.

So the blame game is going to purge the action of Afghani Pathans that is responsible for more than 100,000 deaths including children and women?
Do not give Citizenship to rogue ethnic groups. Actually the Afghans would fit in better as compared with bangalis. But at same time no need to influx new dangerous populations in Pakistan specifically in direction from US. Later on they will be trigger to unfortunate consequences and accidents!!!
Sorry you are just "speculating". No role for this sort of "speculation" when thinking about national security(!)
He is a humanist. This is what people with a clean heart do, you can learn from this.

This is what western countries do. They take more and more refugees (Muslims and non Muslims) on humanitarian ground. They feed them, clothes them, provide free housing and integrate them in to the host society by providing them with language skills, job training, jobs, etc.

We can’t even bring stranded Pakistani from Bangladesh.
Our country and our people have so much potential but country have been hijacked by status quo.

Do not give Citizenship to rogue ethnic groups. Actually the Afghans would fit in better as compared with bangalis. But at same time no need to influx new dangerous populations in Pakistan specifically in direction from US. Later on they will be trigger to unfortunate consequences and accidents!!!

I also don’t agree on giving citizenship with out proper checks and balances and process of integration but your above statements are pure speculation and without any evidence. I am not convinced by your theory.

Pakistan has housed more than 4 million Afghanis that have been involved in mass scale of terrorism, criminal network funding from the drug to the prostitution and even human trafficking. Even to the point, they have similar background in the rest of the world like Dubai, Turkey, Iran and many more but the only different is that they use Pakistan passport to defame Pakistan worldwide.

lol even those under 5 years old?

Mass scale of terrorism?
What about target killing by PPP and MQM?
200 to 300 people deing everyday.
Can this be considered “mass scale of Terrorism”

“Criminal network”?
Zardari and PPP goons killed, did extortion, money laundering. Can this be considered ‭”Criminal network?

Drugs and Prostitution?
Some Afghan may have involved in bachaBazi in Afghanistan. I think BBC have done documentaries on that subject. I have heard them promoting or involve in prostitution. Some Afghan may have been involved in Drug trafficking and violence but they are not the only one.
Even Some in the Army are also involved in drug smuggling. Why don’t you do a charge sheet against them.

Majority of chaklas (Brothels) in Major cities run by mafia which is directly supported by our politicians. Human trafficking subject in Pakistan is already covered before, they are mainly punjabis and some Afghan agents.

Pakistani passport???
Afghan have Pakistani passport??? Then why we even discussing this topic???
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Why is this even being debated. We all know that Afghans will not be getting NIC due to the reasons discussed in the last joint meeting in Islamabad.
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