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Making Pakistan giving nationality to Afghan is US plan

Guys, Khan is very stubborn and he will not let it go away easily. I think the real plan of him is to do give nationality to Afghans...

Remember how US wanted Pakistan to don't send refugees back to Afghanistan.

There were Bosnian refugees in Pakistan few decades back. What peaceful and nice people they were. Pakistanis themselves would had advocated for granting them citizenship while on the other hand Afghans.....They have done nothing to win the trust of Pakistanis. Pashtuns suffered the most due to these ungrateful people. Karachi got drug business due to them.

Last time we did mistake is allowing these refugees under guise of humanity to spread all over Pakistan...Result is in front of everyone to see. No province, literally, is happy with them.

Another thing which I concluded from all the debate we had done for few days is that these Afghans have great great pride and arrogance. Just because you grant them Pakistani citizenship doesn't mean they'll become Pakistanis...The most funny thing will be that the same guys who are playing game with us - advocating for granting citizenship to Afghans, these same guys will be first to remind Pakistanis that don't go hard on Afghanistan as its ethnic citizens live in Pakistan who can cause great disturbance in own country - a warlike/insurgency kinda situation.

If haramis got citizenship - We will just hand over a leverage to Afghan government and foreign agencies to destabilize us big time - Enemy is still doing though.

They call Punjabis "Dalkhor" and other nonsense stuff. They lay claim to almost half of our country. They try to divide Pakistanis - how? They pose themselves as Pakistani Pashtuns and start badmouthing Punjabis hence sowing ethnic seeds in Pakistan.

All those Afghan refugees who are born and bred in Pakistan - even they hate and spit venom against Pakistan. Hamid Karzai? who lived his life in Pakistan as a refugee yet bark against Pakistan? ring any bells?

Former Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai 'welcomes' Trump's Pakistan threat


So, what is the guarantee that they'll become loyal and good citizens of country once granted citizenship? Instead they'll become more rude and arrogant. They will start supporting Pashteen aka PTM dogs. Manzor Pashteen will have hundreds of thousand of followers - a nightmare scenario for our agencies. PTM turned out to be very clever.

They put blame on establishment as if establishment wanted to grant citizenship to Afghans, making establishment think that if PTM is opposing this process then it'll be good idea to grant citizenship to Afghans. A clever play of PTM. They desperately want that to happen as it will provide them and achakzai unlimited number of followers and then when they come on streets, western media will portray it as Pakistani Pashtuns protesting against Pakistan and army. The game which western media recently played as well.

Manzoor Pashteen: The young tribesman rattling Pakistan's army


They are called namak haram for a reason. They will never respect Pakistanis as they think of us being their slaves throughout centuries and they themselves being very proud race.

Khan is playing a very dangerous game, knowingly or unknowingly. We should not gamble and put our future generations in difficulty.

When you don't acknowledge your own worth and start appeasing every tom dick or harry, trust me, it invites more enemies....The many Afghans will start moving towards Pakistan as soon as they hear that Pakistan is granting them citizenship.

Humanity is just one factor but it is heavily outgunned by other unsolved variables. Who says we can't send them back? We have sent them back and process is still going on albeit in slow manner....Everything was going fine, we were repatriating refugees and then Khan appeared out of nowhere and played into hands of enemy.

Can anyone remember? When Chaudhry Nisar once said that US is pressurizing Pakistan to not send refugees back? link of it? anyone has?

Provinces and LEAs need to fight back this decision tooth and nail....Khan is asking for suggestions, give him......ASK HIM TO SEND REFUGEES BACK. NOTHING SHORT OF THAT. PERIOD.

@Kabira @Zibago @Maarkhoor @SecularNationalist @TMA

So basically IK is acting as stooge of US establishment .... Real tabdeeli .... From US and Saudi stooge NS to IK...
If we have differences with them then we should Iron them out. Those we hurt will see us their enemies but vast majority are loyal and friendly to Pakistan.
Loyal.? Are you being sarcastic?

Just imagine there is battle between Pakistani forces and Afghan forces Afghanistan he border? Where will their loyalties lie?
Will the condemn the action of Afghanistan when she refused to accept Pakistan back on the day? Will the condemn the ethnic meddling they started?

Mind you I don't the refugees. They adghanstggressionction The just looking out for their interests.
I mind Pakistanis who want to mess up their people in the naive and misguided attempt at trying to win loyalty.

Money does not buy love. Passports do not buy loyalty.
So basically IK is acting as stooge of US establishment .... Real tabdeeli .... From US and Saudi stooge NS to IK...

He is a humanist. This is what people with a clean heart do, you can learn from this.
They are already spread from 30 years, and crime ratio will decrease if we give them nationality . Even few of them already managed to get Nadra IDs in some ways.
He is a humanist. This is what people with a clean heart do, you can learn from this.
But naive and misguided.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions....
He ought to be humanist for Pakistanis...

And you know where this "humanist" game leads to .....?
But naive and misguided.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions....
He ought to be humanist for Pakistanis...

And you know where this "humanist" game leads to .....?

Just be happy there is a PM who cares about the people. Easy to take care of the rest.
No it is the Islamic way, they way of our prophet (PBUH).
Niether Islam nor the Prophet(pbuh) ever told to feed milk to a snake, there is jazba e ansar and then there is sheer supidity, learn to differentiate between the two and meanwhile ponder on what happened to the jews of medina when they betrayed the muslims. These very Afghans closed the border during partition and let thousands of muslims on the way to Pakistan die of hunger n thirst and when it was our time we opened our doors for these vermin, let them in our home, shared our food with them and they thanked us by drugs, crime and suicide bombings.
My dear Afghan Pakistanies ;).looking forward to see you fill up important positions ,and continue our friendship.
How many advocate the same solution for Syrian refugees in Europe? That's sending them back and bombing them?

These very Afghans closed the border during partition and let thousands of muslims on the way to Pakistan
Which Muslim coming from India crossed the Afghan border?

My dear Afghan Pakistanies ;).looking forward to see you fill up important positions ,and continue our friendship.
Afghanis will make you remember Mumbai again hopefully.
Guys, Khan is very stubborn and he will not let it go away easily. I think the real plan of him is to do give nationality to Afghans...

Remember how US wanted Pakistan to don't send refugees back to Afghanistan.

There were Bosnian refugees in Pakistan few decades back. What peaceful and nice people they were. Pakistanis themselves would had advocated for granting them citizenship while on the other hand Afghans.....They have done nothing to win the trust of Pakistanis. Pashtuns suffered the most due to these ungrateful people. Karachi got drug business due to them.

Last time we did mistake is allowing these refugees under guise of humanity to spread all over Pakistan...Result is in front of everyone to see. No province, literally, is happy with them.

Another thing which I concluded from all the debate we had done for few days is that these Afghans have great great pride and arrogance. Just because you grant them Pakistani citizenship doesn't mean they'll become Pakistanis...The most funny thing will be that the same guys who are playing game with us - advocating for granting citizenship to Afghans, these same guys will be first to remind Pakistanis that don't go hard on Afghanistan as its ethnic citizens live in Pakistan who can cause great disturbance in own country - a warlike/insurgency kinda situation.

If haramis got citizenship - We will just hand over a leverage to Afghan government and foreign agencies to destabilize us big time - Enemy is still doing though.

They call Punjabis "Dalkhor" and other nonsense stuff. They lay claim to almost half of our country. They try to divide Pakistanis - how? They pose themselves as Pakistani Pashtuns and start badmouthing Punjabis hence sowing ethnic seeds in Pakistan.

All those Afghan refugees who are born and bred in Pakistan - even they hate and spit venom against Pakistan. Hamid Karzai? who lived his life in Pakistan as a refugee yet bark against Pakistan? ring any bells?

Former Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai 'welcomes' Trump's Pakistan threat


So, what is the guarantee that they'll become loyal and good citizens of country once granted citizenship? Instead they'll become more rude and arrogant. They will start supporting Pashteen aka PTM dogs. Manzor Pashteen will have hundreds of thousand of followers - a nightmare scenario for our agencies. PTM turned out to be very clever.

They put blame on establishment as if establishment wanted to grant citizenship to Afghans, making establishment think that if PTM is opposing this process then it'll be good idea to grant citizenship to Afghans. A clever play of PTM. They desperately want that to happen as it will provide them and achakzai unlimited number of followers and then when they come on streets, western media will portray it as Pakistani Pashtuns protesting against Pakistan and army. The game which western media recently played as well.

Manzoor Pashteen: The young tribesman rattling Pakistan's army


They are called namak haram for a reason. They will never respect Pakistanis as they think of us being their slaves throughout centuries and they themselves being very proud race.

Khan is playing a very dangerous game, knowingly or unknowingly. We should not gamble and put our future generations in difficulty.

When you don't acknowledge your own worth and start appeasing every tom dick or harry, trust me, it invites more enemies....The many Afghans will start moving towards Pakistan as soon as they hear that Pakistan is granting them citizenship.

Humanity is just one factor but it is heavily outgunned by other unsolved variables. Who says we can't send them back? We have sent them back and process is still going on albeit in slow manner....Everything was going fine, we were repatriating refugees and then Khan appeared out of nowhere and played into hands of enemy.

Can anyone remember? When Chaudhry Nisar once said that US is pressurizing Pakistan to not send refugees back? link of it? anyone has?

Provinces and LEAs need to fight back this decision tooth and nail....Khan is asking for suggestions, give him......ASK HIM TO SEND REFUGEES BACK. NOTHING SHORT OF THAT. PERIOD.

@Kabira @Zibago @Maarkhoor @SecularNationalist @TMA
cant say more .you nailed it

Yup Yahudi laabby and Amreeka have been conspiring to get this done. They know very well that the Afgan's who've been living in Pakistan for 30+ years without having destroyed Pakistan will suddenly all turn into suicide bombers the moment they are granted citizenship.

This thread feels so strange to read.

There was a guy near where I live who was found out to be a bomb maker. He supplied most of the bombs in punjab during the days of increased terrorism. He was a punjabi and a teacher.

Point is that people are putting the whole burden of the 80k+ casualties on Afgan refugees when in reality most of the ones doing the bombing and such were Pakistanis. The actual financiers and planners were foreigners not refugees.

The way everyone seems to be hating on the Afghan refugees, one would think that all the ills faced by Pakistan are rooted in these displaced people - nay vermin to many.

It's like the Afgan refugees have been systematically destroying Pakistan's economy and society and not the locals.

What I find even more amazing and amusing is the Pakistanis who themselves have moved abroad for better opportunities seem to be so hateful towards these people. When the natives from their host countries talk like this about them they don't like it yet when it comes to Afgans whose nation has been in a state of perpetual war for decades, these same are so unsympathetic.


This thread could be from a KKK or BNP forum with names changed. The only difference would be that than the ones making these accusations would become the accused.

Yup Yahudi laabby and Amreeka have been conspiring to get this done. They know very well that the Afgan's who've been living in Pakistan for 30+ years without having destroyed Pakistan will suddenly all turn into suicide bombers the moment they are granted citizenship.

This thread feels so strange to read.

There was a guy near where I live who was found out to be a bomb maker. He supplied most of the bombs in punjab during the days of increased terrorism. He was a punjabi and a teacher.

Point is that people are putting the whole burden of the 80k+ casualties on Afgan refugees when in reality most of the ones doing the bombing and such were Pakistanis. The actual financiers and planners were foreigners not refugees.

The way everyone seems to be hating on the Afghan refugees, one would think that all the ills faced by Pakistan are rooted in these displaced people - nay vermin to many.

It's like the Afgan refugees have been systematically destroying Pakistan's economy and society and not the locals.

What I find even more amazing and amusing is the Pakistanis who themselves have moved abroad for better opportunities seem to be so hateful towards these people. When the natives from their host countries talk like this about them they don't like it yet when it comes to Afgans whose nation has been in a state of perpetual war for decades, these same are so unsympathetic.


This thread could be from a KKK or BNP forum with names changed. The only difference would be that than the ones making these accusations would become the accused.
Great post. It's people who have issues in their lives but don't want to take responsibility.

Was Nawaz Sharif Afghan? Was Zardari Afghan? They've caused the most harm to this nation.
Pakistan is big enough for all, it is bigger in size than France, UK and Spain yet has a equivalent population. Those Afghans who are in Pakistan let them be. We should absorb them and help them get established into main stream society.

They are disloyal namak harams who give no loyalty to PAKISTAN

Why should we help our enemies?
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